Texas Showdown 5 Results

Good shit Isaac, handle it!! And good Shit Combofiend keep it up!!


bitch out? please get off his dick already. everyone dont play on console. he didnt enter 3s at EVO cuz of this. I think its clear the nigga doesnt like console. and I think its clear you dont like him. given that fact, your negativity isnt constructive. fuck man people love to hate.

CvS2 is currently going on. Check www.txshowdown.com for the latest!

I think it’s clear he has no balls. I enter every tourney no matter what and I fucking lose, but you don’t see me bitching on here about how I’m the best but I wouldn’t take a chance of losing because of controls or the situation. I lost to Patrick in MvC2 yesterday because the MvC2 cabs are tight switch sticks, and I was dissapointed, but you don’t see me on here bitching. I play every chance I get because I’m a true Street Fighter competitor, not some fucking douche who chooses to only play when he knows he can win definitively. If you take SF that seriously that you absolutely must win every time, you’re either 1. a fucking shit for brains or 2. Pyrolee. Is there a correlation?

Justin Wong, Ricky Ortiz, they are true champions who play on any controls under any circumstances. That is definitely something missing with Pyrolee. I’ll look forward to giving someone my $100 today.

what up phil.

I disagree with you. yall hate him so much because? he wont play on console? hes not a true champ cuz he doesnt play on console? its logical to say he is #1 in US. hopefully he will come through in the tournament. if its his personality you guys dont like, that is not relevant unless you are trying to be his friend. its simple. love is hate.

Actually it’s this simple: Pyrolee hasn’t proven anything until he wins today on whatever controls they choose to put him on. If he wins then all the shittalk is valid, but if he loses then he’s going to go home the biggest loser in SF history. He basically put himself into this position by 1. talking so much shit online and 2. dissing Justin/Flash in person yesterday.

It’s ON!

<???> the thing that most people forget about pyro is that he’s reaaaaal, reaaaaaal dumb.
<???> so I think he usually makes the right call by just keeping his mouth shut.
<???> seriously, he was one of the dumbest people I’ve met in a long time.
<???> like confused by doorknobs and shit
<???> which is why XCOPIED yun is his dream come true
<???> most auto-pilot character in all of SF
<FMJatl> who is smarter, pyro or tyson?
<???> I dunno
<???> probably tyson if he ate breakfast that day.
<???> I’m sure he could play other characters.
<???> it’s just that yun is bets
<???> because you don’t have to outthink anyone
<???> you just do yun’s shit right and you’ll hit most of the time.

<???> hes not a particularly smart player
<???> but he does what yun is supposed to do
<???> braindead genei jin, and he has good execution
<???> so he wins
<FMJatl> but you can be that type of player and be cool
<???> its allllll the character
<???> he prolly cant play ken to save his life

damn combofiend beastin it up. wish i was there =\ gl today man, keep it up! =D

according to the website if people don’t know, cvs2 is running. justin wong and arturo sanchez are out, got beaten by buktooth and BAS respectively.

props to whoever is doing live updates, it’s much better than the evo and ecc “live” updates.

I can’t wait until the DVD’s come out. Looks like some great matches today :clap:

www.txshowdown.com for updates.

do not repost every update here just go there.

I can’t wait till this DVD comes out ha…should be some pretty interesting matches on there. Good job to everyone that’s won so far and has gotten this far. Keep up the good work :tup:.


that’s because they have a computer that they can actually use

Oh snap Otaku taken out by Buktooth



Japan is falling down hard core

well also realise, bas isnt a top cvs2 player…

since when?

bas is hella top cvs2.

You know i can understand if you can’t play witht he control because your not playing your best and it sucks to lose when you know you could’ve had a better chance to win.

But c’mon it’s fucking pyrolee there is a 99% chance he has a stick. (i don’t play 3s, but i would’nt doubt that just about every top player in any kind of fighting game owns a stick)

If he doesn’t want to play just because the fact it is console then that seems a little snobby.

I’m a console warrior, i don’t have a stick, but despite the fact that DC usually offers arcade perfect ports and I can use my pad and other people can use their stick people don’t do that because it’s “console” so i have to get stuck with stick which i completely suck at.

Bottom line, if he had a stick i don’t see any reason why he shouldn’t play on console (it’s the same fucking thing) and although it’s his choice that doesn’t exactly make him look good.

However if he doesn’t, i can understand why he wouldn’t want to play on pad I personally didn’t enter showdown cuz i found out it was not console (originally mlg was having a console marvel tournament)

You guys may think i’m a bitch, but I like fighting my best and I don’t like having people win over me when i feel i could’ve stood a better chance or maybe even won.

Pyro has a reputation on top of this so i can understand, that is if he had to play on pad

Don’t get me confused with a pyro fan i really think it wasn’t cool what he did and that whole “california is just a province of japan” and “U.S sucks” doesn’t sit well with me at all but i’m just telling you what i think.


Looking down on console play is dumb

It’s overall better than arcade cabinets if you have your own stick (and the port is arcade perfect) that way everyone can fight their best and pick the control that best suits them. (You also have alot more space between each other)

That’s just IMO