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C-Akuma has the very useful level 2 super, but run groove Akuma gets more combo openings in my opinion. Outside of Hadouken at midrange and s.LK when up close, C-Akuma’s ground game is severely lacking (far s.HP sucks) and forces him to run away and throw air fireballs. The running sweep, running low strong, low jump forward HK, and running low forward you get with run groove Akuma makes run groove Akuma > C-groove Akuma. Or at least not have to run away with air fireballs and air hurricane kicks all day…
When you get a run in combo opening (like after blocking two reps of Rolento Patriot Circles):
-run s.LP, d.HP xx qcb+HK, cross-up dp+HP
-random guess run up d.HK xx qcb+LK, running dp+LP
-random guess close s.MK xx hcb+HP in the corner, dp+LP, dp+HP
If you guessed wrong and the opponent blocked, Akuma’s red fireball leaves him point blank range and unable to block, so don’t guess wrong.
d.LP, d.LP, d.HK combo is a one frame link and stupid and doesn’t work.
RC roundhouse hurricane kick is a much better RC than RC short hurricane. You’d might as well do a DP at point blank range since neither point blank RC short hurricane or dp+P are safe on the block anyway.
The only time I can think of that RC short hurricane might be useful is when Sagat tries d.LK, d.HP string on you. You counter with brute force and try to RC short hurricane kick between the two moves.
RC roundhouse hurricane is a very useful wake-up attack (safer than DP because you fly away from the opponent) and can also be used to start a free juggle combo when people do block strings ending with a projectile. Ryu doing something ending with sweep xx Hadouken for example. Use Akuma RC hurricane kick to counter the Hadouken.
Short hurricane is not a move to whore as an RC. It’s used to juggle after a sweep, be tricky after a knockdown, or to counter throw attempts with.
If anybody here can wake-up with RC short hurricane against meaty attacks with 100% consistency though, then sure. Go for it. :tup: I’ll still take my reversal DP or teleport since those moves are easier though.
I would pick A-groove Akuma if I wanted to be a short hurricane kick whore so I can do a CC after landing one.
I think it’s stupid that Raging Demon is only unescapable at point blank range. If Akuma were able to do d.LK, whiff s.LP, Raging Demon as a viable tactic, that would make C-groove Akuma way too dangerous. He can’t though, so again run groove Akuma > C-groove Akuma. Run groove Akuma follows up after a knockdown better and can do tricks with running f+MP xx kara Demon and buffering a running Demon out of his deep d.MP attack.
Big Head’s Demon setup:
-jump in MK, walk forward, Demon
j.MK masks your LP, LP input. Hold forward then hit LK, HP once you’re in range.
Dentron Demon setup:
-punch throw, punch teleport, Demon