THE all inclusive Blackheart thread

Would anyone else be good as a 3rd? Because I definitely cant use Cable all that well. I could learn him though.

If you want to see good BH/Tron stuff you should watch matches from a guy named Jaminis. He’s the only guy I know that really plays that team. He uses Sentinel as his third. There’s actually good stuff you can do with that team. You can also try out Doom. Good cancels with that.

haven’t seen this mentioned, but does anyone know the conditions where air judgment day is glitched and does no damage on block? been messing around with it training mode and noticed that sometimes it does absolutely no block damage at times when normally it would do a decent amount.

I’ve seen it do minimal chip but never no chip. As it gets lower it does a small spread, hence why it can do a lot of chip or minimal chip.

mm… i dunno, it looks glitchy. it’s not like only a few are being blocked or it’s too far away so only a few hit. it’s like all of them are being blocked and there is virtually no difference visually in terms of how many demons are hitting it looks the same as when it does good chip.

i get it fairly frequently if i did j.LK into AJD and less frequently when i just go straight AJD. i’ll mess around with it more tomorrow to see if i can be more specific.

What system are you playing? If it’s xbox or ps3 it’s probably just the system mistake (one of many things to correct).

PS3. So it’s a glitch that they’re gonna fix? Cool. I didn’t know if it was a quirk of MVC2 that I didn’t know about. But apparently jLK (and most of the times jLP) into AJD does zero block damage, at least in training mode.

I’ll be sure to tell my friend about it. He’s flying over to the capcom headquarters next week to help them fix a lot of the bugs that are in those versions for the patches that are coming out soon.


is this team utterly retarded? im thinking about picking up BH for this purpose.

It’s actually not a bad team at all. It’s not a tournament team but it can hold it’s own for casual play. I won’t comment on how your gameplay should be with guile on point but I will say this. BH’s assist helps you deal with runaway storms and sentinels. With BH on point you can play a runaway game with doom’s rock assist calling guile’s anti air assist for relief in they get in too close since it’s a great anti air. You can also play a lockdown style of play with BH/Doom if you prefer. Finally, BH combos easily in infernos to HoDs from the guile assist so it’s good in that way too.

The new BH for 360 can now do lp+mp as hod finishes and no fly screen if you are close enough. Online is easier because of the lag but i also tried it offline and it works too you just have to push lp faster. So if you catch a cable now, you don’t have to worry about fly screen and keep the pressure on. Oh yeah is this a new glitch or something?

Okay so I tried doing lp after the last explosion of HOD (very close) at the arcade and it worked but never tried it before the 360 version ,so this is not something new just have never seen anyone do it before. So by the looks of it BH has something “new” to add to his game.

Not exactly sure of the scenario you’re trying to depict, but I’ll take a shot:

close Inferno xx HOD > falling sj.lp >

that’s what I assumed this person was getting at. Either that or the xbox/ps3 version has yet another glitch in it…

Ok I guess my explaining is not very good. Ill try again.

Close HOD(no inferno)> Last hit of HOD which is the explosion quickly tap LP>MP just as the expolsion hits thus meaning the LP knocks them out of the explosion and you both land in the same place.

Couple quick questions… I’m a complete newb when it comes to MvC2, just slowly learning the fundamentals in between SF4 training seshes…

  1. opinion on Blackheart/Ironman AA/Sent drones team? I’ve been messing with BH/Sent/CapCom but I can’t stand CapCom on point… IM has got his infinite, and his DHC seems so awesome especially if I have the meter to DHC into Sent afterwards… huuuuge damage. Sent is the piece that doesn’t really fit in… I am useless with Sent on point so I use him for his DHC and drones assist to lock down space, but maybe Sent-A would be a better choice for combos as IM and BH?

  2. Can’t for the life of me figure out how to combo from… this is that spiral-looking punch that shoots the other guy up and away at an angle. The combo I’m trying to do is,, sjc.F, sj.lp,, air dash, sj.lp,,,

But I just can’t figure out the window to sjc out of the It apparently is not like universal launchers where you just hold up… do I have to hit df, uf to sj out of it?

  1. I had something else, but can’t remember. will edit.

Yes, C.MP is not a launcher move, you have to manually superjump cancel like with Ironman’s C.MP. To do it you have to put the stick on neutral before putting in the SJ. motion.

Thanks, I never would have figured that out… I can get the super jump to come out now, but I can only land one sj.lp or lk before I go flying over mag’s head and can’t reach him any more. More practice I guess… I’m watching the Blackheart Explored videos to figure out the timing.

Give up SF4 for more MvC2 practice =P
There’s two ways you can play this team…
1)BH/Ironman/Sent-a (rocket punch): You should be more offensive (and careful) with BH. You lose the zoning ability the drones give you but you can merk just about anyone with + Sent-a, mk, Judgement Day to Proton Cannon. Also, Sent-a assist helps with air to ground combos with IM.
2)BH/Sent/Ironman-b (anti-air): You should be more defensive with BH. If you pick them off with IM you can quick DHC into HSF and go from there. You can also combo into it with the one I did on Blackheart Explored or with, s.RH, Judgement Day into HSF or Plasma Storm.

Try doing sjc.lp, b4 dashing, gives you plenty of time to get the air dash in.
Also, if you mess up the AD and FP demons come out, don’t try to recover right away with an AD. The FP demons will protect under you. Use them to figure out what your opponent will try to counter with and react to it.

Thanks, also much thanks for making the Blackheart vids. Those kick ass. At first, they made no sense, but now things are slowly coming together :rofl: Here’s my third question, forgot what it was yesterday… this is basic combo notation shit haha.
When you say “ + Sent-A” are you hitting the assist button and at the same time? Things seem to work better if I do the assist right before the when I’m using IM AA assist, get more hits out of IM that way. Or do I want IM to hit as few times as possible so that inferno gets scaled less? I’m not entirely sure how damage scaling works in Marvel although it seems that more hits = better since nothing can get scaled to less than 1 point of damage… so photon cannon rules