EX jacker is like vega wall dive but it keeps them grounded for mad ridiculousness. Doesn’t combo if your partner runs in from full screen, you have to cross up the EX jacker to get your partner to come in on the opposite side and proceed with a huge damage combo. I still think of it as a nerf. Don’t get me wrong 180 damage from fullscreen cross up and a knock down for tag cancel oki is pretty decent, but I’d much rather take the ~500 damage combo, but I do suppose that was a tad strong for a relatively safe charge cancel move.
Recently found out a bit of tech, Idn if its old news to you guys, but did you know that you can do his Gaufrettes Kick string, mk.mk.hk, and link a cr.mp afterwards? In the corner I have been doing 2 cr.lps for spacing, then the Guafrettes kick string and on hit you can link the cr.mp into Apres Sweep and get a full combo, but I think its like a 1-2 frame link.
I kept trying to link things after Kick on hit because the guide said it is +6f on hit but I could not even get a c.lp to work so I thought it was bugged. Guess I was just sucking.
Good news, now Bob finally has a guaranteed damage combo besides launcher or sweep if st.lkxxst.mk connects, and once cr.mp gets buffed in 2013 he’ll be able to combo langue washer to give us a full, if heavily scaled, BnB followup.
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I don’t think you can combo after the Guafrettes kick string mid-screen, but your right that with the new buffs, maybe it will be possible. Also if they block the GK string cr.mp doesn’t reach them afterwards, the push-back is to far on block. Just an FYI if your planning on using this, you basically need to be as close as possible while doing a far standing mk for this to work at all.
Well no need to use it now, as I have decided to drop Bob for a bit in order to play more balanced characters so I can actually learn how to play fighters. I plan to come back to him once I have fundamentals a bit before patch release.
I think he’s a pretty balanced character as of right now, even more so when the patch comes out. And yea, cr.MP is gunna be my jam post patch :P.
Has anyone tried using cl.HK for meaty set ups? I’ve been trying to work this in more because the thing has like 10 active frames. It’s so freaky the way it lasts forever, and if you connect on the last active frame you’re at +9/+4. Still working out what to do afterwards as it pushes back a bit, but I’ve gotten far st.LK to connect a few times.
If far st.lk connects, then could you go st.mk G.kick, c.mpxxbnb (or 1+2 for a reset)? I guess as Leroy says it does not work outside the corner, but maybe with increased walkspeed?
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You could go for the easier follow-up, just connect the st.lk into heavy roll, for a switch cancel mix-up? or a combo in the corner? It seems like if you could work out a cl.HK set-up in the corner and actually do a st.LK into Gaufrette kick string, and link a cr.mp afterwards that might be the most damaging solo meterless you could do. Have you tried st.HP? Its seems like +9 on hit would allow for even a few frames to walk forward and do a cr.mp. I will test this myself, might be a great way to mix-up my corner pressure since all I do is either jab or no jab most of the time.
Was messing with meaty cl.Hk some more. I don’t know why I was having problems but cr.MP and f.MK are both combo-able after a midscreen meaty cl.HK. I’ve also had cl.HK track rolls too so it seems like a pretty solid wake up tool.
Maybe my game is just silly (doubt it) because when I set the dummy to jump after hitting a gaufrettes kick they jump a good few frames before I do, let alone it giving me enough time to link.
Could it be possible for CH gaufrettes cutter to grant an extra frame or two to work with?
I really should incorporate meaty cl.HK as an option because at the moment my oki is lacking to the point that I’d rather end crackers with jackers and reset footsies than continue pressure. Really all I have is oki block (all I really need to beat my fellow D ranks) or do his super ambiguous cross jump (which I have been doing raw, I assume it would be much better to set up with meaty c.lp/c.HP string to either BnB on hit or do the cross up on block).
So is there any point at all to Double Ciapatti? I cannot believe it took me this long to realize the second hit is not a mid (I’ve seen it crouch blocked on me often recently).
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Lol, yea when I first learned ciapatti wasn’t an overhead I was pretty damn upset :(. I mean, every other character’s two hit normal is an overhead. I suppose it might be really damn good if it was though.
Try alternating block with spacing certain normals on their wake up. Cr.LK into gaufrettes strings are really good for wake up, same with st.LP. I also am doing a lot of walk-back, to bait reversal. and then using fst.LK xx spinner ball. It’s really good in the corner too where you can combo. Spaced nj.HK is really solid too.
watching Sgleroy Vs Coolkid93 FT5 great matches man hope sum1 uploads 2 totally different bobs at high level i dont even like bob n this is intense
I love Coolkid’s Bob!
I love Leroy’s Bob. The way I see it it is flashiness vs. Real knowledge and substance. Both are fantastic though.
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yo ur the guy thats helping me believe in ken wats goin on bro! but yea cool kid bob is very risky but hes smart so its not as risky since it hits 85% of the time on the other hand Sgleroy is very safe n technical its really a really intense because u got the best safe player vs the best risky player wat wins??? 4-3 coolkid right now
the stuff he does is flashy but also has purpose since the damage on those “flashy” combos is 350+ but i hear u man its pretty much a old school playstyle vs a new school playstyle wat wins??!??!
Is it on a stream or something? Geez I really wish I can see it. Kid is leading? Darn. If it was 1v1 I could see it as more likely but with sfxt being 2v2 from what I’ve seen Kid’s Cody is a little…borderline competitive (aka you can tell he just wants Bob in to roflstomp), whereas Leroy also has quite the Julia and Bryan.
Come on dude!
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its on xbl to be fair leroy said he hadnt played n awhile coolkid won 5-4 but it was great to watch man coolkid wanted to post them sgleroy sed he was cool with it so now…wait breaking news leroy wants the run bak!
Just like, in some lobby on xbl? Aw thought it was on jibbo’s or something.
A run back? Let’s do this Lerooooooooy!
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Would any of you Bob experts mind playing a few sets with me at some point? I love the character but I have no one to talk to about him or this game.