The Ameяican Government Thread

If things are too high a price, or there are too many unnecessary barriers put between people getting a job, be that government or private jobs, then that is a discussion we can have. There are many things that can be done to lower prices because many well meaning policies increase prices on many things in many industries.

The discussion that we shouldn’t be having is lying about the worth of your job. Highly paid professions are those for a reason. You go to college an stay in the trenches for years to study for engineering, and you are worth more not due to regulation, but due to market forces. The same thing applies to minimum wage jobs. It is perhaps our most foolish law. You can’t lie about your input into the economy because the economy will correct itself. People that want a living wage to live comfortably today are normally people that don’t want to apply themselves, they don’t want to do the work others put in, they just want low effort input for maximum output.

These people over here have to risk there lives to get the coal/oil to power my home, those people over there have to work all day to build the building, this guy right here has to be extremely precise in his surgeries that he trained for decades to master, but I get to greet people at Walmart and enjoy the same living standards not naturally, but artificially through government force.

No. That person fuck off to a forest and go fuck himself. Reality is not a children’s story book.

You’re a real fucking asshole.

And you’re stupid, too.

I bet you feel oh so morally superior.

I completely agree with @Azure but that aside…

We need ditch diggers as much as we need scientists. There was some Asian country that apparently did some experiment where they paid people below a certain IQ to sterilize themselves and do you know what happened? They couldn’t find people to fill the necessary low skill jobs because everyone was “too smart” to work that kind of stuff. not everyone’s going to be a scientist, and not everyone SHOULD be.

did you know that in the 1800 and 1900’s when capitalism as we know it was taking hold, people would complain about low tier wages. Back then there was absolutely no regulation on what people should be paid. They where paid shit because their jobs saw them as unskilled workers, same excuse we had today.

Did you know also that one of the arguments against the wage increase back then was, that people where being greedy and materialistic in their demands so that they could go and buy all this “unnecessary” stuff right? Your argument amounts to the same bullshit.


you haven’t given me a response to what should we do about people with kids who worked decent paying jobs and are now working shit tier jobs. You keep spouting this shit about going to school, but how the hell can you go to school when you get paid 20k work two jobs, and have a family to support. WTF?

also, coal workers and oil workers get paid a lot. WTF are you babbling about them not getting paid well.

the idea of free market correcting itself is stupid because even when we had a freeer market the market wasn’t fair in what it paid its workers.

GTFO here with that shit

But everyone ought to be able to live - not just survive.

Thats not even a real job. No one in society benefits from paying people to sterilize themselves.

But aside from that science is not the only job you can have. Being a digger is a harder job than greeting people at walmart. The point is that there are other things causing prices to rise. There are plenty of things that can be done to fix it the right way. Its not just a bunch of business and landowners all across america being assholes, there are actual things causing things to be the prices they are. All I here are lazy answers to problems caused most likely by government regulation and government being in bed with corporations (the only people that can take a hit on new regulations by government by the way. Less competition for them offsets that cost anyway.) or maybe the situations just suck for some industries. A blanket government solution would cause more problems than it would solve. Everything should be looked at on a case by case basis. and we shouldn’t be listening to lazy socialists high on some form of weed for policy prescriptions.

Why even stop at 15 if you want people to live decently? Why not go to 20 or 100? On some level I think everyone knows that these jobs are paid little for a reason. Its nice to think that all you have to do is this one little thing, or that doing it makes you feel good but you should do it anyway, but life is not that easy.

The whole point of paying people to get sterilized was so it would be a society full of “smart” people because no one below the IQ of a certain number would be reproducing.

You do realize that the privatization and deregulation that even guys like Carter and Clinton brought about are a big part of the reason why things are the way they are, right? Clinton in particular passed a lot of deregulation while in office and it’s fucked up a lot of things from Wall Street to radio and media. Regulations are there to keep businesses and people in check. They’re necessary. The way things are now is the result of less regulation, and the next step is to start handing out mandatory salaries just for being alive if it keeps up. I do agree with you that government and corporations should stay separate, and that’s not likely to happen anytime soon, but make no mistake, DEregulation is a symptom of government and corporations working closely together.

You enjoy the spoils of socialism every day of your life. No, we shouldn’t be a purely socialist country, but if you ask me, the US could use a bit more socialism.

The idea of a “living stipend” for each and every U.S. citizen, as an inherent RIGHT, has been around for a long, long time.

Longer than the country itself, actually.

Basic Income is a just, sound concept, that has been on the agenda of more than one president over the course of America’s 200+ years of existence.

No one even understands genetics enough to know what kind of people would be useful to society. No one is isolating genes to produce desirable children. That and this is pretty immoral anyway.

If you are talking about the sub-prime mortgage crisis? Stupid decisions being made by bankers, with insensitive by government. I don’t think a bank would give loans to people that couldn’t afford it knowing they wouldn’t get their money back because the government guaranteed their money. I want to know what specific regulations that Clinton took away that caused the crisis in the first place.

Regulations should only be there to keep people safe. When regulations are put in place to achieve desirable results, because the bigwigs in Washington said that these are the best results till the end of time, oh and we need to tax you more because we need a new government agency to do that, then it causes problems. especially if it is happening at the federal level. What happened to Detroit was nothing but government going to far with good intentions, That doesn’t mean that it should be mimicked. If you keep picking on your tax base and your tax base leaves what are you going to do?

you already commited a fallacyl

now you want to pay people based on how hard something is.

fast food isn’t that easy, especially when you are understaffed and the manager is on your ass.

Its not exactly on how hard something is, but how much value you produce for the economy.

And understaffing might be because they are forced to pay people to much so they can’t have as many people as they want but mcdonalds is billion dollar company so fuck em.

The issue of minimum wage is tricky as all fuck because one side is arguing about certain fundamental issues with the economy and the other is trying to deal with the consequences of it.

On one end, you have to keep in mind that business have to look at everything as an expense and if they can try and save money to operate better, they should.

The other side of it is that because of outsourcing it almost becomes defacto that outsourcing jobs to reduce cost is the right thing to do for the business.

What the business end of it is arguing is that things have turned into a solved game in that the best move a majority of the time becomes to outsource. In order to prevent that you’d have to make the cost of production cheaper locally which minimum wage prevents from happening. It would stand to reason (although I don’t know if there are real world examples of this) that if the wages around an area decrease that all other things decrease to compensate. By the same token, if you increase the cost of production, then costs of the product have to go up because a company needs to make a profit.

This opens up a lot of issues about price points of products, competing against things that are made for cheaper, and a bunch of other issues that i didnt study so i dont understand.

I think the real question is how do you go about creating the conditions in which the economy sees a steady rise in base pay at the lower level because it is whats best for business? If it isnt minimum wage, how do we go about dealing with the fact that there are far more unskilled workers than there are jobs which pay a living wage?

then that means any job that isn’t investor is of no value. By defintion a factory worker, engineer, doctor, electrictian, etc produce nothing of value. Its the people with capital that generate any value in those fields because they allow people to do things. Its the money of the investor that produces things worth of value and its the stock broker that gives money to generate money as well.

Your defintion falls flat

thank you for dodging my question again regarding what to do with the millions of displaced workers who worked blue collar factory style jobs and now work white collar low tier jobs. LOFL

the argument that wages go up so will inflation therefore the price of all things go up is retarded.

The US has dumped trillions of imaginary dollars into the economy. The dollar is still strong and we didn’t make the dollar go into a state of run away inflation.

Also, looking at wages in other countries and the wages that existed in the US before minimum wage, the whole idea of increasing wages means increased costs due to inflation is stupid. The economic idea behind more dollars = more inflation is rooted in the idea that because our money is backed by gold, having more dollars in circulation means that each dollar is worth less due to the fact that a bullion of gold has to be split more. By increasing the flow of dollars, the value of money goes down therefore the demand for dollars goes down, therefore its inherent value is worth less. But applying that argument as a means to say no to minimum wage is retarded because paying people more money doesn’t mean that there is going to be more money that’s printed.

Yes there will be more money in circulation because industry will grow, but the total number of cash in circulation will actually not go up. Giving people more money to spend through minimum wage will actually have a better net impact on the economy than what naysayers say. naysayers like to bitch about inflation but forget about that idea of money multipliers.

If you look at China and the transition of peasants in the city from poor to middle class, you will see that it happened when people started getting paid more. And with the introduction of minimum wage laws, their middle class has grown exponentially. They went from having TV and cable as a sign of wealth, into owning cars with massive foot space in the rear seat as the ultimate sign of wealth. With the introduction of minimum wage in China, you have American companies making movies with chinks in mind. You have GM making the entire Buick line design its cars with the Chinese market in mind, you have Mercedes Audi and BMW selling only their largest fleet cars in China as well. How do you explain that? Minimum wage has made china a legitimate market in which you can sell products and make money. This wasn’t true 10 years ago

The golden age of capitalism in the US also mirrored what happened in China recently. More people where given more spending money due to minimum wage laws and there was more middle class. If you look at the car industry, it used to be exclusively for rich people. Bently, Rolls, Cadillac, Aston, Mercedes made their cars for rich people and that was the market majority. Ford GM and Chrysler didn’t blow up and become the most important industry in the US until the introduction of minimum wage.

The only problem with minimum wage is investors and managers will always look at wages as the biggest source of profit loss. US manufacturing started shipping jobs overseas when minimum wage was introduced even though they where making a killing due to people having more spending money. And now, you have people saying that the introduction of minimum wage in China has hurt its growth and investors will start looking elsewhere to build factories and they are. Its about maximizing profits

The entire system is based on the idea of 3-5% growth, any less than that is unacceptable and anything that gets in the way of that is bad for the economy. Its why you have all these silly arguments against it. I’ve heard arguments such as, people should adjust to what people make in China, Honduras, etc so that the US can be competitive in manufacturing again. I don’t even know where to start.

Minimum wage is only going to hurt industry such as

fast food
logistic packing

are we really going to bitch about how it hurts middle men? LOFL

in short, we are fucked because there are a bunch of capricious asshole middle men crying about how they are going to lose money.

Arguments for minimum wage: Make it easier to work your way toward an education, reduce the dependence of working families on welfare
Arguments against minimum wage: Freedom ain’t free, f**k brown people

What do you think Bernie Sanders is gonna do with the donations after he loses?