The Asuka Kazama Thread

It’s just a DP, treat it like any other DP.

Except his doesn’t lead to big combos or do much damage, and if memory serves, is kinda slow.

I play Ogre Asuka. I could shed some light on what makes Ogre threatening.

Ogre is a very defensive character. He has a DP (orb) and Counters just like Asuka, although his take 4 frames to activate, making them only really good against jump in attacks and predictable lows. You have to approach him carefully, as he can take 200 to 450 of your HP off from a single mistake. However, a lot of his moves are punishable. If you bait his DP, you can df.HK BnB. Against Asuka, he has no need to ever use his Teleport attack, Owl’s Hunt. If he uses it to try to catch you doing something, it’s incredibly punishable. It hits mid, meaning it is an overhead.

Your main worry is his is low attacks, such as cr.LK and cr.MK. These hit a good distance and can easily be buffered into a combo or Blazing Kick. In a corner, this leads to heavy damage.

Indigo Punch is completely safe on block and it is his CADC move. This is the fireball in hand move. He’s actually +2 after the LP version on block, meaning if he’s close enough, he can frame trap you with a s.HK or whatever really.

Waning Moon is a command grab. EX version has armor. You MUST crouch guard this, as it will always grab standing opponents (the opposite of Asuka’s Sweep Throw). This is a great wake up move outside of his DP, however it is incredibly more punishable on block. -22 and higher.

Ogre can poke really good with s.HK and s.HP. These moves go very far, easily 1/3 the screen.

Inch your way in, do not allow him to jump in on you. His jumping attacks are rather sub-par to be honest. He dominates the ground, not the air. If he jumps at you, challenge with a j.MP land c.LK > Oniku. Then you’re in.

Not very often used, but still very useful for Ogre are 2 target combos. These are called Demon Slayer and Infinite Kick combo.

Demon Slayer is a built in tech trap, it looks like he’s backhanding you with a fist of fire. This move is only -1 on block and it is cancelable, meaning into LP Indigo for +2 on block.

Infinite Kick Combo is his only overhead type of attack outside of Teleport attack. It is a 5 hit series of kicks, the 2nd hit being an overhead, the 3rd hit being a low. The first and last hit of this target combo is cancelable, meaning, again, LP Indigo for +2. In the corner, this move is very dangerous as it can lead into 300-400 damage, including Super/Cross Arts.

Of course… this is all implying that the Ogre you next face is actually aware of any of this.

Can anyone do CADC -> Sweep throw consistently? I keep getting her Falling rain instead.

My friend mains Ogre and it is certainly a bitch. His st.LP is retarded. Just try and bait orb and punish from there. Either that or counter his long ass pokes.

On the subject of AAs… got 3 meters to spare? Asuka’s cross art makes for a fantastic AA.

try to wait a neutral a bit after the dash and before the sweep throw input
it’s kind of tricky i guess because you want to do it as fast as possible but too fast and the forward from dash buffers over :frowning:

Anyone got any tips for Asuka’s trial 17?
I’ve been stuck for like 2 days trying to land the MK after the legcutter launcher.

just wait some
visual cue probably want to press it when they are passing her head
hope that helps :slight_smile:

Early SFxT Japanese Blog Tier List


Out of these tiers: S A+++A+ A B C D

Asuka is listed at the top of B. I know, I know, early tier list means absolutely nothing and it’s stupid to be even discussing tiers at this early of a point. Just thought I’d share.

Ugh, need to spend more time with this game. I just found out how useful EX sweep throw was.

Played someone with auto-block gem for the first time in endless. It blocked a jumping fierce cross up for them at least once a round on average. :frowning:

I’m sure it’s just the embarrassment that’s stopping more people from trying the assist gems, they are really good.

No kidding. I fought someone with auto-block earlier and it made it impossible to land any overheads. I also fought a guile with auto-throw that made me rethink using assist gems on my Guile.

What should you use as anti air as Asuka? I’ve been trying the srk grab but it doesn’t seem to grab them out of the air.

An early f+:lk: is good

st.:lp: is a good AA but it only has 2 active frames which means you really have to be on point with it or else you will eat a jumpin combo.

cr.:mk: is good to make majority of jumpins whiff or sometimes you can even hit them on landing which you can buffer super from it. But some jumpins will hit deep so be wary of the matchup.

st.:mp: and cr.:mp: works in some ranges and could be matchup specific

EX Falling Rain is always a guaranteed AA, the normal version isn’t that good, you have to do it really early to catch them.

Thanks, now off to the lab and train.

No problem :smiley:

whats CADC and how do you do it? sorry new to asuka…

Non-EX falling rain only works against really obvious things like telegraphed dive kicks (got to use this against Hwoarang today) and people who make a habit of jumping repeatedly over your head.

But in those small situations it is very effective, since grabs never trade.

Also grabbing Bison out of headstomp is the best feeling, although not recommended.

Charge Attack Dash Cancel. It’s every characters’ chargeable move and dashing out of it. In this case its Asuka’s Oni

j. :hp: is amazing for 2v2 Scramble mode. :lol:

Whats lili like with cammy? I may swap Cammy for Lili, just not feeling it with cammy

how do you guys approach the footsie game? with very situational AAs and lack of range, I feel very vulnerable. she’s very powerful when you manage to get into a block string off of -> into CADC shenanigans, or -> mk into CADC – but these are often beaten out before they hit and she can take a lot of damage before putting any work in.

it’s a slow game for her, i think, and i may drop Sagat because of all the timeouts i’ve been dealing with.