The 2018-2019 NFL Thread: What will Goodell screw up this year?

New season, new thread. At the request of @BR3N7 . Fantasy football isn’t for me but life is too short. Have fun and do you.

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Go Vikings!

Fuck that team for eternity.

DA Bears…

Now the HOF is refusing to even announce TO for their ceremony. Petty ass bitches. I honestly half expect them to remove TO from the Hall at this rate. He’s never been more right in his entire life. Damn I hate defending TO as an Eagles fan but this is some complete bitchassness by the Hall.

Looking forward to another year of Goodell BS that will hopefully be drowned out by the Chiefs throwing bombs all over the yard

Whether did anything or not, since doesn’t play for the Giants, Shady is getting 6 games. Starting to look more and more like his ex is crazy. I didn’t realize you had to take up legal proceedings to remove an ex-girlfriend from you home :scream:

I mean, that’s the eviction process. If a person doesn’t leave the premises in a certain time frame (usually one month) then it heads to court.

Hail To The Redskins!

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The more you know. I make it a point to never let women know where I live, so I’ve never had that problem.

I guess some of y’'all forgot about this thread huh? LOL!!!

Nah, I was too depressed to post about Guice’s injury.

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Mahomes to Hill all year

At least Perine will be fine but Marshall will be down for a couple of weeks


Things got so bad that we signed the ghost of Adrian Peterson…

This type of tackle will be the norm with the new helmet rule that’s designed to reduce helmet-to-helmet contact and concussions. Defenders will go low and go low hard.

Jaguars’ Marqise Lee is done for the season because of this tackle by Damontae Kazee.