The 707 Sonoma County Thread

You muthafucka… was wondering where the hell you went.

Let’s get some CVS2 on… like, tonight! If possible…

whoa you guys having a gathering tonight? i have my last final at 6 pm. whats good? lets fight like gentlemen

I’d be up for that shit!

I’ll definitely play… I need CVS2 practice though… on the ultra quick! I’ll keep you guys updated.

No flakin’!

Sorry I didn’t check the thread until just now, where did you want to play cvs2? The house we gathered at last time?f

Yo yo,

Yeah we can play there, or at my house. Either way, I’m gonna have some free time today in the mid-day. Do you have to work or anything?

Does anyone?

Are you just thinking mid-day? Or mid-day plus evening?

Well, I have to be in the City. So I’m probably going to be at the RnC.

What time? I get off at 3.

Sorry about today. I was running around SF while you responded. I’ve been trying to visit the RnC at least every Friday afternoon in case you have any future plans.

Any of you on GGPO? If you won’t play in real life, maybe we can get some online action on. I just played Joe for a while. Arcade actionz!

GGPO hates me. I can never pull off DPs online in my dorm and I don’t have a GGPOable computer at home. : (

yeah i told joe to play you, but he didn’t choose mak. Tony is on there, but does not have a stick yet. Scandia 3rd strike seeems to be ok, marvel is totally fucked. anyone showing up tonight?


I’m going tonight for sure. Where’s the CVS2 attttt


GGPO over scandia…for the moment

I’m still wondering that myself.

Outside of the fun hanging out with all you SC foos, CVS2 + Dizzy GGXX was all I played at Scandia. I’m getting CVS2 withdrawals. I play CVS2 at the Boardwalk when I visit my girlfriend, but their CVS2 sticks were worse than Scandia’s ever were.

On a random note, I ran into Terry at my place of work today. We both agreed that everyone is just way busy lately. Though I threw the idea about a bunch of people going out to MGL sometime. That would be fuuuuun.

Nobody is busy at all. Sonoma County is just a bunch of flakes.

Woo hoo to the MGL idea.

And : ( to Sonoma flakes.

If you guys have a regular Scandia night or something let me know, I’ll see if I can make it. What exactly does Scandia even have?

Hmmm, Rosa players? Dang, I went around Sonoma County looking for CvS2 and MvC2 players and there was nobody around :frowning: I swear to the big man that I was going around the Plaza and Coddingtown asking random people if they knew anybody who was into 2d fighters, as well as all the local game places and the competition either got steam rolled or just wasn’t there.

I went to the Rohnert Park Scandia (which now has a sick line of fighting games all lined up as soon as you enter, which is dope) and the best competition I had was a dude who said, while we were playing MvC2, “DUDE, YOU’RE JUST A PUSSY BECAUSE ALL YOU DO IS USE STRIKERS! FIGHT WITH ONE GUY!”. Why did I play with “strikers” (funniest comment ever)? Because anything aside from b and db was broken and I only had hp available, so I just played Cable and shot at him w/ normal fp’s and assisted his face. But now that the cabs are fixed I went back and the only guy there was someone mashing both assists trying to show off a team super, so that was weak.

Anyways, if any of the people that are posting here are:

Andy (T1’s little bro)
Derek (Used to hang w/ Tuan and Andy)
Mandella aka Playa Play in the Yaddida Yay
Joe Jackson

Or anybody from SRHS/Elsie/Monty, let me know! I haven’t played Marvel in years besides the other day and I was still able to pull off roms and IM infinites with little trouble on even a d-pad, so let me know if you folks are playin that because I suck at 3s.

Oh yeah, Scandia has:

Project Justice/Rival Schools

They have other 3ds I believe, but I think PJ/RS owns and I’m not exactly sure on CvS2, but I’m pretty sure. I haven’t been there for about 2 months.

Scandia’s in a rut at the moment. Everyone’s mad at them for charging so much and not maintaining their cabs. You might want to check in on SFSU when they open back up in two weeks or so (or go lurk their forums). I know some of the MvC2 players there are dying for some action, as their cab got taken out. They’re holding some informal gatherings at the moment.