The Complete Genei Jin Thread

Ok so here’s the deal
the other thread got too long and there hasnt been any updates in the first post for a while, so I decide to create a new thread, a bit more organized since the other one is 20 pages already :S
Getting started

heres a quote from the other thread started by Cano2k (thanks) bout basic genei jin info

Now, some of the combos might include a Kara Palm
before you ask what is this
heres a link to the Kara Palm thread
The elusive kara palm

some other combos might include a Kara fierce
its done by pressing st strong, and the inmediatly the fierce button (it can be forward fierce too)

Now Combos:

These are done in the corner after a succesful Jab/Short/Strong Chain

Combos marked with a * are J.D’s personal favorite option for vs

Shotos (Akuma, Ryu, Ken And Sean)
*st. strong, f+fierce, F+MK x2, Palm, F+MKx2, Palm, DP + RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Jab Dash Punch (you can do a kara lunge just in case)

st. strong, F+fierce, Kara Palm x5, DP+RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Jab Dash Punch

st. strong, f+fierce, F+MK x2, Palm, F+MKx2, Palm, DP + RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Kara Dash Punch

st. strong, f+fierce, F+MK ,st strong, Palm, F+MK, st strong, Palm, DP + RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Kara Dash Punch

*st. strong, f+fierce, F+MK x2, Palm, F+MKx2, Palm, DP + RH, Jab Shoulder, walk up a little, cr. Strong, short dragonkicks

*st. strong, f+fierce, F+MK, st strong, Palm, F+MK, st strong, Palm, DP + RH, Jab Shoulder, walk up a little, cr. Strong, short dragonkicks

*st strong, forward+fierce, hop kick 2x, st fierce, hop kick 3x, st fierce, genei jin ends, then fierce shoulder to fierce lunge punch

st strong, forward+fierce, hop kick 2x, st fierce, hop kick 3x, st far away forward, genei jin ends, then medium shoulder, walk up cr strong x short dragon kick.

(Most damaging) st strong, forward+fierce, hop kick 2x, walk a little, st strong, Palm, hop kick 2x, medium sholder, genei jin ends, medium sholder, walk up cr strong x short dragon kick

st strong, f+fierce, hop kick, st fierce, hop kick x3, st fierce, fierce dash punch, genei jin ends, jab shoulder (switch sides), forward fierce (switch sides again), st fierce

The first one is actually more damaging than the second one
Nitto’s copyright

Chun Li
*st. strong, f+fierce, F+MK x2, Palm, F+MKx2, Palm, DP + RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Jab Dash Punch (you can try a MP lunge against her too)

st. strong, F+fierce, F+MK, Palm, F+MK, Palm, F+mk, Palm, DP+RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Jab Dash Punch

st. strong, F+fierce, F+MK, Palm, Kara Palm 4x, DP+RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Jab/medium Dash Punch

St strong + Forward fierce Hop kick 2x Palm Hop kick 2x Palm Rh Dragon Kick
Genei Jin ends. Jab shoulder Fierce Palm Rh Dragon Kicks (hits twice)

The second one is more damagin since is includes 3 plams but the first one is “safer”, Ive seen K.O use the first one most of the time
Actually, I’ve never seen him use the second variation against her :sweat:
The Kara Palms Version is just flashy

**Necro/Elena **
*st. strong, F+fierce, F+MK, Palm, F+MK, Palm, F+mk, Palm, DP+RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Jab Dash Punch(You can try MP dash punch vs them also)

*st. strong, F+fierce, F+MK, Palm, F+MK, Palm, F+mk, Palm, DP+RH, Jab Shoulder, F+Fierce, Jab Dash Punch, f+hp, walk Palm x5, dp+hk, dp+lp, f+hp, qcf+lp

St. Strong, F+fierce, F+mk, walk up palm x4, DP+RH, Jab shoulder,F+fierce,Jab dash punch

**Yun/Yang/Ibuki **
St. Strong, F+Fierce, F+MK x2, St. fierce, F+mk x3, St. fierce canceled into DP+RH very quickly, DP + MP, walk up c. strong cancelled into short dragokicks

*St. Strong , F+Fierce, F+Mk x2, St strong, walk a little, Palm, F+Mk, F+ Fierce, medium dash punch, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

*St. Strong , F+Fierce, F+Mk x2, St strong, walk a little, Palm, F+Mk x2, St Fierce, Genei Jin ends, Fierce Shoulder, Fierce Dash Punch (this one is the best for ibuki)

St. Strong, F+Fierce, F+MK x2, Palm, F+mk x2, palm, DP+RH, jab shoulder, f+fierce, Kara jab dash punch

*st. strong, F+Fierce, F+MK x2,palm, f+mk x2, palm, DP+RH, jab shoulder, walk up c. strong into short upkicks(both hits connect) Then gives you time to taunt to power up without Urien doing anything to you even if he safe falls.
A little detail in here, you CANNOT taunt if only one kick connects (from the dragon kicks), taunting there would be like screaming FUCK ME IN THE ASS

St. strong, F+fierce, F+mk x2, Palm, F+MK x2, Palm, MP Dash Punch, Jab shoulder(Side Switch), F+Fierce(Another Side Switch), walk up c. strong into short upkicks(1 hit connects) DONT TAUNT after this one

The third one is more damaging but I think the second one is the safest, plus it gives a lot of meter, the first one is close in damage to the third one but if you ask me Im not consistent hitting the Kara lunge, I think the second one is the best option

*St. Strong, F+Fierce, F+MK x2, Palm, F+mk x2, palm, DP+RH, jab shoulder, f+fierce, Kara jab dash punch

Conecting the palms requires a little timing, so is the ending
you can atually replace the second hop kick before the palm for a st strong for an easier version

st strong, forward+fierce, hop kick 2x, st fierce, hop kick 3x, st far away forward, genei-jin ends, then medium shoulder tackle, walk up cr strong x short dragon kick.

*st strong, forward+fierce, hop kick 2x, st fierce, hop kick 2x, st fierce, Fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up cr strong x short dragon kick

st strong, forward+fierce, hop kick, st strong, walk a little, Palm, hop kick 2X, st fierce, Fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up a little, walk up a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

I saw this other variation on a weird video on the other thread
looks really flashy but is not too damaging

(st strong, roundhouse) x6, st strong, medium shoulder (requires timing), genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up cr strong x short dragon kicks

**Alex **

St Strong, St Roundhouse, (St Roundhouse, Palm) x3, Kara Palm, feirce lunge, ending

*st strong, roundhouse, Palm, hop kick, walk up a little, roundhouse, palm, walk up a little, roundhouse, palm, fierce lunge punch, genei jin ends, jab shoulder (switch sides), cr strong x short dragon kicks

Now bout the ending
this is the one I use since I consider it the safest, you can also do these two once the Genei Jin ends

jab shoulder (switch sides), forward fierce (switch sides again), cr. roundhouse, st round house
or crounchin forward to short dragon kicks (after the forward fierce to switch sides for the second time) or just st fierce

it really depends on the way alex is falling, use my version if you dont feel like having that problem :lovin:

St Strong, St Roundhouse, (St Roundhouse, Palm) x3, Kara Palm, feirce lunge, ending

st strong, roundhouse, Palm, hop kick, walk up a little, roundhouse, palm, walk up a little, roundhouse, palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, medium shoulder (switch sides) cr strong to short dragon kicks

*st. strong, F+fierce, F+MK, Palm, F+MK, Palm, F+mk, Palm, fierce lunge, jas shoulder (switch sides), Forward fierce (switch sides again), kara jab lunge

st strong, forward+fierce, hop kick 2x, st fierce, hop kick 2x, st fierce, Fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward fierce, kara jab lunge

*st strong, forward+fierce, hop kick 2x, walk a little, st strong, Palm, hop kick 2x, medium sholder, genei jin ends, medium sholder, forward fierce, kara jab lunge

Midscreen Genei Jins

Now, these were perfomed ater a succesful Jab/Short/Strong Chain on the corner
now lets see some mid screen Genei Jins

if you are just way too far from the corner
you can do this, it works against anyone

st strong, medium sholder, now make fierce shoulders till you get to the corner, where you must do it medium again, once genei jin ends, connect their ending (wich you can find in the genei jin list above)

or this

st strong x strong shoulder tackle, dash, st strong, hop kick, hop kick, and juggle them to the corner accordingly. (thanks to pyrolee for this one)

If you are not too far from the corner, but yet far enough for the hop kick not to connect you can do this

Shotos (Akuma, Ryu, Ken, Sean)
St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+ fierce, jab dash punch (you can do it kara just in case)

st strong, f+ fierce, Kara forward fierce, hop kick 2x, palm, hop kick 2x, st far away forward, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward+ fierce, kara jab lunge punch

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch

(While opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, fierce lunge punch (requires timing), hop kick 2x, standing fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward fierce, kara jab dash punch

(While opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr. short x4, st, fierce, fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, Kara Palm, DP + Round house, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, forward fierce, kara jab dash punch

(While opponent is crouchin)
cr.strong, st.fierce, fierce lunge punch, cr.strong x3, st.fierce, fierce lunge punch, cr strong x3, cr.forward, forward + fierce, fierce lunge punch, st.forward, K.O finisher

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+ fierce, jab dash punch (you can do it kara just in case)

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 2x, st strong, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+ fierce, jab dash punch (you can do it kara just in case)

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, walk up, crouching strong to short dragon kicks

st strong, f+ fierce, Kara forward fierce, hop kick 2x, palm, hop kick 2x, st far away forward, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward+ fierce, kara jab lunge punch

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, walk a little, cr.strong to short dragon kicks

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, st fierce, wait a little, meidum shoulder (2 hits), genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up a little, crouchin strong to short dragon kicks

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, st fierce, fierce dash punch, genei jin ends, jab shoulder (switch sides), now at this point you can do two things
either cr strong to short dragon kicks, or forward fierce (switch sides again), st fierce , you can also change the st fierce for cr. roundhouse, st. roundhouse it really depends on the way dudley bounces

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick X2, St far away Forward, Genei Jin ends, Medium shoulder, walk a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

Chun Li
St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+ fierce, jab dash punch (you can do it kara just in case)

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick , Palm, hop kick, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+ fierce, jab dash punch (you can do it kara just in case)

st strong, f+ fierce, Kara forward fierce, hop kick 2x, palm, hop kick 2x, st far away forward, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward+ fierce, kara jab lunge punch

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch (you can try MP lunge against her too)

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick , Palm, hop kick, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+ fierce, jab dash punch (you can do it kara just in case)

(While opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, fierce lunge punch (requires timing), hop kick 2x, standing fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward fierce, kara jab dash punch (Only for necro and elena)

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch (you can try mp lunge against her too)

**Yun/Yang/Ibuki **
St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, st fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, fierce lunge punch

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, st fierce cancelled into DP + Roundhouse very quickly, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, forward fierce, medium dash punch, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, f+Fierce, jab lunge, genei jin ends, Medium shoulder, walk a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

(While opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, fierce lunge punch (requires timing), hop kick 2x, standing fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward fierce, kara jab dash punch

(While opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, fierce lunge punch (requires timing), hop kick 2x, F+fierce, medium dash punch, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up a little, cr, strong to short dragon kicks

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+ fierce, Kara jab dash punch

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, walk up a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, walk a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 2x, st strong, Palm, DP + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+ fierce, Kara jab dash punch

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch

(While opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, fierce lunge punch (requires timing), hop kick 2x, standing fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward fierce, kara jab dash punch

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, st fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up a little, crouchin strong to short dragon kicks

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, st fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

(while opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, fierce lunge punch (requires timing), hop kick 2x, standing fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, walk up a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm,walk up a little, Roundhouse, Palm, walk up a little, Roundhouse, Palm, fierce lunge punch, Ending (disccused in the corner combos part)

St strong, st roundhouse, Kara st fierce, medium lunge punch, hop kick, Palm, Roundhouse, Palm, fierce lunge punch, Ending

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, st roundhouse, Palm, Fierce lunge, Ending

(While opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, fierce lunge punch (requires timing), s.rh, palm, Fierce lunge punch, Ending

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm,walk up a little, Roundhouse, Palm, walk up a little, Roundhouse, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, cr strong to short dragon kicks

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch

St strong, f+ fierce, fierce lunge, Palm, Hop kick 3x, st fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward fierce, Kara Jab lunge punch

(While Yun is cornered)
St strong, St fierce, Medium shoulder, Medium Lunge, Palm, Wait a little, Fierce Lunge, Hop kick, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch

(while opponent is crouchin)
cr strong, st fierce, Fierce lunge punch, cr short, Palm, fierce lunge punch (requires timing), hop kick 2x, standing fierce, fierce shoulder, genei jin ends, medium shoulder, forward fierce, kara jab dash punch

Some Other Yun Notes

In this section you might other useful Genei Jin Stuff

The K.O Finisher

Now everyone’s been talkin bout this lately
the K.O finisher was invented (like its name indicates) by K.O (the best yun in japan IMO), and its goal is to gain bout half meter (an ex bar) at the genei jin ending
as you might be able to see above, every char specific combo has its own ending

The K.O finisher is an ending that works only on Shotos, Makoto and Chun Li
as you know, their genei jins end like this

Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, Jab shoulder, forward fierce, Kara Jab Dash Punch

K.O Finisher is another varitation at the ending and its like this

st strong or any lunge punch (you can use both options), walk a little, s.forward, input palm, genei jin ends, Palm Hits, jab shoulder, forward fierce, Kara lunge punch (it MUST be kara)
(Thanks to CB for the correction)

if you did it correctly you should have bout 50% of your meter back
Actually, if you make a cross up dive kick, 3 hits chain, and jab shoulder after you made the K.O finisher, you should have a new Genei Jin even if its blocked

its kinda dificult to hit the jab shoulder after the palm against Chun and Makoto, so just to play safe, dont use the shoulder
just, Palm, Forward fierce, Kara Jab Dash Punch

The K.O finisher has a lot of set ups, like this

123 XX GJ,, f+hp, hop x2, Palm, hop, s.hp, qcf+mp,, KO finish (thanks Das_Lynx)


st strong, forward fierce, Hop X2, Plam, Hop X2, walk a little, St strong, walk a little, st forward, K.O finisher

yeah they are all good but still, I dont consider the K.O finisher to be very practical
Why?, well, not only because its hard, but because it make sa great damage reduction and you dont really want to miss damage against chun or makoto do you?

“Damage is Genei Jins Goal” - Pyrolee

if you a have a clear Genei Jin, you should stick to their normal combos
the K.O finisher comes in handy whenever you make a reset or something
I saw pyro post this K.O finisher set up somewhere

(While opponent is blocking)
Jab, Short, Strong, Activate Genei Jin, Command grab, medium dragon kicks, Medium shoulder (switch sides), Jump Roundhouse, Reset, Fierce Lunge, St Forward, K.O Finish

Now this is a nice way to land it since you’re not loosing damage cause its a reset
K.O finisher is a nice Genei Jin Tool, use it wisely.

Genei Jin Resets

Now, what is this?, A reset is as its name says is reseting the hit count in order to start damage from point zero.
as you know, some moves cause a lot damage reduction
let see this nice example

If you make a normal Genei Jin against shotos in the corner a fter a jab short strong hit chain, you nice 96 points of damage (if its complete), but if you do it after a jab short strong, jab shoulder hit chain, you get 60 something :S
Heres when a reset comes in handy

You may also know that an opponent in the air cant block, they MUST parry
so here are some Yun resets


These are done in the corner after a succesful Jab/Short/Strong Chain

st strong, forward fierce, Fierce lunge punch, UOH (universal over head, Strong + Forward), Reset, Walk a little, st strong, hop kick, st fierce, fierce lunge punch, st forward, K.O finisher

st strong, forward fierce, Fierce lunge punch, UOH (universal over head, Strong + Forward), Reset, Walk a little, st strong, hop kick, hop kick, DP + Roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara jab dash punch

st strong, f.feirce, hopkickx2, palm, s.feirce, jump forward, land, s.strong, s.forward, genei jin ends, K.O finisher

st strong, f. fierce, Hop X2, st fierce, jump forward, land, st strong, hop kick, palm, dp + roundhouse, genei jin ends, jab shoulder, forward fierce, kara jab lunge

I Will Keep udating this section as soon as I get new info ok, If you have some resets post them and they will be here

ALL this information was compiled from the other thread and some stuff of my own, Feel free to add anything, Ill keep updating the first post
thanks to everyone, specially to cano2k for having the idea of a complete GJ thread

Special Thanks:
BIlly Kane
Lord Sharky

Ok done for now.

Command Grab Follow Ups

Ok Now
People’s been asking about this
so lets get this started

what do you do after a command grab (while in genei jin of course)?
easy answer: you improvise

seriously, there is nothing left to do but to improvise.
there are no exact words, or exact things you must do after a command grab
if you dont believe me, I want you to check any Yun video (from a good yun player of course).

when they conect a commad grab, do you think they all do this little “something” they must do, of course not, its all about improvising

Ok, before you ask, it is not that hard to improvise whenever you get experience doing all this combos written above
once you know how to handle all of them, you will know how many hits are left on your bar and how to connect a nice ending

but yeah, here are some tips and things you must know to follow up a command grab nicely, but remember, what you do depends on what part of the screen you are, and how much meter you have left, always have this present
now, some stuff you must know

1- As you know , Genei Jin is mostly about juggles, so after a command grab you must get your opponent in the air, how do you do this?, lets start with the basic Medium dragonkicks (DP + Forward), it works against everyone besides Elena.
once you hit the dragon kicks, your opponent should be in the air
start improvising

2- Another tip:
Yun is at his best when your opponent is on the corner , actually, even juggles are more damaging while in the corner cause you can connect a GJ ender, wich is a huge plus (Damage)
so, lets say your opponent is cornered and you connect a commad grab
now you’re cornered, its really hard to juggle them all the way to the other corner

so what do you do? : Medium shoulder (after the dragon kicks of course)
a well timed medium shoulder shall switch sides cornering your opponent and giving you a nice position to improvise, you can go from a palm to a hop kick to a reset etc etc

3- The medium shoulder will NOT (most of the time) switch sides Ibuki, be sure you make something else like a hop kick or something, actually, a medium shoulder could work but it wont switch sides
this is an example of what I do when I commad grab Ibuki

Commad grab, medium dragon kicks, hop kick, walk a little, st strong, hop kick, f+fierce, fierce lunge, Genei Jin ends, medium shoulder, walk a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks.

Now this is an easy combo, another more advanced technique after the grab would be to walk an inch and then do a st. Mk (launcher) this can help you make another juggle, but the timign is really estrict, so go for it knowing youir execution is perfect.

4- Lots of poeple think that the medium shoulder doesnt switch sides urien neither, but the truth is that it does, but it requires more timing than with other chars
this is how I do it

Command grab, medium dragon kicks, and then I perform the DP motion slowly so it will come out a little late
you follow me?
just keep training
remember, practice makes perfect

5- Lets pretend that your GJ meter is over once you hit the medium dragon kicks.

Everytime this happens, do a medium shoulder (outside of genei jin), it shall switch sides too, then, cr strong to short dragon kicks

6- Another way to get your opponent in the air is a st.foward
this works only against chun li makoto and Q, and its really helpful since you get to do more damage With a short walk it also works on Ibuki, dudley and twelve

7- if you connect a command grab that gets you to the corner, in order to get your ooponent in the corner again do this,

S Mk, dash (switch sides), Improvise, you can go from a palm to another s.Mk depending on how much time you have left

8- Against Elena, the best to do (as what I know), ismedium shoulder Improvise
you can go from a f+fierce, to a fierce shoulder etc etc

**9-**If you have only one hit left when you connect the commad grab against elena, use a medium shoulder, genei jin ends, fierce shoulder, fierce lunge punch

**10-**If you are the one cornered, you should switch sides with the command grab, so theres no reason to make a big damage reduction with the dragon kicks, you can do a st strong, f+fierce, and start juggling, or a palm too

So mmmm, I guess that it from now, its all about knowing how much time you have left on your meter, just practice and a video or 2 can be really helpful
and always remember this inmortal words

Damage Is Genei Jin’s Goal - Pyrolee

Here are some examples I do most of the time
they all vary up from how much time I have left on my GJ bar

Command grab, medium dragon kicks, medium shoulder (switch sides), hop kicks X2, Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ender

Command grab, medium dragon kicks, hop kicks, Genei Jin Ends, Medium shoulder, walk a little, cr strong to short dragon kicks

Command grab, St forward, dash (switch sides), Palm, Hop x2, Palm, DP 9 Roundhouse, Genei Jin ender

and like this, there are LOTS of examples, and belive me they came out from improvisation
even K.O improvises when he’s playing

Any adds or anything to this guide, just post them and they will be here

Just an idea, it might be better to highlight the characters names in bold, it’ll look more organised and neater that way imo. Good job, that other thread was rediculously long.

I haent completely read the thread, but perhaps MY textfile may help someone :wink: I dont have Oro and Dudley wirrten in it, but I think the others got it covered =)

Oh god that really is helpful but maybe a bold for each character would be nice.

Most of the stuff is right, but don’t forget to edit the part at the end for the ground combo that it only works when they are crouching, and also works for Necro, twins and Ibuki.

Thanks for compiling them though, I’ll add to this thread these coming few days.


Regular Combos:
[All combos are after lp, lk, mp chain]

St. Strong, F+Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce into Hp Shoulder, Mp Shoulder, Hp Lunge Punch.

St. Strong, F+Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce into Hp Shoulder, Mp Shoulder, F+Fierce, Kara Lp Lunge Punch.
Has to be kara’ed.

St. Strong, F+Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce into Mp Shoulder, Mp Shoulder, walk up into Cr. Strong cancelled into Lk Dragon Kicks.
Be sure to walk up as soon as the 2nd shoulder hits.

St. Strong, F+Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce immediately canceled into HK Dragon Kicks, Mp Shoulder, walk up into Cr. Strong cancelled into Lk Dragon Kicks.
[Only works if your hop kicks hits early and hits them high enough for the HK dragon kicks to hit]

St. Strong, F+Fierce, F+mk x2, St. Fierce, F+mk x2, F+Fierce[or St. Fierce], Mp/Hp Lunge Punch, Mp Shoulder asap, walk up into Cr. Strong cancelled into Lk Dragon Kicks [2 hits].

Ground Combos:
[All combos are after lp, lk, mp chain on crouching Shotos, Alex, Necro, Twins, Twelve, Ibuki only]

Cr. Strong, St. Fierce into Hp Lunge Punch, Cr. Short into Palm, Hp Lunge Punch, F+mk x2, St. Fierce into Mp/Hp Shoulder, Mp Shoulder, F+Fierce, Kara Lp Lunge Punch.
Works on all chars maybe except the ender won’t work for Alex.

I’ll finish it up by tomorrow, I’m dead tired for now, there’s tons of more things to add. I’ll try to do a section each weekend or when I have time, outie!


it works on oro and remy as well

Hey sorry I haven updated
I was on the TX Showdown :slight_smile:
so Im back
sorry I didnt put the cheracters name in Bold is just that the post was too long and I was really tired by the time I finished it

so thanks for helping
keep it comin

updating first post

Edit: DONE, I already added the correction on the ground combo
I will add the K.O finisher explanation tomorrow

i see a lot of f.mkx2, when it should be f.mkx3.
like, chainxxGJ, s.trong, f.feirce, f.mkx2, s.feirce, f.mkx3, s.ferice, upkicks, strong shoulder, low strongxxupkicks.
5 extra damage points

maybe we need a yun moderator, who’s job it is to catalog combos, and posts in a mod-only thread…seems to be the simple answer to me:sweat:…true_tech should do it :lol:

All The Genei Jins Listed On The First Post Are The Ones I Consider A Normal Genei Jin For Each Character
I Did Listed The Genei Jins That Used F. MK X3
and yeah Im posting the normal ones against each char

for example SMTF Posted This GJ against the Twins
St Strong, F.Fierce, Hop X2, St, Fierce, Hop X2, St Fierce, Fierce Shoulder, Genei Jin ends, Medium Shoulder, fierce lunge punch

now, this is a nice damaging and complete genei jin
BUT, it works against EVERYONE, so it wasnt really necesary to be one the first post, since I consider it the most basic genei jin

I did listed this same Genei Jin as the normal one for Oro, but thats because Ive never seen oro to have a genei jin of its own
I did read something bout a genei jin that uses 4 hop kicks against him but it was never posted
so Im just updating as soon as I get new info ok :wink:

any questions or anything
we’re here to answer

Any help on his anti-airs?

^ Wrong thread…

I was wondering if I could do the KO finisher on shoto sized and larger like this
123 XX GJ,, f+hp, hop x2, Palm, hop, s.hp, qcf+mp,, KO finish?

I’m just wondering if it’s even possible since I always screw up with the walking strong, standing forward of the original combo.

I got the ender Palm to hit on combo above but I keep missing the rest.

I was doing that above combo on makoto last night. Im pretty sure it works on shotos and makoto.

Please excuze my ignorance… but,

KO finisher?

standing forward, GJ ends, Palm, jab shoulder, f+fierce, kara-lunge

IIRC the original combo is
123XXGJ,, f+hp, hop x2, Palm, hop x2, walking strong,, GJ ends, KO finisher. On people that you can hit palms on, of course.

Ok Done, First Post Updated with the K.O finisher explanation
heres whats already on the first post
any questions, corrections, anything, just let me know

The K.O Finisher

Now everyone’s been talkin bout this lately
the K.O finisher was invented (like its name indicates) by K.O, and its goal is to gain bout half meter (en ex bar) at the genei jin ending
as you might be able to see above, every char specific combo has its own ending

The K.O finisher is an ending that works only on Shotos, Makoto and Chun Li
as you know, their genei jins end like this

Palm, DP + Roundhouse, Genei Jin ends, Jab shoulder, forward fierce, Kara Jab Dash Punch

K.O Finisher is another varitation at the ending and its like this

st strong or any lunge punch (you can use both option), walk a little, st Forward, Genei Jin ends, (by this time the opponent should be high enough in the air), Palm (outside of the genei jin, requires timing), jab shoulder, forward fierce, Kara lunge punch (it MUST be kara)

if you did it correctly you should have bout 50% of your meter back
Actually, if you make a cross up dive kick, 3 hits chain, and jab shoulder after you made the K.O finisher, you should have a new Genei Jin even if its blocked

its kinda dificult to hit the jab shoulder after the palm against Chun and Makoto, so just to play safe, dont use the shoulder
just, Palm, Forward fierce, Kara Jab Dash Punch

The K.O finisher has a lot of set ups, like this

123 XX GJ,, f+hp, hop x2, Palm, hop, s.hp, qcf+mp,, KO finish (thanks Das_Lynx)


st strong, forward fierce, Hop X2, Plam, Hop X2, walk a little, St strong, walk a little, st forward, K.O finisher

yeah they are all good but still, I dont consider the K.O finisher to be very practical
Why?, well, not only because its hard, but because it make sa great damage reduction and you dont really want to miss damage against chun or makoto do you?

“Damage is Genei Jins Goal” - Pyrolee

if you a have a clear Genei Jin, you should stick to their normal combos
the K.O finisher comes in handy whenever you make a reset or something
I saw pyro post this K.O finisher set up somewhere

(While opponent is blocking)
Jab, Short, Strong, Activate Genei Jin, Command grab, medium dragon kicks, Medium shoulder (switch sides), Jump Roundhouse, Reset, Fierce Lunge, St Forward, K.O Finish

Now this is a nice way to land it since you’re not loosing damage cause its a reset
K.O finisher is a nice Genei Jin Tool, use it wisely.

EDIT: Im Planning to add more Yun notes tonight like they super jump cancelling and blocked strings, stay tuned

it should be written, s.forward, input palm, gj ends.

you cancel to the palm just like you would cancel s.feirce into a dp+feirce.

…i know it’s not actually cancelling, but the timing is the same^

some time should be spent talking about damage and meter scaling aswell. Only because the KO finisher doesn’t do shit all if you’ve added jab rush punches into your combo.

i’d like to talk about resets that are near impossible to parry also, just say when and where.


Can you practice the kara on the standard ender without going through Genei-Jin? I.e DP, f+hp, kara lunge?

not really, you need to have the opponent high in the air (and yeah, higher than how the medium shoulder put the opponent in the air) in order for the forward fierce to hit after the shoulder

Thanks :sweat:
correction added, I didnt really knew what words to use to explain that part
I knew about tha timing but aaam, well its corrected anyway :lol:

Yeah, I was tryin to include a resets section but still workingon it, Ill make a base so people can start adding things to it ok :slight_smile:


there’s only one way to practice enders without GJ. and it’s way l33t.
but, you gotta take sa1.

then put em in the corner, do da super, then jab dp, f.feirce, rushpunch…well, it worx.:looney: :rofl:

edit the alex while ducking combo:
should read:
chainxxGJ, d.strong, s.feirce, feirce rushpunch, d.short, palm, feirce rushpunch, palm, s.rh, palm, jab rush punch, GJ ends, jab dp, f.feirce, d.rh–>s.rh.