They look like warm up matches for dude.
Howd that dude focus attack and then immediately do head butt in the first vid at 25 seconds?
It’s not a focus attack, it’s a EX kara cancel ( I think they call it that ) :
So there’s this guy named MadLeprechaun who sent me a message on Youtube, basically challenging me and all. Problem is, I have no clue who he is and shit.
He gave me his GT (Wax 631) so I looked it up and found some vids versus a guy named Lumina and I thought :
“This guy is no good but the Lumina dude is actually not bad”
And I went through his channel and found a couple of good clips:
Lumina ( Ry ) vs Yet another wannabe Sagat ( Sa )
Once again a Sagat who only feels confortable when he’s at the other side of the screen, otherwise he would basically jump at you and tick throw like he’s playing chun-li.
I think Lumina did well espacially in the beginning of the third round. Need moar AA SRK.
Lumina ( Ry ) vs Wax 631 ( Ry )
That’s the guy who challenged me
Lumina (Ry) vs The Unknown B (Za)
A DOO DOO YOZ (Sa) vs Lumina (Ry)
Three last rounds are funny
PS : If you happen to play against tatsu happy ryu/ken, crouch underneath and SRK it ( regular srk if he is in front of you, or reverse if it crosses up ), you can’t srk in the block stun and it forces stand up ( I think )
Here is a lame vid of Sak and Ryu going toe to toe if anybody’s interested.
[media=youtube]-D8xIHBb9ts]Street Fighter 4 [color=darkred]G2 Finals Match[/color[/media]
Dude why show all these vids of you beating total scrubs? At least show some good matches where the Ryu didn’t try to lose as much as possible.
The only thing achieved by uploading matches like this is an epic increase in entropy.
Lol. Sorry but all the best ones win against me of course! Though there are certain people I face where it goes back and forth each time. I’ll try to get one where I fought with everything I had and I only luckily won somewhow lol.
I have a feeling we wont be seeing any of those videos. I think you’re missing the point.
mr flowers please stop trolling in every single thread.
mrflowers we should play sometime and you should record the match and post it here too
I already said if one of you see me on PSN in G2 you should record it and put it into the SAkura videos section. I never said I was great at the game or anything like that. All I said was here is a video of me beating Ryu. After all, I’m hunting him. Besides, I only record matches in Champ Mode.
Anyway here are some better ones. The first guy I lost to earlier that evening. It was really hard for me to keep up with him.
Why are u posting Sakura videos in the ryu thread? Especially when you’re playing shitty ryu’s.
damn, the hate sure is strong with you big blue lol
Mr. Flowers, it’s ok to post vids of of you losing, everybody loses. As for the last couple of vids, these guys are better then the others but man they still seem worse then someone like me and I’m not much. How about trying to play one of the Ryu players on here and recording some of that? If one of the guys here has good zoning/footsies, you could learn or improve on how to beat that style of Ryu instead of the run of the mill full screen tatsu and LP DP after losing the air to air Ryu that you seem to come across all the time.
Mr. Flowers I will play you with my karate man. Ill add you as soon as im off work.
MRFlowers; nut all the hste aside… In all honesty, youre not going to get any feedback goodwhen yu only show you playing scrubs. If you put some vids up of you losing to a good Ryu Im sureyoull get good feedback and improve. Up to you if you want to learn or just want to beat scrubs and prove it - which is kinda weird really.
maybe he can only beat shitty ryu’s? give him a break :crybaby:
i definitely want to see this match, i’m rooting for Solid, no offense mrflowers but solid is no scrub (i am a scrub :P), he is worthy of his username
Does anybody read my posts or what it says on the videos on my youtube? I said those Ryu’s were hard for me. Yes I can only beat those Ryu’s I’m only a G2-B I’m not some tournament pro here! I would love to add some Ryu’s to my PSN list so I can learn how to be better at beating him. If I have a 3 bar connection with one of you guys that will be great!
And if the video has Ryu in it why can’t it go in the Ryu Video thread?
Is this a Jedi Mind trick?