I actually think I have it down now, it was a combination of all the above suggestions, lol.
some thoughts:
i see no reason to ever use links with asuka since her :mk:, d+:mp: (this needs a nickname) can be special cancelled and chains from every poke
negative edging s.:hk: > oni has helped my consistency a great amount with that ender since there’s no possible way to delay oni. give it a try!
you can tag out with :hp:+:hk: after cancan > j.:hk:… timing is similar to that of s.rh > oni. this is helpful if you cancan off of a legcutter or b.:mp:,:mk: and want to tag out without burning meter… or you’re bleeding and you accidentally go into cancan instead of cross cancelling. be aware you can’t combo after the tag.
same thing with #3. if you wakeup with ex cancan, you can :hp:+:hk: after f.:lk:,f.:lp: since her ex cancan is the only thing akin to a wakeup dp, it’s nice not to waste 2 meters just to gtfo. it does respectable damage at 304 (or 336) and probably makes it one of the best wakeup dp’s in the game for tagging out with 1 meter… that is, if it hits. (you can fit in a f.:mp: after demon slayer and still hit the :hp:+:hk: for xtra dmg, but it’s risky if you’re low on health)
If you anti-air with s.:lp: you can juggle with:
s.:hk: xx Oni, cr.:hk:. Seems obvious-ish, but I don’t know how many people use jab anti-air. The hit box is actually pretty good though. 262 damage.
s.:hk: xx Cross Art. 480 damage with Law.
If you air-to-air with j.:mp:/j.:mk: (j.:hp:), you can juggle with:
Hyakujitsuko ( :mk:,cr.:mp:) xx Oni, sweep. 304 damage. (342 if a2a was j.:hp:)
Hyakujitsuko ( :mk:,cr.:mp:) xx Falling Rain, cr.:hk:. A little easier to do. 297 damage. (335 if a2a was j.:hp:)
cr.:mk: xx Cross Art. 500 damage with Law.
- Maybe just call it Hyaku from now on?
- pro tip!
- & 4. this is actually pretty cool!
i digg hyaku!
also if you’re being blockstring’d, you can negative edge her counter. i haven’t tried it on RL people, but I can’t count the number of times where I try to counter in between attacks and get CH’d because something I didn’t want came out :(.
you can store a c.lk by timing it with their initial attacks and then release it with the :hcf: whenever you feel you wanna counter. also works with ex
actually if you’re holding d/b, then you only have to input :qcf: (release k) for counter to come out
Not sure if I missed it, but when you say cancan, are you referring to the double kicks?
yeah sry i’m probably confusing a lot of ppl. in tekken the animation resembles the can-can
it’s… efficient lol
I was just trying to help man. I dont care about Marvel and what happened with that. I paid for the guide and seeing that I play Asuka here, I figured I would help this thread and post frame data which everyone is dying to know. Whats the point of letting something widely sought after “trickle” out when you can have it all at the same time? The game is out already. Its not like I put this stuff up pre-launch. I dont get it but whatever.
I haven’t found any reason to use Exo(I know the ex version goes through fireballs) in any situation. Both Exo & Palm are not safe on block and her other combos do more damage. I could go into her overhead after palm hits but it’s too damn obvious.
Idk if this is known but off of a raw c.HP if you tag cancel you can land a fierce with your partner into a full combo. Idk if this’ll work with every character but with Nina/Vega I get a s.HP/c.HP easy.
Instead of trying to hit confirm with links from cr.:lp: or cr.:lk: at all, I’ve been using cr.:lk:, s.:mk:, cr.:mp:. No execution worries, same effect (first hit is low), good range. Holli is right, links are a waste.
So I don’t know what to use my meter for in this game. I get mid 300’s on bnbs and high 300’s/low 400’s on jump ins.
Don’t feel like I need to use meter to get the most out of asuka and I think I’m playing this game wrong =[ sad times
I have xbox now if anyone wants to add me “Kitori jp” is the gamer tag.
Meter use for Asuka? Tag outs, Super, Ex Exo, and EX Falling. I play Ogre Asuka and use Ogre mainly as a battery and heavy damage. Asuka has speed and power gems when I tag her in. Typically I aim to tag in Asuka when I’m at one of two options. Low HP on Ogre (he has 3 fort gems to help prevent this) or I reach 2 bars.
2 Bars of meter for Asuka means 2 solid Anti-airs. If your opponent is aware of this, they will not take the risk of it.The ground is yours to start dominating with Attack Reversal.
Also, at any point when I feel I need to take Asuka out of the match, any time I end a combo in Oniku I tag out Asuka for 1 bar. Don’t forget that cancan is completely safe to tag her out from also. So, even a blocked BnB into cancan, tag out for 1 bar and you can continue the block string with your incoming character.
This is at least my two cents on meter use with Asuka… I don’t know how to land her Super Art from a tag combo, if you even can.
cMK>Super works, but it’s a stupid link that will fail for seemingly no reason.
Ex leg sweep grabs both crouching and standing opponents so that’s a viable use of meter to get the opponent fullscreen to safely raw tag instead of trying to condition them to stand block to catch them with normal leg sweep.
F+hk overhead tag cancel into your partner’s combo is a good use as well.
Anybody found a use for EX oni yet?
It’s good damage with a juggle follow up. I think I got around 420ish using EX Oni instead of an upkick combo.
I managed to figure it out. You have to actually delay your cMK -> into super a very tiny amount and you have to do it close to the ground. If you use your super immediately, it’ll cause the third hit to miss. If you do it too late, you won’t cancel out of the c.mk. This also means that, presumably, any place you can throw in a c.mk you can tack on a super afterwards if you time it correctly. The best way to put it is that you want to time the cancel RIGHT as the leg starts to retract.
Tested combos that work:
j. hp -> s.hk -> lift kicks -> j.hk -> c.mk ~ super (539)
j.hp -> s.mp -> s.lk -> lift kicks -> j.hk -> c.mk ~ super (507ish)
On tag: f.lk -> f.lp -> c.mk ~ super
Also, after her lift kicks you can use her f.mp and it’ll cause a ground bounce. From there, you can use most of her low-reaching normals to continue a combo, use excelsior (light and ex versions), another overhead for hard knockdown I think or even a raw launcher. Damage is not as high as her typical bnb, but maybe someone else will find something neat with it. I tried a couple of different things to no avail.
So what’s peoples best combo off EX Lift Kicks? The usually BnB doesn’t really work.
ex cancan, f.lk. f.lp, s.rh, oni, c.rh - 396 dmg iirc?
I’m having problems doing the st.hk xx oni after the j.hk. You have to do the st.hk really early as they’re falling?
I usually just do st.mp xx oni instead for a easier combo.