the “anonymous” insults toward pyrolee is straight from the junior high girls locker room. also, the insults are the same old, tired, ignorant, unclever disses srk is crawling with. if anyone thinks pyro’s so dumb, i’m sure he’d take all money match challenges of his ken vs anything.
all versions of console 3s have yet to replicate the arcade faithfully.
may jesus smile upon all ff players. hold that shid down in 3s and cfj. :jesus:
oh shit CvS2 Evo rematch Kindevu vs Ricky O…madd props to Combofiend and Buktooth…anyone know how Popoblo did in CvS2??? And how many people entered each game???
Anonymous? My real name is Ken, I live in Northern Virginia, and I say Pyrolee is a bitch. I’ll record me saying “Pyrolee is a bitch” and put it online. I’ll put up a fucking video calling him a bitch. If I can make it to evo, I’d say it to his face, if he wasn’t too bitch to show. Anonymous? Fuck that shit.
Why is Pyro a bitch? He’s a bitch for shrugging off Justin and Flash, he’s a bitch for saying he’s the best then not playing in console at all, he’s a bitch for calling non FFA US “Mongolia”, he’s a bitch for thinking he’s done shit for the game when all he’s ever done is copy KO then not even do it that well, he’s a bitch for thinking he’s better than other people cause he’s willing to waste his life going back and forth between japan and Cali for fucking 3s.
And as far as console 3s is concerned, the PS2 version doesn’t have any differences that change the core game, and for the stick issue you all at FFA act like little girls about that shit. Whining about anything if you don’t have Japanese H2H cabs, fucking bitches, man up and quit wetting your panties everytime you don’t get your best conditions possible.
And before you reply with: “We don’t have to like console” That’s all well and good, but don’t shit on everyone else and say you’re the best if you arent even going to fucking play unless you get it on your conditions.
In conclusion, shut the fuck up and go mouth japan’s cocks some more.
Kindevu wins CvS2 again…looks like the balance of the force in CvS2 is still on the J-Side…I might have gather the remaining Jedi for an epic battle at Evo2k5!!! Madd props to ComboFiend and Buktooth…So Cal makes it known that they still got it…and Nor Cal showing fools we been had it…an extended shout out to my nigga Jason Cole…holdin it down…peace to all my other peeps who went out and gave it their best…