The Blanka Thread

So luckily Blanka turned out to be better than everybody first thought.

OK i quickly tested Blanka on SFxT, his normals are very similar to his normals of SFIV, his AA are terrible, stand HP/HK and cr.MP, all sucks to AA, really, cr.MP whiff completely, so you need to AA with jump neutral HP which is still good and air to air like jump forward HP which lead to a juggle if you have a counter hit, and upball.

His elec is no that bad, you can still pressure with elec but it’s worse than SFIV, don’t know if you can juggle after EX elec, it looks like you can but i can’t do it, weird.

His balls are much better than SFIV, but the EX horiball sucks, too slow… you can’t hit guile with it for example… anyway, all balls are pretty safe, no matter the range, which is good, and it seems retain the ball give you more pushback.

His overhead looks better, slighty more speed, its not awesome but i feel that overhead will have an important role in his gameplay.

His slide are worse and better than SFIV, i mean this slide has less range but you can still use it like in SFIV and be at +++ if your spacing is good, and without focus attack, slide should be much better to poking and frame trap with i feel.

Both hops seem more slow and worse, coward crouch seems the same.

His super art, i don’t know if its good or not for the moment, i wonder how much is the start up.

All balls are safe? Sagat can just kick the piss out of him into tag-cancels since HSK has enough range and speed to punish you no matter which roll you do, even if he doesn’t have meter, he gets good damage out of that by himself. Although balls have good pushback, they aren’t safe vs everyone.

His super is about 7 frames, because according to the frame data, Asuka’s Exorcisor is -6 which he cannot punish on reversal, but is capable of punishing Mist Palm which is -7 on block since there is little pushback but it’s hard because it has to be dead on and it doesn’t help that he’s a charge character.

Really not keen on sfxt blanka…seem he has to do so much work.
maybe he’d of been better if his jabs wernt 1framers and they changed elec to qcf like chun
just dont feel he’s translated that well to this system :frowning:

I mean safe ON HIT.

I agree, Blanka seems pretty weak in this game. Nothing special to make him strong, he’s not awesome as a defensive team partner and not as the contrary too.

Probably common knowledge, but Blanka’s surprise forward is really great for causing roll resets on hard knockdowns, specifically neutral throw and slide, but I do not know how effective eliminating their rolls is for blanka.

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Well Blanka’s not as good as him SF4 counterpart, mainly because I can’t perform his oki because of the rolls or his grab set-ups due to the small throwrange.
But he’s very fast, has insane jumping normals, a very good poke with standing mp and still a lot of tricks to get in on opponents.
I play him pure rushdown with the occasional electricity frametrap in the middle.

He’s still quite good and just so much fun.

I just randomly picked him up to troll around with sakura, I like his, EX horiball,, up ball / super art. and electricty crossups might be fun… if I can do them. Apart from that, the only thing that makes him fun is the hops, and one or two combos he can do using hops.

Gems that activate after counter hits are great for Blanka

This shouldn’t be called the blanka thread it should be called bash the beast thread. I am assuming most of these comments are made out of ignorance. Anyone that puts in time with blanka knows he’s one of the best lead partners in this game. Give him a strong anchor and they will clean house. He has many options to get in and confuse the best players out there and get the cross rush for his strong anchor to take a good amount of vitality. Call him low tier or horrible, I disagree very strongly. Anyone that ever played me knows my blanka is guna give u a fight.

imo blanka is really bad he has no anti air without ex he has no mix ups
balls are useless in most mu elec does low chip he is combo weak
piano timing sux for me raw elec not possible so i most jump or hop both very risky
at least far stlp and jump hp are good
blanka is in the bottom of sf cast and imo tekken cast is much better except for cammy ,chun than sf cast

U musnt have played with him long enough or faced anyone that knows how to play effectively with blanka. Fastest walkspeed in the game, good wakeup and as far as anti airs go, blanka is antiair. I think any1 who says hes trash is just clueless how to play with him.


Blanka is a very dangerous opponent for anyone in the right hands. I really miss this game. It’s been mostly all ultra these days and I still main Blanka. Pissed he wasn’t in the original roster for 5

Anti air options are there. Cr mp is a great one to use but I never have problems with a jumping opponent