The Basics Thread - Primer on YouTube!

So, since I didn’t see it anywhere, I’ll throw up the info I got for damage proration in combos. It works in 5% chunks, or as near as some moves get to it. Each hit in a combo does 5% less than its base damage for each hit in the combo.
1st- 100%
2nd- 95%
3rd- 90%
4th- 85%
And so on, until it hits 35%, where it bottoms out. After the 15th hit of a combo, each hit does 35% of its base damage.

This changes for projectiles, but not much. They begin prorating on the 3rd move of a combo, so that they don’t bottom out until after the 16th hit.

I didn’t find any moves with increased proration, but I only tested through a couple characters.

So keep this information in mind, and remember that most strong supers are multihit, so you may start the combo at 60% damage, but the strongest hit will only be doing 35%!

Are there 3P costumes for Tatsunoko characters? And if so, how do you unlock them?

Only the Capcom characters have 3rd costumes

aren’t you just using your second jump…?

^pretty sure that’s what he means lol

btw do any of you map a single button to A+B+C to use for dashing?
I personally prefer hitting A+B+C to dash/airdash, rather than tapping :l::l:/:r::r:.
Just wondering if others like having a designated button for that.

I know that if I were to use the GC or Classic controller,
I’d probably map L or R as a dash button.

Now thats an interesting question. Would mapping ABC to one button be allowed at a tournament?

In an event I run, I’d say no.

mr. heart, I think macros are okay. there used to be a really long argument in the past in the GG community about whether or not you should be able to bind a button to RC, and for a long time people didn’t allow macros, but eventually tournaments started allowing macros, even Evo, for GG. I think the reason was, “if you’re going to lose to someone who is pressing just 1 button instead of 3, you were probably going to lose anyway.”

but shrug, I think mapping ABC to one button is fine,

heres a better question, how about mapping both:
ABC to one button
A + P to one button

aka multiple macros.

Actually there are only set button combinations you can map to the controller buttons. The only settings the Wii allow are:

Weak Attack
Medium Attack
Strong Attack
Weak + Medium Attack
Weak + Strong Attack
Medium + Strong Attack
Weak + Medium + Strong Attack
Weak + Medium + Strong + Partner

Nothing there for Any Attack + Partner.

ah sweet no baroque macro haha

my setup is:
l - abcp
r - abc
z - p
b - a
a - b
x - c

yeah! i’m mean normally you land your aerial strong attack and then continue rushing (if its blocked)/combo in the floor, but with this you can cancel your attack, jump again (second jump), air forward dash, and do an aerial strong attack again.

Is this the only way to unlock mini-games?

I’ve yet to beat the game with Gold Lightan or PTX and they both show up in my mini-game selection screen.

They don’t have to beat the game to get the mini-game (they just need to reach final stage), but are required to beat the game to get their profile.

I left some notes in the OP that need edits.

Took care of the remixed Lifebar study, which I thank you for painstakingly researching for us all. But the Barqoue Study though I’ll have to get JKTRix to redo the math or I’ll do it later myself. If you need any other edits done leave a note where needed and I’ll clean it up the best I can. If you have anything to add feel free to add it yourself. And if there is anything you think I may need in the OP, let me know and I’ll get right on it.

Thanks! Not looking forward to beating Yami with Gold Lightan or PTX.


A couple of things that I haven’t seen elsewhere. If it is out there, my apologies.

  1. Gold Lightan’s Snapback was actually :hcb::snkc:
  2. I don’t know when exactly it kicks in (since Training mode only lets you set your Red Meter every 10%) but:

At 20% life left, damage done to you is reduced by 20% (so if an attack would do 1000 damage, you would only take 800). Likewise, damage done by your attacks is increased by 7.5% (so if your attack would do 1000, it would do 1075 instead).

At 10% life left, damage done to you is reduced by 30% and damage done by you is increased by 12.5% (so 1000 damage would only do 700 to you and you would do 1125 instead).

I’ll double check the PTX-40A snapback when I get home since I thought it only works with the :snkc: button.

Tried out Survival today hoping it would unlock more points for the shop quicker.

Not so much

Getting 12 wins in Survival only earned 600 points.

If you’re looking at fighting to gain points you get:

Normal game vs CPU (facing Yami at the end):
50 points per round won.
800 total if you beat Yami

50 points per round won.

Time Attack:
700 total if you beat all 8 rounds (I haven’t lost early in Time Attack, though I’d guess it would be the standard 50 points per round won.)

In general, the mini games will be fastest. If you’re playing any of the above, Time Attack with PTX-40A was about the fastest you could do with the most points back (he does massive damage very quickly and with the Snapback ability, you can bring in the weaker guy to finish him off whenever the CPU tries to get him out).