It’s like her old Tekken winpose. Makin’ me d’awwww.

The good old “Man, you’re weak” win pose!
I’m wondering what the practical applications of Onikubigari are supposed to be.
It seems like it might have enough block-stun to do a safe tag-cancel off of, but it would be a little lame if the whole reason they put it in the game was the occasional need to generate block-stun.
I noticed Valle was having trouble with that Onikubigari -> Dash -> c.LP juggle.
Perhaps it is dash cancellable? It seems to provide a lot of hit stun too.
You might be right, I just remember how useless Abel’s EX Wheel Kick and Evil Ryu’s EX Axe Kick ended up being in the long run and I don’t want to be stuck in the mud if Thunder Fall goes that route. The fact that she crouches before she does it could give us some pretty nice fakeouts though.
It’s her super-charge move, he was supposed to dash out of it instantly, FADC style.
It seems clear that the trial 20 is supposed to be done by charging the move and then dash canceling forward to catch them with the jab. I don’t think you’re supposed to actually hit them with the move.
As for practical applications, it does seem decent in combos. And it’s never bad to have a safe special move you can buffer. Like, if you were to say there’s three ranges:
At range 3 you would buffer into lift kicks or something like that most of the time. But at range 2 that would usually be a bad idea. In this case you could frame trap into crouch strong xx onikubigari and get more damage than if you just stuck out the normal. You could also mix that up with crouch strong xx charged onikubigari xx dash -> throw or whatever. And then mix that up with releasing the charged special a little late to score a counterhit.
Although, her chains should make it easier to confirm even at range 2, but we don’t know frame data on them.
Also I suspect the EX onikubigari might be her best EX launcher for combos.
There’s also the possibility you can link from a regular hit, or at least a counterhit. Asuka’s trials leave some questions unanswered because the earlier trials are intentionally simple. There are enough different things to show off that they had to put some interesting mechanics into earlier trials where their formula meant they had to keep the combo simple. In this case, Onikubigari was only used against grounded opponents in trial 13, which was the default “introduction to special cancels” trial. For all we know you can link something after it - the trials never went into grounded links, or even a combo into super.
Something that I was noticing was that unlike all of the Tekken chars I’ve seen so far, she doesn’t seem to have a move that goes through fireballs. Perhaps Onikubigari might be that move?
Leg cutter might go under, maybe cartwheel will go over.
Probably the only tekken character I will use. Hope she goes well with sagat…
I dunno much about her though. What was she like in tekken? Playstyle wise i mean.
I like her in Tekken, but to be honest, she wasn’t that great because I felt like she didn’t really have anything that fast and safe compared to other characters. She did have a lot of crushes though, where she would either duck highs or go over lows. She had pretty good damage, especially if they are at the wall. Someone else who’s better at Tekken could probably explain better than me or prove me wrong. I honestly haven’t played in a while, but I believe RIP and crew did a tutorial vid on her also if you want to look at her in depth in Tekken 6.
What you’re saying is about right. Asuka was the queen of crushing, but other than that, she didn’t have a lot of particularly safe or fast moves.
TTT2 is a different story, she’s super safe from what I recall.
it really doesn’t look like it’s an all purpose anti air but it looks like a decent juggle finisher
but i suppose her high/mid counter would suffice as a anti air though (she has one of those right?)
It’s not a finisher, you can juggle afterwards.
Mentioned this on the Poison Thread already, but it looks like the general strategy is pick a battery or zoner first, and a high damage character second. I was originally gonna play Vega/Poison, but if this is true then that’s not looking like a good team.
Asuka’s probably the one Tekken character I’m really interested in trying, how’s her damage? Would she be a good second? If she is, I’m thinking Poison/Asuka or Vega/Asuka would be good.
This comes up a lot. While i wouldn’t say she is the only Tekken character i am interested in, i think she stands out as a favorite for me too. Still hoping my Guile/Asuka will be viable.
she has good damage , but her being tagged in might be different so its hard to tell
I was watching some of Mike’s Marduk play against Jago and (Staged or not staged) I noticed he was getting the most use out of his anti-air grab by putting on pressure, then doing it when he expected a jump away or a neutral jump. Maybe we can pull some of that stuff off? I know the hitbox makes it pretty lousy for a jump-in but if we can use it to keep pressure going and possibly option select it in the future it could still end up really good.
Also, I know we can combo off the air grab, but can we combo off of her EX low grab? It hits crouchers too so if we can get some damage off of that it would be fantastic.
I can relate. While I do want to try other characters like Marduk, Kazuya, and Lili; Asuka’s the only one I saw and went “Holy crap, I want to use this girl.” I’m amazed she’s not more popular.
How does she deal with fireballs?
as far as I can tell in the demo jump forward lmao