The CamPAIN Trail: A Mike Haggar Combo Thread

Question. What’s the best/ easiest to land bnb that ends with his rapid punch super?

TAC infinite.

Consistent on about 8 characters that you’ll probably never play against.

Good shit Sprint, looks like something fun to practice when I’m bored in training mode. Glad there’s still some tech for Haggar out there.

Okay I’m looking at Haggar, Dorm, Shuma
This team looks really solid and I’m loving it.

So far my bnb is :l::m::f::h: hoodlum :l: nj :m::m::h::d::h: dash :s::h::u::h::s: (or :m::m::h::d::h::s: depending on hsd) :d::h::f::h: dash + shuma ray :d::h::f::h: hoodlum :l: nj :h::u::h::s: (not sure of the timing on dormamu assist if anyone can help me out I’d appreciate it) dark hole :d::h::f::h: LARIATO super post dhc damage is around 1.1m

Now here are my questions

  1. Where can I improve my bnb?
  2. How should I adjust it if I only have either mystic ray or dark hole available?
  3. How should I adjust my combos after throw/command throw/lariat?
  4. Where can I fit in :h: hoodlum launcher combos?
  5. Finally when doing rapid fire fist I mash like a champ but I’m never getting the full amount of hits? What’s the deal?

I know it’s a lot of questions but I’m dying to play Haggar but I feel the need to optimize before hand.

Hey guys! Its been awhile since I lasted here, but its great to see there is still some activity (some character boards seems completely dead.) Anyways, I just wanted to show you guys my first UMVC3 Team Combo Video: Prime Time. Haggar plays a huge part in this video, and I think I’ve created a very solid Slow combo for him (which can be seen at the end of the video.) Haggar is probably the character I struggle the most with optimizing, so if you guys have any advice I would really appreciate the feedback. Hope you guys like it! :smiley: