Finally . I believe this deserves its own thread for the time being… Because I have lots more… and I know there will be a influx of questions

so you can go ahead an trash that bnb potential bull$#!t video on srk’s front page





Notation for AUTOPILOT BNB

c.:m::h::s: SJ! :h: FLY!(QCB :s:) j.:m: j.down+:h: , UNFLY!(QCB :s:) , ADDF(AIR DASH DOWN FORWARD) j.DOWN+:h: LAND! c.:m: :s: SJ! j.:m:j.:m:j.:h:j.:s: LAND! DASH! Light Smart bomb! XX PROTON CANNON (QCF :atk:+:atk:)


Notation added dood!

Thank you

is this actually posible with a dualshock 3? XDD

it seems imposible to me >_<

thanks bro

this is really awesome man! i noticed you skip st H right before the relaunch. is it due to push back, or hit stun scaling? tacking on the extra dmg is always helpful, plus its sorta fluent for my hand to hit st H after cr M.

i can do the “Potential BnB”, but on this combo i can’t get the ad/df j. d+H to hit at all.

why won’t it hit?

@ iron wolf: I use a 360 pad so nothing is impossible :)…it’s all in ur head!

@ rolltide: you have to do it early. like as soon as the dash starts up, you have to already be pressing d+h. thats how i got it to work any way :stuck_out_tongue:

MY personal issue with this combo, is the j.H after the initial launch. you have to do it really low, and thats ok, but i keep getting j.u+H. i keep over compensating for the FLY, but if i try to do it normally, i get a damn cross over because my brain tells my hand to stop at db for some reason. this wouldn’t even be a concern if it didnt beat stark contrast by roughly 40k. thats my bnb right now, and id LIKE to switch to this, but that j.5H is killin me… :frowning:

Yeah add s.H i have a revised version on my page

This looks promising!

I’m doing it but I still can’t get the opponent low enough to get hit by the c.M consistently. Sometimes I can and other times they’re too high.

@Kaze: Yea i tried it, and the st.H hit, any tips on the j.5H?
@Zoog: you’re having the same issue i am. when you super jump you’re hitting with u+H, theres a HUGE difference when you hit them with 5+H. i get it like 1/40 tries… im hopeless lol

Its ok to delay your c.M when you land , because the range is so good they will fall into it

Ok for the 5H I do , c.:m: :h: :s: NEUTRAL :H: fly ,etc

If I get the 8H I just delay the :m: 2:h: after fly , by holding , downforward as soon as I input fly then wait , and just do everything slower , except the addf :h:

more vids added… I’ll try to put together a better quality tutorial

Also peeps , you have to go neutral a lot for this combo to come out fluently every-time so you won’t get exchange attacks and etc , thats why I called it the AUTOPILOT

Actually Axl, for the most part I’m hitting them with neutral H after the S. Sometimes I’ll mess up though.

@Kaze: thanks, what ive noticed is its WAY easier to do on small characters. i get it like 8/10 times against Joe, but doom falls out at the same part most of the time. when i do j.5H in the air its almost like im chaining off of S, how quickly i feel i have to do it. THATS why i keep getting j.u+H, im buffering the FLY input and overcompensating because im still hold u+f for the superjump. pausing for a sec before doing the j.m, j.2H helps a lot… actually, being a lot more lax during ALL of the inputs seems to help me. i need to stay at this one, it looks too cool mid-screen to not use!

@zoog: i see, well i guess thats a personal issue for me! lol

This alt relaunch aint anything new, //Jais posted synonomous relaunches for this combo with altered finishes but w/e keeps the IM thread alive.

@exarkun your kidding right? any videos?

No no videos were posted, when styles did this a few people were having problems doing it, //jais posted a few altered versions for it and the unfly addf H was one of those.

great stuff man, gonna sit in the lab this week and practice this and his usual bnb unfly combos.

Thanks for calling my vid trash man, what’s awesome is that Styles already posted this combo in the thread with the intention of it being for people having trouble with the other combo. This combo however does less damage than the one I made the video about and also uses less meter, the only time it should be used is on Ammy, and even then I think the easier j. m, j. m, j. h, j, uh, dj, j m, j.h, j.s does more damage.

So for all your hype you’ve really just copied someone elses inferior combo and trashed on other in the process.