I tried your combo… yeah hell lot easier. Btw… you can finish the last hit of the combo without uppercut and instead do d, db, b + HK… it also does 532 dmg.
Apparently… Hwoarang has a bad juggle rating with his Superart. If an opponenet goes mid air and even one hit connects (in most cases)… his Superart either wont connect totally or only the first hit will connect.
This rules is without the exeption of Flamingo’s MP.MP… I dont know what it does to juggle rates but after an opponent is launched after that… you can connect into HK then Superart… but its not worth it… instead after the HK do a d , db, b + 2Ks> J.HK> Uppercut does more damage.
You can also connect into it after bouncing the opponent with f+HK OR the MP.LP (Target combo). After a bounce… for ease purpose crouching MP or MK leads to Superart or Crossart… but a well timed standing HK after a bounce can lead to it as well.
His most damaging combo with Superart does 596 damage which is J.HK> KKK (flamingo)> MP.MP> HK> d, db, b + 2Ks> Superart
For Cross art… Most damaging I’ve found is this. J.HK> KKK (Flamingo)> MP.MP> hold forward to stay in Flamingo> HK> Crossart (635 damage with Jin)
Yea, Hwoarang’s super kind of sucks. Learn some links and he does good damage off 1 bar, though. and big damage off some tags into a partners charged super. I get 650 with Ryu and his super isn’t really high dmg at all.
is there a trick to preform in a Hunting Hawk at the end of a combo without getting a tag in?
What combo are u trying to do? I don’t really understand considering u have to press mk+mp to tag and u use hk for hunting hawk
Sounds like he means launcher tag. What are you doing before you go for a HH? Certain normals cannot be special canceled. Also, mashing the attack buttons might cause the problem as well.
yeah I mean a launcher tag, ive been going for an hk before the hunting hawk is that special cancel-able?
Yes it is indeed. However, if you are doing a combo using MP before HK or chaining in certain ways, it cannot be special canceled (ex works though). What’s the full combo(s) you are doing?
ive been trying to do this one;
st:lp: , st:mk: > :mk: > :hk: xx H.Hunting Hawk
because it involves chains not links
you’re probably hitting the HK button for the HH way too soon. Do HK xx HK HH by itself a few times.
Have any combos been patched out? I neglected Hwoarang for a while and it seems like some things are missing.
…What’s missing?
I used to be able to combo with at least one more normal after EX HH into his super. However, I just picked him back up in training and whenever I try to do so after the wall bounce, the 2nd hit of the super constantly whiffs.
Example: j.HK, MK-MK-HKxxEX. HH, cr.MKxx Super. I know that used to work.
I remember that not working when I tried it. Been a while, though.
whats the best punisher for him? Ive been trying to go into f stance but that doesnt seem to work for me (ill get it to work if someone tells me thats the best option =P)
5HK xx 214HK
FLA MP > MP > 6, HK xx 214HK
1 Bar:
5HK xx 214KK, j.HK, 2MP xx 214HK
FLA MP-HK xx 214KK, j.HK, 2MP xx 214HK
You can also do HP+HK > whatever if you want to switch or if your other character has good juggles.
With Hwoarang coming in off of a boost combo, you can do the reverse kick chain (Mp, Mp) CADC, crouch Mp, Hk Hunting Hawk. Does slightly more damage than the middle combo, and builds more meter due to the cancelled Dynamite Heel. The trick to doing it is to hit them as early as possible. Otherwise, you’ll end up on the other side of your opponent.
Nice I will work on this when I get home.
Just found a nice little 639 Kuma/Hwoarang combo. uses 3 bars, but its unrecoverable damage. Goes a little somethin like this…
Start with Kuma:
jHP, stHP, stMP,stHP, launch (Hwo comes in), crMP, EXHH, Tag Kuma in, EX-charged Fatal Wind = 639
Hwoarang can get a crMK in there too but it scaled it HELLA. Also, not a single gem was activated when i did this. My Kuma is up to his eyeballs in power gems, so WITH gems we’re talking some serious damage here.
So basically, anytime Hwoarang does an EXHH, whether its raw, off a cross rush, regular combo etc, you can tag Kuma in and he can EX charge his super and catch them in the air with it for some proper flashy shit. (If everyone already knew this I’m sorry), I’m gonna go ahead and assume that certain situations will make it scale hella and some wont, so I’ll do a little bit more playing around with this to find out when the best times are to do it, seeing as it costs 3 bars of meter.
ps/ I’ve only just picked up this team and i am LOVING them together!
EDIT: Tried a few things out. So far it seems like the simpler you keep it, the more damage you get.
EXHH, tag, ex-Charged Super = 512
chainsaw kick, crMP, EXHH, tag, EX-Charged Super =524 (starting this with a stLP into Chainsaw kick drops the damage down to 472!!)
Iron Heel, crMP, EXHH, tag, EX-Charged Super = 521
Regular cross rush, crMP, EXHH, tag, EX-Charged Super =488
Iam pretty sure u could just use regular h.hk and ex charge into super I’ve done it with a lot of chars so far