The Ameяican Government Thread

Razor: I hope you are aware that all that free shit Shillary is promoting for the DNC platform to pander to berners are in fact non-binding. All that free college and $15/hr stuff is non-binding. This was addressed by bernocrats on reddit. It’s like how Obama promised to close down gitmo and how that never materialised or how he said he wouldn’t be influenced by super PAC money in 2008. What is hilarious is how Sanders endorsed this crook without any binding agreements. The DNC didn’t even bother to pretend it was going to do anything about the TPP. Anyway, just thought I’d inform you. I don’t expect you or your ilk to change your mind and it won’t matter because Trump is going to win.

Why would you give your life, rather than fight against the unjust laws, and their proponents.

If the Founding Fathers had done that, we’d still be England.

Fuck accepting unjust consequences dictated by evil assholes leveraging villainy as rule of law.

How awesome would it be if Stein was the first female President of the United States of America? Not Hillary.

How new to politics do you think I am? Of course I know it’s non-binding, just like a second term isn’t guaranteed.

But with Hillary being a compulsive liar you can’t count even an attempt at anything non-binding.

It’s pretty much the main reason myself and many Bernie supporters aren’t jumping ship to Hillary. Her consistency is so poor that no one thinks she’ll enact a policy they agree with. She can talk all she wants, but doesn’t have the record to show she’s capable of putting her money where her mouth is.

Also, she’s utterly screwed if Democrats don’t take back Congress. A Republican majority would vehemently oppose anything that comes from her, even worse than the situation with Obama. She’s going to use the Executive Order function, and a lot of people are uneasy about giving a complete sociopath that kind of power.

Were all screwed regardless unless a third party starts polling competitively. I am sure the civil unrest would be so great at a Clinton election she would not be able to govern, riots, states would start talking secession, general strikes etc. and to a lesser degree imo trump would spur the same.

I favor this, seeing the GOP and DNC completely collapse would make me smile and give me hope for humanity, neither are fit for purpose.

DONALD TRUMP: ‘I wish I had time’ to play Pokémon Go

He should spend his time learning US & international policy.

the only reasonable choice has arrived

I’m just going to vote for this guy in November:

Most days I am not real enthusiastic about admitting I am voting for Trump or have much of a defense for him other than he’s not Hillary and exhibits common sense, and might be a good manager whom listens to advice and doesn’t want to micro-manage.

But then there are days like today when Islam kills 80 people and it’s real simple, Hillary wants to import these people. Trump wants to keep them out…

Yeah. I definitely hope people vote Trump over Shillary.

Just cant believe its come to this point though. Never thought I’d fully support Trump cause sometimes I think he is a god damn moron but other times I’m like he spits so much common sense lol

He has that Alex Jones effect.
But atleast I can say Alex Jones actually cares about people and I hope Trump does too.

For those who are for Trump, but embarrassed about talking to people about it, Scott Adams has a good FAQ on how to do so.

The fact that Trump and Hillary are our choices for the next POTUS makes it pretty hard to argue against that our voting system, a first past the post system, is not severely flawed.

That list was useless.

If you find things completely accurate useless. Any hesitancy I have about Trump is based in reality, for example I have a strong contempt for imminent domain, I worry he may escalate the drug war on Marijuana in states that have legalized and I fully acknowledge he is not the most knowledgeable and lacks experience.

These issues are dwarfed in comparison to the corrupt liar criminal that is Hillary Clinton, no contest. Trump might be bad on these issues for me, I know Hillary is.

So: Vote for Satan, or the court jester.

Fuck this shit.