The Asuka Combo thread

Does this actually do more damage than:

fLK, fLP, cMP xx Oni, cHK?

I would check myself, but I won’t have access for a while.

it should shouldnt it? s.HK does more damage than c.MP…

Well, there was the sLP as opposed to fLP.

Like I said, I’ll test it later today when I’m home. Just wondering if someone had a quick answer.

sometimes I get a bounce from doing an over head on wake up and I’m not sure what I should be following up with.
Any combos I should be doing there? prefer a hard knock down combo though.

Oh sorry, I meant f+lk f+lp

that’s probably because they’re trying to jump away as a wake up option
but you should for sure be able to just double kick and then juggle maybe even a into double kick
not able to test it out for you right now

But if you mash it, you can do it too early and then you get no damage.

o_O you mean where the f.LK hits twice? I’ve had happen when i tag cancel into Asuka but never from a Cross rush…

oh man the only time I have the hit twice is vs big characters like hugo. I have no clue what to do after that as they just fall and it makes me sad. I should spend some time in training mode vs hugo tagging in to Asuka vs him and see what I can do to fix that.

No, you can do it too early and the f+LK just whiffs. Asuka hasn’t run in close enough yet.

I think it’s character-specific.

And yeah, f+LK hits twice against big characters, you just have to know when it’s going to happen and catch them as if you were doing the jumping roundhouse juggle. In the corner you can do hopkicks -> f+LK (2 hits) -> s.HK xx oni -> sweep against everyone for slightly better damage than the jumping roundhouse juggle.

Asuka can juggle her super from upkicks but the timing is very strict.

J.hp > xx hk upkicks > super = 473 damage wiffs on crouchers so I don’t think it’s great after a j.hp
I just use J.HP> xx upkicks

Ah yeah but I was just seeing the max damage possible.

I do the same as you, > for hitconfirming.

you can do upkicks> j.HK> xx super. its has weird timing though.

Ah didn’t know that, I knew she could do upkicks > > xx super but not off

Cool stuff!

Man I can’t really get super to connect fully from anything… Pretty sure I can do more damage just using two bars starting from either character on my team, but sometimes I want that unrecoverable shit.

For the upkicks f+mp > xx super, you have to really delay the cancel, do the super as Asuka is about to retract her leg.

delay the super after the as late as you can and it will fully connect.

You can also do double kicks f+lk,f+LP, wait, super which connects fully as well

Oh word, got it. Thanks. I can do a lot more damage with one bar anyways.