And spending money on welfare/social programs/infrastructure is stealing to you guys? I agree that federal agencies are currently inefficient, but that’s why it’s time we pressure the government to clean that up, not give up entirely when the private sector has absolutely no interest in picking up the slack.
There are a lot of people in the US–A LOT–who have the “fuck you I got mine” mentality. Those same people also believe they were born destined for greatness, as if the government in place had nothing to do with it. It’s a fucking wild way of thinking.
As someone who will vote Libertarian if Sanders isn’t nominated, I just find the whole “that’s MY money!” argument to be fucking childish. How about the roads you drove to work on? The subsidies to energy companies that keeps gas prices from skyrocketing? The reason we moved toward an income tax over a plain sales tax is that the numbers significantly favor the wealthy there. Most of your income goes toward directly buying things; the wealthy can invest their income and generate more money in ways not covered by a sales tax, perpetuating wealth disparity.
If you want the government to downsize, you should be prepared for TOTAL downsizing, that includes our military, student aid programs, and disaster relief in case of hurricanes/earthquakes/wildfires. I’m fine with that when it’s applied consistently, just like I’m fine with consistent Socialism. What I despise is the state of our government right now, where the whole process is built on extracting money from the middle class and dumping it on expensive military/industrial endeavors and crony capitalism instead of putting that money back into “providing for the common welfare” like it is supposed to. You either need to redistribute the money spent into something that works better (Socialism) or quit spending that money on bullshit and let the people actually work in their interests (Libertarianism).
You are being facetious. People who are against heavy government taxation are not saying don’t build roads or have schools. They are saying I don’t want to pay for a fat person’s diabetes medication when the fucker could just stop eating cake.
I’d rather A LOT A less go toward military. No one will fuck with is right now. It’s the best time to take that money and invest it in research and shit.
The main things we need to do are cut military spending and put more pressure on the health care industry to cut the federal government flat, fair rates. The money generated can then be put toward paying debts, the VA (after we clean that mess up), and education/infrastructure.
Every fucking day bernie sanders posts more dumb shit. It can’t stand up to the most basic scrutiny.
There are people that have jobs that require them to simply carry light boxes, or put price tags on cloths. To bernie sanders this is the equivalent of a person working in a fucking coal mine.
I almost want him to win just so he could fuck everything up predictably.
So the economy lives on people arrying boxes and putting price tags on cloths? Fucking TEENAGERS and low skill workers do these jobs. FOr generations to make it you had to be a welder, and store owners, a fucking tailor, some useful shit since way back in the old english days. Now people want to get patted on the back just for fucking showing up.
If you think the world should bend to your twisted view of I am alive therefore give me shit, please deport yourself to a forest and go fuck yourself, no one will miss you.
It’s not a fucking pat on the back it’s money to live, if you want shit doing for you you need to pay people enough to make it fucking worthwhile.
If you think you’re entitled to having people do shit for you for fuck all then please go throw yourself off a fucking cliff already, I knew you was a piece of shit from your posting in the lounge but this takes the biscuit.
It’s obvious that @Negative-Zer0 lives in some fantasy world wherein people aren’t appointed specific, low-wage jobs from which there is no escape.
This is the kind of guy that thinks getting a government subsidized education, gaining experience, working your way up, or “applying yourself” are things that virtually any person can do.
Wake up, asshole.
If someone works 20 hours a week at the Dollar Tree and another 20 as a Walmart greeter, they should make enough money to float a one bedroom apartment in which they live alone- something virually everyone you know has done or will do.
saying that people shouldn’t only be making 15600 dollars a year before taxes isn’t stupid. Nobody is saying that they should get paid more than other professions. at 15 dollars an hour people would make double what they make today and live at poverty levels.
That’s fair
Granted, it sucks that teenagers and idiots who choose wrong are benificirias, there is simply to many people out there killing themselves just to survive.
what you are bitching about is akin to saying maybe homeless people should get their shit toghether and apply for jobs. Which is nigh impossible given how you need a cell phone and an address to apply and or have a bank account to deposit your money.
Well that’s what happens when corporations send all those jobs overseas and people have no choice but to buck up and take jobs that were previously worked by mainly teenagers. A lot of the mentality you support in political threads is the mentality that supports this type of thing and means people are going to be put into difficult positions because employers just see them as cogs that are easily replaced.
None of this is, of course, is taking into, ahem, account the fact of the 1% having 90% of everything (a discrepancy so staggering, most people can’t even begin to comprehend it), this meaning, in our banker owned, banking focused, bank controlled economy, that their money literally grows on family trees.
To say that the system is unfair, is a gross miscarriage of justice to the term “fair”.