That's why I'm a super soldier. Combos/Resets!

That’s the one

One I have been using: Cr.L-M-Cr.H-S-Air M-Light Shield Slash-(land)-Air Up H-Hard Shield Slash-S-Light Shield Slash-Medium Charging Star-Hyper Charging star.
Not the most damaging combo ou there, but it does its job for me atleast.

Should have known with the Boozer avatar.

My corner combo is

c.L s.M s.H S neutral sj j.H xx L SS land jump back j.H xx M SS land L CS S j.MHd+HS land L SS xx HCS
With Wesker assist, after the relaunch, I do A2, H CS xx HCS or FJ

Only problem with the combo is that the M SS won’t hit at closer distances to the corner (if you first hit the c.L a little outside the corner, this happens. If they are right at the wall, the combo will work.), but you can adjust it to just doing L CS after the L SS if you need to.

This is a combo/reset thread but so far all i see is combos anyone have any resets?

there’s an example of a reset in the first post.

Thats only one from the maker of this page we seriously have to stepup the cap reset game

Something i like to do after this especially if im in the corner is do S.:l: from there u can get a three way mixup by going into air throw a dash under or a straightup attack

There is a Corner Reset in the Guide but it’s kinda flakey depending on the number of hits. My Air Throw resets do not work anymore! :frowning:

Anyways, the Corner reset is after a hard knockdown, you OTG SS. The opponent then either air recovers (a lot of hits) or ground rolls (not so many hits). The better situation is ground rolls. After you OTG, you call an assist, then Cartwheel (but after the opponent has rolled already). The guide mentions the mix-up is the timing of the cartwheel.

If the opponent air recovers, it is preferred that you use a beam assist. I think it mentions the if Magneto or Storm air recovers, they completely by pass the mix-up / reset. I don’t have the guide in front of me.

how many hits are in ur combo?

My corner combo is the basic LMHS, sj.MMHd+HS, land, L SS, A1, Cartwheel. The assist I am using right now is Ryu Hadoken. I haven’t been testing this out in intense competition or anything, but it beats out most people online. :slight_smile:

My second character is Sentinel (Drones). I used to play Cap, Ryu, Deadpool (OTG Assist). Air Throws aren’t working like they used to in Vanilla and Jab resets are being inconsistent, so I switched Deadpool for Sentinel. I did Jab resets into Air throw into OTG Assist or the A2A option. This game seems more lenient in the Air-to-Air department compared to Vanilla. In Vanilla, Air-to-Air j.LHS, land, Charging Star was the only thing I could get Consistently. In Ultimate, I can get j.LHS, land, LMHS, sj.MHd+HS.

With Ryu, can actually get a jump loop like Wesker - j.LHS, land, j.LHS, land, S, sj.MH, Tatsu (for the sake of simplicity).

yea defintely 2 many hits in that combo but take advantage of it…cap deals heavy damage it may be better to just kill off that charecter instead of reset

Tons of new no-assist BnBs for all stage positions and lvl 3 adaptation (including corner!). ALL of these gain about 1.1 or 1.2 meter (not counting ending hyper). Damage may vary as I did not confirm mashing. All of these were tested on Nova.
[]Some :h:'s in these can be played with using :u::h: and :d::h: instead to adjust height issues**.**
]All s:m:'s can be replaced with c:m: (easier, but less damage)

c:l:, s:m:, c:h:, :s:~sj:h:, sj:d::df::f::l:(or :m:), land~j:h:, j:d::df::f::m:, land~s:h:, :s:, super jump vert or forward~sj:m:, sj:m:, sj:h:, double jump forward~dj:h:, dj:s:, land~half dash or no dash if they land at corner, :d::df::f::l:, :d::db::b::h:, :d::db::b::atk::atk: or :d::df::f::atk::atk:

750,200(lvl1) and 993,400(lvl3)
[]If opponent lands too close to the corner (OTG shield misses on return), negate :d::db::b::h: and just do :d::db::b::atk::atk:. :d::df::f::atk::atk: wont work here.
]For lvl 3, If opponent lands too far from the corner negate :d::db::b::h: and just do :d::df::f::atk::atk: with a slight pause after throwing the OTG shield.
[*]If you want to turn the opponent around mid combo to keep them mid screen do this:
c:l:, s:m:, c:h:, :s:~sj:h:, sj:d::df::f::l:(or :m:), land~j:h:, j:d::df::f::m:, land~dash (crossing under opponent),:s:, super jump vert~sj:m:, sj:m:, sj:h:, double jump forward~dj:h:, dj:s:, etc…

Corner Facing In:
c:l:, s:m:, c:h:, :s:, super jump back~sj:h:, sj:d::df::f::l:, land~jump back~j:m:, j:h:, j:d::df::f::m:, land~dash (crossing under opponent), :s:, super jump vert~sj:m:, sj:m:, sj:h:, double jump forward~dj:h:, dj:s:, land~dash, :d::df::f::l:, [:d::db::b::h:, :d::db::b::atk::atk:] or [slight pause, :d::df::f::atk::atk:]

746,200(lvl1) and 949,900(lvl3)

Corner Facing Out:
c:l:, s:m:, c:h:, :s:~sj:h:, sj:d::df::f::l:(or :m:), land~j:h:, j:d::df::f::m:, land~dash, :d::db::b::l:, :s:~sj:m:, sj:h:, sj:d::h:, sj:s:, land~:d::df::f::l:, [:d::db::b::h:, :d::db::b::atk::atk:] or [slight pause, :d::df::f::atk::atk:]

755,600(lvl1) and 998,600(lvl3)

So I’ve been working on the Bradygames combo I, and I’ve been having difficulty with some characters while hitting the :u::h: after the grounded heavy shield slash. Nova and Vergil, for example, seem to float lower/heavier, and are harder to connect with, at least in my noobish experience.

So I came up with this new BnB, which I haven’t tested w/every character, but it works against Vergil, Wolverine, and Rocket Raccoon so far:

(midscreen only)
cr.:l:,st. :m:, cr.:h:, :qcf::h:, st.:h:, :qcf::m:, :h:, :s:, air:m::m::h::d::h::s:, dash, :qcf::l:, :qcb::atk::atk:

I call Iron Man’s unibeam assist before the dash. It gets about 705,000 damage, and is allllmost self-sufficient, about -5% meter gain. The initial standing H has to connect really early in order for the opponent to be high enough for both hits of the medium shield slash. Throw in Final Justice instead of Charging Star at the end and you’re looking at about 957,000k w/the Iron Man assist!!

I haven’t put all that much time into Marvel or Cap, so apologies if this has already been discovered!!!

Not sure if any else has found this out yet. In level 2 or 3 X-Factor, you can do the shield slash combos in the corner. im doing 1.4mil with level 2

my bnb with Cap is - (start midscreen) c.L,c.M,c.H,S, sj j.H, L-SS, land, j.H, M-SS, land, L charging star, S, j.M,H,S, land (by this time they are close to the corner), Doom missile assist then L SS(timing is crucial), Hyper charging star, when opponent lands missiles will pick them up, as soon as it starts picking them up Hyper charging star - 950,000 with doom assist. without doom - 730,000

Just another variation on a hidden missile combo. B&B that I use -

j 2H, MMHS sj 8H x L SS, land, jump 8HS, call Strange Bolts assist, L SS OTG (bolt hits, shield hits on return, bolt hits again) dash up, S, jump, H, 2H, S, land, OTG SS + Hidden Missiles, HCS (mashed), missiles hit, Light CS, Heavy CS, HCS (mashed) or Final Justice.

Believe this does around 1.05 million with 2 meters, kills Thor with 4 meters. All I know is you can do this combo from the start of the round and kill Spencer off of one clean jumpin 2H.

In corner I do a different variation, not as much damage but still decent.

j 2H, MMHS sj MMH dj M2HS, land, dash back + Strange Bolts assist + L SS OTG (shield hits, then bolt, then shield, then bolt…) HS, sj MH8HS land, L SS OTG + Missiles into combo ender from before.

Sorry if those combo notations looked super sloppy, I assume everyone gets the point. Main key here is that Strange Bolts assist looks too badass in a Cap combo.

Also, and I’m sure you guys know about this already, if you use Eye of Agomotto assist with Strange, you can OTG SS in the corner while calling it, and you can use light charging star like 4 times, they keep bouncing off the top of the eye into the CS and you can super after. Scales a bit due to the amount of hits and there are better damage combos, but it looks awesome.

awesome! i use the exact same team and bolt assist and never thought of extending the combo lke that! good stuff… u know, sometimes, when i do the jump part that has j H, S, the opponent will flip out early. I know they are grounded when I start the combo, so I dont know what causes that. do some characters have faster HSD than others?

I’m also using Doom for hidden missiles so I can get a second HCS. I think the variations posted above are better though. I use Wesker in the middle and just use him to relaunch in the corner. Anyway, I was messing around in training mode and I’m trying to work on a corner reset but I’m running into some inconsistencies and wanted to see if any more experienced Captain players had any ideas…

So, lets say you hit combo someone into a corner and you just hit j.S. My idea was to do a TK L SS after you land. If you set the dummy to roll forward and wait a moment before cartwheeling, you’ll cartwheel in front of the opponent and the shield will hit. You need to wait until they actually start rolling. If they roll back… it doesn’t seem to work quite as well. Sometimes I can time it so the shield slash will still hit on the way back, but often times it doesn’t. You end up behind them, but I don’t have someone at the moment to test to see whether it’s safe or even difficult to block.

Also found if you call Doom missiles before doing the TK L SS, if they roll backwards into the corner and you cartwheel, you’ll actually push them into Doom’s missiles and can combo off of it.

Just a few ideas. If my reset ideas are entirely worthless, I’m sorry. If someone with more knowledge could expand upon them, please do!

It’s tricky. Really the key is that you need to do the j H, j 2H, j S as fast as you can when you leave the ground. Otherwise, they will flip out before the S. I’m thinking about simplifying that part down to just j H, S instead, but I haven’t tried it out much and don’t know if there’s enough time to land and OTG SS after. Though there very well may be.

Also, I was working on a corner relaunch combo before where I would do like…

j 2H, MMHS, j M H 2H…L 2H, L CS, S, sj MMH dj M2HS, then OTG with an assist to relaunch…

at this point, I was fiddling around with trying to do a superjump back + S so I had enough distance to try to land the OTG SS from midair before I actually landed, because I know for sure there’s not enough time to land and do it if you just do S after a launcher. I didn’t spend much time on this but I thought it’d be a really flashy way to extend a combo. Especially with, say, Nova b, so you could OTG SS into ground bounce into L CS, H CS, Hyper CS. Anyone feel like messing around with this and seeing if it’s at all possible? Gotta go to work.

And I guess great minds think alike, kensanity! The only issue I have with this team is when Strange comes out…I know how to set up mixups on his own, but I’m trying to figure out just how to use Hidden Missiles to support his game properly. Any tips here? I’ve been doing stuff like…EoA + Missiles, Grace of Hoggoth, palm the eye, another grace, then teleport mixup with the eye. I know Strange has a lot of stuff going on, that’s just the only real use I’ve seen with it. Strange would be so much better with Doom Beam instead, but then Cap’s combos would be less beefy because of it. I even tried doing a combo into SoV + Missiles to see if the missiles would carry them after SoV finished so I could link another SoV but no dice. Might have to time it much earlier, though again, haven’t spent a ton of time on it. More time has been going to getting Strange’s loops down. Any cool stuff you’ve found with our team that you’d like to share?

don’t want to delve too much into dr stange A) because its teh cap forum B) because i’ve been focusing more on firebrand/modok but ehre are some thigns i’ve realized

My team is cap (shield)/Strange (bolts)/doom(missiles)
-I dont feel as if missiles compliment Strange very well, but shield slash is a more than decent assist. When u get breathing room u can do something like daggars of dennak, call cap, and do double teleport (tel M, tel L, or tel M, tel M or tel M, tel H etc) in between the shield going back and forth and the two teleports, it is VERY hard to deal with.

  • I rarely call missiles out unless Strange is on the ground and can counter super against beam hypers OR unless the matchup is something where the missile call is safe. another option is call missiles super jump, make two graces, and then teleport.

That is the most I do with Strange/Doom. Its probably possible to do something like Dr stange jump loops land, call missiles super jump combo, have missiles hit, air impact palm, relaunch but I haven’t messed around with it too much. Dr strange is a real finnicky combo character and mistakes are punished heavily. besides I’m having way more fun with MODOK/Firebrand.

Captain America is way to beast in this game. The ability to OTG in the corner and call an assist to help with solo relaunch is crazy. so much damage.

Hmmmm…I suppose I should remember to actually post my team B&B combo one of these days huh? Sorry about the delay, at least it didn’t take a full month…without further delay, here is my new for umvc3 team B&B.

It’s slightly different these days just for simplicity I replaced the 2nd double jump with a very slight pause into M, M, H, d.H, S to finish Cap’s portion before OTG. It’s just a touch simpler to time that way against all body types… (Tested on my usual Ryu/Wolvie/Dorm training dummies)


I also have a new mid or far corner combo with Spencer using Cap’s assist instead of the old one I used to do. This one will take them the full length of the screen regardless of where it’s started, it works even better with mid screen because you can get in some extra wire grapple lovin. It revolves around doing Spencer’s M, H, S air loop after doing a sweep + Cap shield slash assist xx straight wire grapple/movement. The shield slash keeps them at the perfect height for being able to do the loops to big damage. It also looks pretty sweet too lol, maybe I’ll put up a video on my vimeo page…

Btw, DAMN does Cap hurt soooo good :smiley:
