Lol i had a feeling you were gonna try and make it when i saw your name online xD
yeah it sucks that we wont get to see her in action for a while =/ she and Lars are the only Tekken characters I originally was interested in seeing in SF’s universe.
Bet she’ll be epic with Rockets and Chainsaws and dropping head bombs and flying and shit… she’ll be awesome >__<
I think she will be joyfully absurd in this game (fly dashing, rocket arms, hand head to opponent and it explodes) and i cant wait. Been looking forward to her since the esrb leak. I just hope consoles aren’t going to have to wait 8 months.
I’m really curious about how they’ll handle Destroy form, like if they’ll keep the kick buttons as idling and other things. I also wonder if they’ll keep her Boot stances.
She’s probably the character they can go extremely overboard with and still be fine, I’m expecting a version thats not true to the Tekken charcater (Like Raven, but like 10 times crazier lol).
I know nothing about this character, but she is an android and that makes her awesome. How do you guys think can we expect her to play if she’s true to her Tekken self? Pressure, keepaway, mixup?
I wouldn’t know for sure since even though I main her I’m horrible at Tekken and how to play it, but I recall Brennan saying some time ago that she was a “keepaway” of sorts, so she might be a zoning/footsies character.
I don’t know how damage worked in Tekken, but do you know if she was considered a heavy hitter? I figure since she’s an android she probably hits pretty hard. I’d love to have her as my damage dealing 2nd spot character.
poke character, whiff punishing, and had best backdash in the game. She was gimmicky at first but soon was around mid-tier in terms of characters in T6BR.
Yeah, damage is pretty high in Tekken. Hard single-hitters in Tekken are Paul, Leo, Julia. Long-ass damaging combo characters are Lili, Bruce, and Nina.
Like KamTx said she’s more of a poke and bait-and-whiff character.
If it’s what I’m thinking, it’s a unversal power system in tekken. It gives your character 2 things, counter-hit properties on next hit and chip damage on block.