Texas Showdown 5 Results

I want details on who beat who. Did Pyro play Justin or did Frankie3s play him.

N-Ken I don’t want to be mean but fuck you sound like my girl when she’s on her period always bitching :sad:

lol. i’m glad you kept track how many posts you made. 2000+ posts, you must be real proud of yourself. your hostility is unmatched. did pyrolee steal your lunch money and flush your head in the toilet when you were a kid?

i’m a terrible person cuz i don’t post outside of FF or 3s. i will change my ways and be more of a nerd like you. i hope to reach 2000+ posts by the end of the month.

if Frankie played Justin, I want vids of that shit stat. That Ryu/Chun matchup is balls.

What a low tier flame war this is.

No he didn’t, you were too busy sucking his penis.

word. where’s the love for #R?

Whats going on with marvel? Any updates?

Yeah this thread is funny

pyro and frankie made me 10 bucks

hahahaha. you’re awesome n-ken.

Looooseeerrrr, do you know anything about 3s?

N-ken: i think pyrolee was out of line in that other 1 thread, but seriously, i wanna read up on t5 results and the people’s experience at t5…and not you(however special you may be in northern virginia) bitch about pryo just cuz pryo made a few cocky posts.

PS: There weren’t any live #capcom IRC updates because I (ArlyCam) wasn’t there. I still do them for Evo, though, since it helps the scene.

I think Marvel is just starting D. Hyo.

Ok, cool.

Did Kentucky represent? (That would be popoblo) I found top 5 or 6 finishers on the TX Showdown site, but is there a way to see all the results? Thanks.

Wow that’s amazing that you want to read about experiences and results, but in case you didn’t notice, there are none being posted right now. I’m sorry that if not every post is result oriented your illiterate ass loses focus. Maybe if you had friends that went you could call them, but I guess you need friends first, sorry guy.

Aw come on now, what is this…I wanted to see the outcome of the Family Fun players entering 3s singles along with everyone else…
I thought that was what all the ‘hype’ was about.
These dudes didnt even enter it?

Why is qualifying for Japan in a 4 team round-robin tourney such a big deal to some people…Ain’t nooobody from the U.S.A winning SBO anytime soon.

“Weeak” - Alex

YAY!! more crazy typing on IRC :karate:

thanks for taking a stab at insulting me, but i’m not the one posting the wrong topic in a stickied thread ALL day so i can let the world known that I(some unknown dude) really hates pyrolee.

so once again, please stop posting about how much you hate pyrolee. wrong topic.

EDIT: didn’t intend any flame.
seriously i clicked on this thread for results and people’s experience only. sure talking about pyrolee is alright, but man…you don’t need to do “15 posts” about how much you hate the dude.