The 408 thread

Anything going down in the 408?

Post here if you’d like to set up casuals or tournaments.

I have a thread going for weekly casuals, we are doing some tonight at anime 101 in Morgan hill

I’ll check the thread out… I’m fiendin for some lag free matches bro

tonight at anime 101 in morgan hill 7 pm

San Jose, Morgan Hill, Gilroy etc, etc.

Looking to find some people with out having to drive 2 hours >:C

tourney july 23rd in merced ca for mvc3 mk9 and ssf4ae

I’d love to get something going in San Jose. I went to school in Morgan Hill and love the place but it’s a good 20-25 minutes away from where I live. If anyone plays closer to San Jose and has a place we can all play that’d be pretty fantastic.

we are planning on a trip out that way sometime soon maybe we could meet up

Meets in San Jose/Milpitas would be nice. There’s soo many people who play mvc3 and SSF4AE in the area…

sounds good if you have a spot we will be there

I’m in Campbell and would be down for getting some casuals in depending on the day. I also run Thursday Night Button Check in Morgan Hill with Vodenspaw, so if you need someone to do that I can offer.

There are plenty of people in SJ area who play, nobody steps up to the plate to run/host other then the KS2 folks.

I am willing to run tourneys and stream it in South San Jose if we can find a location. Tuesdays are a good day for me and with enough advance notice, I think Ezekiel and I could put it on and get the crew out there.

Hey, guys!!

I am seriously considering opening up an arcade in Cupertino. It’d be focused on fighting games and would have streaming and tourneys there. Does that sound good to anyone?? I just want to see overall interest for something like that

that would be awesome, most of our people are from the south san jose and morgan hill area, I would be interested in going although a pure arcade (even here in the bay area) would be a difficult business proposition. My brother and I are looking into the same thing. I do not see a viable business model for a arcade without food/alcohol sales to back it up. There was rumor that etrium closed recently, so keep that in mind.

That being said there is definitely a lot of interest in a static place that the fighting game community needs here in the south bay/south valley.

PM me to talk more about it.

when you guys figure out a location tuesday thursday doesnt matter let me know!

Alrite ill post it here since alot of people wnat something near south san jose I can help out a bit. Its not exactly in South San Jose but close enough.

Me and my friend go to SCU and we are willing to host sessions. We should have four setups. 1 PC (FOR ae), 2 Xboxes, and 1 PS3… I can bring a wii if anyone really wants to play games on it. The problem is we do not have enough arcade sticks so people will ahve to bring there own. We can start these once school starts so around september 26th.

Would you guys be down to come by

Depends on the day but I have both Xbox & PS3 sticks. Most people here have their own so that shouldn’t be an issue.

scu = santa cruz? i wont be able to make every session but i am willing to go i live about 2 hours away we have arcade sticks and can even bring a ps3 if you have another tv

Scu also might be Santa Clara university. In any case I know a couple of people that are down to do this and have set ups as well.

Okay sounds good. yes sorry if I wasnt clear. SCU= santa Clara University. They will most like be on Fridays or Thursdays. I jsut have to check what days I have labs. And I guess I will start a thread with my friend plasma for more information as we get closer to school.