The CamPAIN Trail: A Mike Haggar Combo Thread

You can get better damage than that without wasting a super bar.


Something I found. Does 583,000 damage. It’s a variation of the first combo posted in this thread, but I find it a lot easier because it has no SRK motion, and also timing stays the same on all the air combos as opposed to pressing faster for the air combos.

Pretty good stuff. [media=youtube]ip7zMCxPn9o[/media]

This is almost the same thing. Kind of a mix between the combo in the first post and the easier one.

[media=youtube]tT8JAz1gYfU[/media] Combo starting with D+H jumping pipe.

You can delete the haggar press and still be in the 590’s

I see the one you posted above with the opening jumping h (laying more pipe), that one is pretty good. Can a Haggar press be tacked on at the end of a giant swing?

I’d have to check, I doubt it though. It’d be nice if he could and DHC into something else.

:s: :dp::uf::atk::atk:

Cancels :s: directly into multi-hitting Body Press in the corner, dealing more damage than aircombo into OTG Body press. The timing to get all the hits out of it is character specific.


700k with 1 meter.
1.1m with L1 X-Factor + 2 meters (1.3m with L3 X-Factor)

I found a slightly optimized version of the meterless BnB at the top of the thread:


Turns out the j.:m:s did more proration than damage. This version of the combo does 603.7k. The j.:h: and j.:d::h: on the first launch both need to be delayed a bit to make this work. Probably not worth the extra effort for 8-9k, but hey, damage is damage.

Here’s one for style points:


This does 662.7k. Turns out you can body press after the :qcf::s: if you do it close enough to the ground. That’s where the pipe comes in. I couldn’t get the vertical positioning right without both j.:m:s, but if you can, presumably you’d get a bit more damage.


best combo i’ve found after air pipe is: (distance dependent dash) j.:l: :m: :h: > land :m:xxL Hooligan > sj. :m: :h: 8:h: 236:s:

great way to get extra damage and people flip out when they see haggar styling with this combo.

also, crazy corner combo:
cr. :l: :m:xxM Axe > :m:xxL Axe> :l: :m: :s: > sj. :m::m::h:2:h:>land> 2:h:(dropkick)xxL hooligan > sj. :h: 8:h:xx236:s:

This is a combo for my team using hagger dante and viper

combo 1 air pipe, l, m, dp(dragon punch movement)l > sj l, sj m, sj h, sj s> call viper (seismac) and body press hyper

does over 600k for one meter but even if u dont do the hyper combo u get off with over 500k for this to work the oppenent must land in the corner when u do the “sj s”… u can also dhc to something better after the hyper press and with level 1 x factor your lookin at over 1 million in damage not bad combo input wise and VERY easy i do this every match so its pretty effective

combo 2 standing, l,m pipe, H axe, sj l, sj m, sj h, sj dp s does around 450-550 u can also use the corner setup from above i use this as a punish tho its again easy and pretty good damage for low imput and no meter

Hope this helps

I assume this does more damage than my bnb when started from an air attack like jumping heavy or S? since it gives more damage metered too.

Can you give me the numbers for this I wont be able to try this out for another day or so. Very nice midscreen j.:d::h: combo though.

There is a better corner reset with hoodlum toss :h: that doesn’t leave you in a bad position afterwards.(unless they tech forward) You can use it maybe to finish off someone who knows about the hoodlum toss reset, since you don’t get put in a corner if you fail to land the reset as in the heavy hoodlum toss reset.

Yep, in the corner, 236M M 236L L M 623L is completly awesome.

My standard corner combo is :
jM M 6H 236M M 236L L M 623L jMH2H 2H 623L jBC8C{j236D/jD 623AB}
It’s about 600.000 damages, up to 800.000 with an hyper and a DHC

On a pipe :
j2H M236L LM 623L jMH8H236S, 550.000 damages
With doom :
j2H M236L LM(Doom missiles) 623L jM2H (dash) S jM8C236D, 600.000 damages

Interesting combo with Doom missiles done WITH the pipe :
Pipe+Doom Missiles M S jM jS (missiles OTG) M 623A jMMH8H236S, 550.000+ damages

I’m still trying to find a good combo with Sentinel Assist, it breaks a lot of Pipe combos :confused:

ground pipexx:l: hooligan cancel into Rapid Punch (don’t mash)> :l: hooligan > j.:h: 8:h:xx Giant Swing.
if they blocked pipe, no biggie, don’t cancel into rapid punch.

in general, i have not found any negatives to doing dropkickxx:l: hooligan in the corner in combos. Unless somebody can prove otherwise it should be done any time you are beating on a foe in the corner.

i’ll have to get back to you about the numbers for the corner combo i posted, lukewarm, I won’t get to play for about a week due to other committments. also, since the mayor is so awesome in this game he always ends up flat out killing my opponent’s characters or setting up great situations for continued pressure with the hard knockdown of giant swing and plus frames of pipe. gives haggar a lot of time to set up various mixups and shenanigans. I was going to put what I do in these situations in the general thread but that thing never gets updated and a couple of these could be viewed/made into resets. I’m currently playing spencer, haggar, sent so these all relate to sent and haggar (i’m currently experimenting with wesker samurai edge and haggar–unblockable pipe is NASTY).

after giant swing: most people will choose to roll because they don’t want to get grabbed/ground piped. So…

call Sent + wave dash forward (optionalx2)–this option covers forward roll with drones so you can dash and :l: hooligan to pick up the combo after you recover from your dash. It also covers backroll roll since you are dashing toward them for level 3 setups/spd/:m: hooligan/instant overhead headbutt, j.:s: > land > :l: :m:xx:l: Axe (opt. xfc here to kill basically any character)> :l::m:xx:l: hooligan etc… combos. you are also relatively safe after this because of the drones unless you get normal thrown (but ground pipe is a natural option select for that just like headbutt is–too good!). There is also the ghetto roll mixup which, depending on when you call Sent, can be quite devasting.

after snapback/character ko: haggar has lots of good options here with assists. with sent, for example, you have the following options:
call Sent+dropkick(early to ambiguous roll/late to hit)
call Sent+:h: hooligan–grabs jump outs (haven’t been able to grab a character coming in though like Hulk can) and, since haggar jumps over them, have to block crossup drones. this will obviously lose to some supers and allows the opponent to get out of the corner if they block but you’ll still have enough time to get back in their face.
call Sent+spd/level3 before drones hit.
my current favorite= call Sent+j.forward headbutt (o-s throw). Depending on when you jump and do the headbutt you’ll either hit with a headbutt and be safe due to drones, throw tech your opponent’s throw, or grab them in the air and toss them–EXCEPT! they don’t go all the way to go ground because the drones are there. Haggar literally grabs them and tosses them directly onto the drones. :h: hooligan as you land should grab the ensuing air tech for a full combo. Need somebody to check though as I discovered it last night.

hope this stuff is helpful.

Yep. Starting from j.:h:, c.:m:, :f::h:, etc, the zero j.:m:s version does 644.1k versus 633.4k with all three of them. Of course, I realized after taking down the damage values that this doesn’t actually work midscreen, or if it does, it’s pretty damn hard to do.

j.:u::h:, s.:m:, :f::h:, etc. works midscreen. 644.1k again without j:m:s, 635.8k with.

Edit, so as not to double post:

I found something else that’s kind of amusing: In the combo ending :qcf::s:,:dp::atk:+:atk:, replacing the :qcf::s: with just plain j.:s: gives you 666.6k. It’s easier to do, too.

Edit 2, so as not to triple post:

I got it: 585.9k

Easy reset
j. pipe, s. L, s. M, qcf+M, then jump up and either command grab or do a regular grab right when they recover. Command grab obviously does more. L grab is easiest to land. H
Hoodlum Launcher works too. For an easy relaunch. No corner necessary. Does about 650000. You might be able finish with a Haggar Press but I’m not completely sure.

Fun fact, you can do :
j2H M 236M H 623L (…)
If you cancel the H just after the hit, you’ll grab them with 623L while they’re being smashed to the ground.

But it’s very hard T3T

id just do

:d::l::d::m::qcf::l:, :l::m::dp::l:, sj.:m::m::h::d:+:h:, land, :s:, sj.:m::m::h::s:, land, Wesker OTG assist, :s:. j.:qcf::s:

you may be able to squeeze a hit in before the last qcf+S…but i just go for whats reliable.

but this is a really easy meterless combo that gets you about 630k damage. you can do OTG of your choice, but weskers is best obv. i dont play wesker, but i use she hulks which is hard to land but it works

if you like doing supers (and who doesnt), after the otg assist, do :qcf::atk:+:atk:, and DHC of your choice (with Ryu’s shinkuhadoken, it does about 777k damage)

I’m new to this game and I have interest in Haggar. Can someone list for me the absolute easiest bnb Haggar has? I’d like to start by memorizing that and then going from there.