3SOE does have more (offline) input lag than arcade. But everything does. Not ready to post our lag test results yet but feel confident enough to say that least. I doubt that changed from the previous patch.
Whether it’s laggier than FBA is likely a YMMV thing
I can whiff punish, throw a dashing Yun in Geneijin, have no fear in ground game anymore, see things crisp and clear, anti-air, TECH THROWS, all things i have never been able to do in the past on OE, GGPO, or 2DF… and last but not least… check out the end of this video.
I got one of those against something, already forgot the match though. Probably a bit higher than an example I heard about before, jump immediate air parry to get away from chesto as the prediction anti air of jumping against Makoto who will then juggle you if you screw up that risky escape. It might’ve been SA3 by Hugo, and I did carry over to the other side. Could’ve been on a jump over Dudley JetUppa though.
The color bars don’t look as bad as I thought they were going to be, but I only saw them maybe 3 times. It does fade out with that gradient, which is a stylistic decision we maybe will have to get used to and all end up thinking we don’t like it later, wanting it at least solid like it was but just not super dark or anything.
More of a square than a full rectangle could’ve been good.
Its definitely better than ggpo. It runs smoother and there is a lot less rollback. If you compare it to ggpo directly by playing with the same people you play there you will see a difference.
Some people are exaggerating though.Parrying denjin and playing on ggpo isn’t bad if you play with people with less than 100ping.
Edit: What’s with the ping showing up wrong? Its annoying as hell.
All depends on who’s you playing with. I’ll test it, but I’m used to GGPO now (which I found very close to arcade, but this is my opinion and personal feeling).
PS : I only play with people having less than 50ms delay.
Well I doubt you will see a big difference between the two if you only play people with 50 or less delay. Unless you have a crappy pc and the hardware causes slowdowns.
OE definitely handles higher pings a lot better though.
All I know is that I played some matches with @owattjacob last night (I’m EC and he’s Hawaii), and it was buttery smooth offline-feeling goodness. Before I would have had to crank the input delay up a few notches just to get even a hint of smoothness, but yesterday I had the delay at 0 and it was pretty much flawless. At most I saw like 1 or 2 short rollback hiccups.