The Asuka Combo thread

I’ve been using instead of and get the sweep every time. Not sure about how much damage I’m missing out on but it feels good man.
Edit: 15 more damage on my BnB, I’ll take it.

I press St.HK when I land and it I get the sweep nearly 100% of the time.

Yeah, lemme know if that works for you. I got me from about 15% accuracy to hitting it about everytime.

Ugh I hate that f+MP is the ground bounce they have to be launched pretty high to allow the slow move to actually get them and even after that you can only get so much after it :frowning:

although I didn’t try any fadc after is maybe there is hope

Pretty much any situation I found that I could combo into fMP there were other easier combos that were better. The great thing about that ground bounce is that you get a full combo on idiots trying to upback in a game that isn’t Marvel.

On that note. Is there something unique about Raven’s jump or wakeup? I’m having a bitch of a time meatying him correctly.

Do you still not play online??

You can combo into on Up Kicks or from a Tag ( situational )

for a get off me, EX CANCAN , f+lk -> f+lp, xx hcb hk, 374

Not bad for a wakeup or combo breaker.

I play this game online. I didn’t play Marvel because the net code was crap. But SFxT has good net code so go ahead and friend me. We can get some sparring sessions in.

I also want to get some training mode pow-wows going if people want to do lab work/discussions with me.

Which platform?


Then count me in.

I was pretty impressed with your Jill work in UMvC3. It’d be nice to have the opportunity to train with some high level players. The first time I started playing fighting games in years was back in June with SSFIV. Before that? Third Strike. Needless to say, I need a lot of work. :stuck_out_tongue:

There also isn’t a local scene anywhere near here, so unless I move, I’m stuck with online.

Edit: So I’ve been practicing a BNB with Asuka. The typical Double Lift Kicks>J.H>St.HK>Oniku>Sweep, but what’s the best way to hit confirm for that combo? I’ve been practicing MP>LP, but it seems like you’d have to commit to the cancel into the Double Lift Kicks way before you have time to react to whether or not it was blocked.

From personal experience in the matches I’ve played so far, I usually go for crossup j. hp, and by the time it connects I can tell if I should go into the mp, lp, cancan setup.

I see. I did notice her jumping HP has a lot of hitstun, so I’ll keep it in mind.

Does anybody have some good standing BNBs, then? I also wonder how safe Double Lift Kicks is on block.

I’m almost positive I have been punished for doing a random double lift kick or two, but never bothered to really test it. I don’t think all characters can punish it, however.

My friend plays Raven and I am having the same issue…

HI guys, new combo:

Off of raw EX double lift kicks (i.e. you woke up dped… or did reversal EX dp),

:f::lk: :f::lp: :hk: :hcb::k: cr.:hk:

396 damage off of raw EX double lift kicks.

Add Me Im Kreative Mente

With the space

With the Im?

It might be easier if you ad me: FlyingVe

Tell me what :dp::2k: ~ :f::lk::f::lp: ~ :d::mp: S.:hk: xx :hcb::hk: ~ cr. :hk: is looking like damage wise.
Optimized that for you.

You know, it’s funny. I went 7-2 in a tournament once using your technology on Nova / Frank / Spencer from UMVC3 once, and all I did was online warrior the whole bloody time. Took awhile, sure but I got up there. If there was sometime we could get more sessions going, or like an IRC / Facebook / Steam something, that’d be pretty convenient for this. It’s taking a bit used to to get my Street Fighter legs in coming in from UMVC3 and Soul Calibur 5, So dont’ expect a challenge. :c

my GT is : VJ Sann

Compiling info from what i read; i got this -
This combo takes 1 bar.
J.:hk: :mp::lp::mk:~:mp: xx:dp::hk: J.:hk: ~ st.:hk: xx:hcb::2k: ~:mp::lp: xx :hcb::hk: ~ cr. :hk: 400+ 1 bar.

If anyone wants to add me also, my live tag is the same as this forum name.

Okay, I’ll send out a bunch of friend requests tomorrow. I want to get some lab time in with you guys. Two heads are better than one.

Online training mode is awesome.