The [EDIT]IN[/EDIT]Complete Akuma Thread
To revive akuma and get some unity in these threads, i decided to make a thread that can be the maximum damage, everything you need to know about akuma thread. Everyone, i will post strats periodically, if you have strats, post them as replys and i will edit this post and credit you.
combos when you have no meter-
Opponent dizzy-:uf::hk:, :d::lp:, :d::hp:, :qcb::mk: (2 hits), :dp::hp:(1 hit)
Damage: ? Stun: ?
notes: if opponent has quick get up (a,n,k groove) use jab dragonpunch to keep momentum. Someone test if jump fierce does more damage or if there is a more damaging combo than this, thanks.
if opponent is standing-:d::lk::d::lk::qcb::lk::dp::hp:
if opponent is crouching-:d::lk::d::lp::d:rh:qcb::lk::dp::hp:
groove specific combos or… how to use your meter
Opponent dizzy-:uf:,:hp:,:d::hp:,:qcf::qcf::mp: XX :qcb:short (before akuma leaves the ground) :dp: fierce
opponent dizzy-
n-when opponent is knocked down in the corner and you have 2 stocks available, activate 1 stock while they are getting up and you get a good mixup. Either do raging demon (jab jab :r: short fierce) or do :d::lk:,:d::lk:,:d::lk:,:qcf::qcf::p: (you have enough time to watch the shorts and see if they hit) Can someone test out the damage on these 2 options, thanks.
VS. section
Blanka-To be added soon, since i think this is akuma’s worst matchup.