THE all inclusive Blackheart thread

I agree (not that I am an expert by any means). I tested BH/Spiral/Sent and BH does not function well on point.

I’m a newbie at MVC2, what is a good team for BH?

BH/Sentinel/Cyc is the best team IMHO for people that are new to MvC2 and Blackheart.
Cyclops assist give you an easy set up for both BH and Sentinel combos. And Cyclops is better than Capcom is on point. Also there’s easy guard break into cyclops.

I play BH (AA), storm gamma, commando/cyke (AA) and find it storms slow up typhoon to work fine with BH because you have a mixup between that and his AA assists, as well as generally just having a few seconds of time between encounters due to his own space control. you also can air dash through it as a shield once it comes up.

Air barf to hailstorm is a good dhc too just for a safe switch, but also a bit of free chip damage if you can barf onto their guy before the dhc. so are combos into heart of darkness into hailstorm to finish a character and to put storm on point.

storm can run out the clock very well in this team too.

that team is called ‘3 lines’ if you have commando. it’s pretty slimy with the space control.

if you get bh/storm/cyc, try bh infinite into j. air barf DHC hail storm. that hurts REAL bad.

Dang, I haven’t seen AK in a loooong time. xD

I’d say BH/Storm/Cyclops is the best newbie team because if Cable screws up your initial game plan, you at least have something to fall back on. Sentinel can beat Cable, but it’s not something all that easy to do when you’re starting out.

Got a chance to see the matches you had against VDO at Evo. As I suspected, no contest. Beautiful Blackness, BHK.

Really?? Man I’m waiting for him to put those up on youtube so I can see them too! Thanks for the compliment as well :blush:

Actually, there’s pretty much nothing of VDO playing on YouTube for some reason. :confused:

I’ve noticed. I’ll have to get at him about those vids soon.

It’s concerning to me because I remember there used to be VDO videos on YouTube, and then one day there just weren’t. Can someone get videos of themselves playing removed if they ask for it? x_x

There’s still quite a few, maybe they’re just not tagged well.

I haven’t fancied this forum in awhile. I’m still reppin that Mag/BH/Sent.

I really should do a video on this team to show what it can do soon.

Team fuckin hurts lolol.

Fuck yes, i’m back into the MVC2 scene with the recent release of MVC2 for PSN. Gonna work at getting my BH game up there. Wanna thank BHK for takin the time a good lil while back for helping me out with the vids. I’m going to look over them again and start my training from there. Any new BH stuff been discovered recently?

You’re more than welcome. There’s a few new things that I’ve learned but they’d be a pain in the ass to explain by writing out. IMHO you don’t really need that stuff anyway though, since all but one of them are for the purpose of clowning your opponent.

Clown Tactics: New Age of Heroes

Just want to say, I will be seriously working on Blackheart with the help and vast amounts of info you guys have put into this thread.

PSN: DaBatCave


Awesome thread, learning BH will be easier with this.

Quick question though, does BH work with Tron? If so whats a good 3rd character?

Kind of. You can play good frontal pressure with BH/Tron, but you’d kinda be weak from the superjump point where most threats come from unless you play something like Cable as 3rd.