The Asuka Combo thread

lol oh…
i’m such a fool:(

unfortunately i can’t help with that i just have the timing down to memory i guess because i know at first i whiffed it every now and then

I whiffed it a lot at first. It helped me to focus on hitting HK as soon as Asuka touched the ground. You can do it earlier than you’d think.

Thank you.

Good to know. That link feels like a 1 framer up close (I’m sure it is a 1 frame link at that distance).

You have to hit st. HK the moment you hit the ground. Once you get the timing down, you will find it quite easy. You hit st. HK earlier than you think you would.

Sweep after EX Oniku gives me trouble, however.

I’m also pretty sure it’s at least two frames if they are hit crouching, which, given it’s an overhead, should be most all the time.

I do think it’s an extremely important link to get down for Asuka.

I dont know if everyone has access to this but I bought the Strat Guide and I cant seem to find any frame data online yet. My scanner broke so I was reduced to taking pics. I hope they’re clear enough.

All those seem to be broken links

Come on man, take that stuff down. The idea is to let it kinda trickle out, answer a question here and there – this was a discussion that happened when the marvel guide came out. The authors created that frame data from scratch and shared it with those who buy it. Same reason all the frame data isn’t up on the SRK wiki yet even though the authors surely have access to it.

Is it okay if the overhead is hitting once, not twice? I’m having trouble connecting with anything after st. lp if it does hit once.

I’m talking about fMP.

With fHK if it hits twice all you can get is EX Falling rain or Sweep.

(in the least snobby voice possible lol)…As am I. At max range I was getting a single hit.

Well, fMP only hits once. Tsuwabuki is the actual name of fMP.

With a one hit Thunder Fall (fHK) that hits once, the easiest followup is just MK, dMP, Falling Rain/Oni. A harder followup is fLK,fLP,MP,Oni.

You’re right. Up close, for some reason, it looked like it was hitting twice. Fail.

From max range, what is the go to combo exactly, f+MP > st. LP…then? I’ll try like st. lp > st. mp > st. lp and the last hit won’t connection so I can’t cancel into specials

I just do LP,MP,LK,Lift Kicks. If you need more time to confirm you can do LP,LP,MP,LK,Lift Kicks.

You can do the LP,MP,LP,MK,dMP confirm, but sometimes the second LP will wiff, so I don’t bother.

That is what was happening. My second LP was whiffing. MK should work much better.

So what are you guys doing after hitting a Counter Hit cr.HP?

I’m doing f.LP > f.LK > LP > st.MK > Falling Rain (Heavy version if it matters.) > cr.HK.

I’m hitting this consistently, and it does 408 dmg. The time to react to the crumple with Demon Slayer is pretty lenient.

that’s more then i was getting so i’ll switch to that now good find :slight_smile:

This. It was like 4 o’clock when I was messing around and wrote the transcript for that. :c

Do you guys link jab into strong or do you chain it? I’ve been trying to get in the habit of linking if I’ve already confirmed a hit to boost damage, and chaining it on block (unless i’m trying to frame trap). Just curious what other folks are doing…

For instance, in lp mp lp/lk strings, if the above wasn’t clear.

^ chaining it.

Make sure you release your RH button immediately when doing the Oni. I’ve caught myself delaying it’s execution numerous times. I’m still working on this too by the way, just posting what I find helps.