Колин выходит на Каток! The Character Discussion Thread

if you mean the counter-throw and v-skill, I feel they’re more oppressive than defensive. They help you control midrange and stop air approaches and hard to deal with air options, maybe like EX devil reverse? You won’t stop pressure with those most likely, like Ryu’s v-skill. You’ll be blocking on wake-up. Could be wrong, but they wouldn’t fit into SFVs character balance formula if they were good reversal options also.


Vesper’s insight. He’ll analyze the trailer soon completely.

Yeah at best you’re getting a partial charge character like Chun or Alex. An 80 to 100 percent charge list like Urien, Fang or Bison most likely isn’t happenin here

But you can’t deny that the lack of wakeup game hurt the characters I mentioned even further, in addition to their overall strength in terms of balancing

There are characters with poor/no reversals and good tools. The way it should be

Then there are characters with poor/no reversals with mediocre tools.

Am i the only one that prefers the chubbier cuter original look?


Really liked her little cross up with the ice. Gonna have fun experimenting with her once she’s released.

jesus this thread title is stupid

I will definitely give her a shot, unless she’s a charge or piano character.

She looks like she will be quite fun to use. She doesn’t look like her movement speed is super quick. If true I will be quite happy.

I was hoping @Pertho would use @Plaid_Unicorn 's title

my interpretation of her specials:

fury swipes - does damage in front of her. only fierce knocks down.
ex fury swipes - ends with kula’s uppercut, which can be cancelled into any special move. leaves them in juggle state.

ice ball - knocks them down with a strike then drops an ice ball.
ex ice ball - extra hit in the air. leaves them in juggle state.

dandy step - steps backwards into one of the following
> low slide - hits low, high frame advantage for links
> dash stab - prob knocks them down. hits juggle state.
> air grab - leaps forward and air grabs
ex dandy step - some sort of invincibility

double jump - self explanatory

v-skill - counters or does a slash if there’s nothing to counter.

backfist can always go into the v-skill strike
so maybe her tc trees are like
jab > strong > fierce > VS
forward > fierce > VS

Please kill yourself for making this title

You think correctly. More martial arts = love!

Did JChensor suggest this thread title?

I need to see the alt colors for her battle attire asap.

Thanks, I worked really hard on coming up with it

Always open to suggestions though

Nigga why are you still alive?

Yeah, I can agree with that. I didn’t see things like that for some moves but that makes sense.
Also, it looks like she has two different Jumping Roundhouse, like Nash or Chun.

I’m still unsure about the slide though. If the pilebunker/Terry Bogard punch is orange during an ex move, why isn’t the low kick orange if it’s a follow up of the step ? Also, the hitstun caused by the low forward seems gigantic, maybe it’s because of the ice created by the ex dash. That would be ex dash > Low Short > Stand Fierce or Crouch Forward (Roundhouse maybe ? That would not be the first time a character does not have a sweep on 2HK)

For the double jump, I wonder if it’s really a double jump, it makes me think about Oni Air Gohadoken in IV.

Kolin’s thread : “She’s got a nice ice”.


I hope she can forward jump xx neutral jump

The Kolin thread: The Ice Puns Cometh