Yup…lp is +2 on block and lk is -1
Hm should i abandon the link combo’s i do with asuka and use chains?
cr lp cr mp
probably better with chains for pressure and cancel?
If those are the Tekken strings then
st.:mp::lp: is -2 on block and st.:mp::lk:is -5 on block.
As mentioned above, st.:lp: is +2 on block and st.:lk: is -1 if done on their own
Links is still important with Asuka, like
f+:mp: overhead into st.:lp:
cr.:lp: and st.:lp: hitconfirm into cross rush or st.:mp::lp: strings into st.:mk: cr.:mp: chains etc.
Assuming you’re going to CADC, Jab Uppercut and Jab Low Kick appear to have the same amount of block stun. Jab Low kick has a longer range and will connect against crouchers, so that may be preferred. Unless they backdash, in which case Jab Uppercut will at least recover a little faster on whiff.
My $0.02.
So I’m really liking Asuka’s combo style (as in, very little reliance on links). Are there any other characters I should play that are like her? (No grapplers.)
Just the shit I’ve been doing online. nothing new here.
Sometimes I accidentally get a tsuwabuki groundbounce when people jump out and my brain kind of fizzles out on what to do so I just low forward xx super. A use for super!
I think that would be difficult, Asuka is fairly unique. There are other Tekken characters who can get away with using mostly chains/juggles (Julia? Nina? Kaz/Heihachi?) but they still generally do have useful links for hitconfirm. Asuka shouldn’t totally ignore jab links, either – most characters don’t have a 3f jab, so you’re missing out if you don’t take advantage of it.
For a character who doesn’t rely on links, a 1 framer is the cornerstone of her oki game.
Try Nina and Heihachi though, they have a similar combo structure in that there’s an overlap between the auto-combo and target combos.
Just wanted to share a simple super combo for Asuka, 523 damage:
j. :hp:, s.:hk:, Liftkicks, take a step forward, :f:+ :lk:, :f:+:lp:, Super as soon as you can.
52% Damage combo with Asuka for 2 Meters
I got this from watching CC’s Runnin’ Sets, Link was playing Asuka.
Df. Hk, Cancan, Jf. Hk, St. Lk, Falling Rain.
you can also do it with any starter to F. Lk, F. LP, St. Lk, Falling Rain
here’s the videos
IMO, using Ex moves in combos is a waste of meter. You will need that bar for more important stuff like AA FRain or EX Exo. c.Hp, TC is really good if her partner has high damage output. Once you learn the timing for c.MK you will save even more meter. I still haven’t found one reason why I should every combo into Exo when Lift kick, j.HK, s.HK, Oni, sweep is her best ender(currently). Also, supers should never be used unless you know it will kill. Seriously, What’s the point of wasting two bars on super when my tag combo does 200 more damage with the same amount of meter and I even have the option to go for a reset that can give me a bonus 175dmg?
What’s her best combo after a launcher? I always do f.Lk, f.Lp, s.Mk, FRain, Sweep
I do F. Lk, F. Lp, Cancan, Jf. HK, Df. Hk 2x, Cancan
St. Hk to oniki, after Jf,Hk does more damage but i just cant do it.
I do f+lk st.lp, st.hk xx oni sweep
does that connect after a launcher? I’ve been doing the same as Ika just because it was pretty easy didn’t really try anything else though.
Yes, it’s just tricky because you have to do the f+LK as soon as possible. Ika’s combo is a lot easier to do, but the one Fergus listed has the best damage output.
just mash f.LK once you connect the launcher Asuka should come in and do the flip Asap.
or you can learn the timing and sometimes miss it and whiff a f.LP in front of your opponent face ^___^
well I guess I should training mode it some. to get timing down.
I have a couple of combo’s for Asuka, don’t know if they’ve been share already.
I want to comment on something, :mk: to :d: :mp: allows you connect into :dp: :hp:. You can use it for alot of stuff including x cross combo’s. Also j. :hp: can cross up.
jumping. :hp: , :mp: , :lk: , :mk: , :d: :mp: , :dp: :hk: , :f: :mp: , :mk: , :d: :mp: , :dp: :hp: , :d: :hk:
jumping. :hp: , :mp: , :lk: , :mk: , ex. :hcb: :k: , ex. :dp: :p:, :d: :hk:
:f: :lk: , :f: :lp: , :mk: , :d: :mp: , :dp: :hp: , :d: :hk:
jumping. :hp: , :mp: , :lk: , :mk: , :d: :mp: , :hcb: :mp: ,
jumping. :hp: , :mp: , :lk: , :mk: , :d: :mp: , ex. :hcb: :p: , :f: :mp: , :mk: , :d: :mp: , :dp: :hp: , :d: :hk:
jumping. :hp: , :mp: , :lk: , :mk: , :d: :mp: , :qcf: :p:
from cross tag, :mk: , :d: :mp: , ex. :hcb: :k: , ex :dp: :p: , :d: :hk: (please note, even though it looks easy. this combo is hard to pull off cause of system drop.)
from cross tag, :mk: , :d: :mp: , :dp: :hp: , :d: :hk:
jumping. :hp: , :mp: , :lk: , :mk: , :d: :mp: , Super or X-cross
There’s a couple more, but they’re not worth mentioning, unless I find a way to extend them and more then likely have been discussed, as they are the easiest to do.
I’ll double check to make sure I got the right moves down, doing this from memory atm, so sorry if there’s a mistake somewhere.
You’re better off just doing the current BnB. More damage for less meter.