Glat to see my Terry isn’t all bad lol. c.lpx2,,, buster wolf is the hotness.:lovin:
A typical string once I’m in and close is d.Lk, d.LP run close s.HP.
Now the fastest throws come out in 3 frames, punch throws. Easiest to tech.
close s.HP comes out in 4.
the d.lp gives +5.
You’re only runnin till you’re close enough for close s.HP to come out instead of far s.HP
That means in a battle between who lands what first, Terry’s close s.HP or Vega’s only hope, his punch throw depends really on who hits the button first but in my experience the close s.HP wins. Probably because I’m in the lead on frames and the other player’s only just realizing the window for him to throw me is beginning to open up.
I suppose I could try cancellin the close s.HP blocked from now on into fierce power waves every so often to leave a small gap in there for Vega to try to jump his way out, only to get crach shooted back into the corner.
Controlling the other players options when they’re gettin rushed down by you is the best way to go about it.
Yeah, anything into Busterwolf is sweet.
Terry’s probably got the easiest of the 7000+ combos to land because of
Buster Wolf.
Hmm… Learning a lot on how to fight Vega. I still say if Rick and Fei-Long were in this game, I’d crush everyone.
Hey actually I take that back. Fierce xx qcf+HP is a pretty descent string. Vega can’t jump out of it and punish you. He could punish my old x 2, d.lp xx qcf+HP string though. The HP does a fairly decent job at keeping him pinned so that jumping or anything to get out is difficult (outside of CC that is).
I still don’t like how long it takes Terry to recover but if you must insist on cancellin the close s.HP (blocked) it may as well be fierce powerwave.
So long as Vega’s cornered you still have the upper hand as well so it’s not all bad.
Really? I was actually scrying for info from anyone else nice enough to contribute:rofl: Seriously though all this is my attempt at formin some sort of gameplan to put to use against Vega. Commiting it to instinct is the hard part but mastering the basics is key to all that.
On paper there really isn’t too much else that Terry can do outside from what I’ve got there.
K-Terry has an edge in the footsies rushdown department because JD’s from Vega’s moves won’t push Terry out, and buy you another JD-> sweep to plant Vega on the ground. The problem with JD is that some moves are “JD safe,” unfortunately I don’t really want to go into testing whether or not things like RC Fierce Roll Claw are JD safe or not.
You may want to, 'cause that’s a move you’ll see a lot.
I’m always too afraid to JD RC roll claws, plus I don’t think I can JD just the claw part.:sad:
Lots of good stuff said here just in the last day or so, nice. I will add a few things.
To add to your throw setup this also works very well:, s.lp, throw.
The s.lp whiffs meaning you stay in the same place as you were after 1 hit/blocked
Plus the s.lp whiffs so fast you can throw almost immediately after you press lp. Try it for yourself, this will throw them very fast.
They have to block low because of threat of x3 buster wolf combo, meaning that s.lp will always whiff.
Against Vega who is doing a lot of RC claws to the point you can predict it, jump straight up and come down with roundhouse. If it lands tack on a buster wolf. There is not much vega can do about this as long as you are not predictable with it, and it forces him to do other things.
With reguards to the s.hp blocked string, I find this to be best:
s.hp(2 hit) cancel it with df.hp. 3 hits blocked does close to 50% of their guard meter if I remember correcly, and is safe.
I do that a lot in combination with c.lp’s and’s to try and get rid of that claw.:annoy:
Actually, you can do close s.hp, cancel d/f.hp, power wave.
I dont think this will be safe though.
Or even a short crack shot after the 3 hit fierce.
I usually get shot down by a guard cancel tho. I do still do it in the corner tho.
I like the throw setup.
Never occured to me to link rapid fire light attacks in that manner to both tick and whiff to throw. Gives you the best of both worlds, either a throw or a buster wolf. Just gotta be quick.
Nice answer to the RC Claw.
I just roll it:rofl:
Guess both work. May as well incorporate both as using everything Terry has that works, however situational, helps his game in the long run against top tiers.
Wave strings aren’t really safe because the openings are there, but you can probably always get away with doing it once or twice a match. The amount of guard crush you inflict is sure something though.
Waves are probably best used to simply get in, or to challenge Vega on wakeup.
Say you just threw him in the corner (this in turn pushes you away from him a bit) throw a jab powerwave so it hits meaty, then either do tricks like another quick run skid throw or low jump deep fierce.
Those low jump tricks are difficult to block the deeper you go. If the opponent’s used to empty low jump shorts, try a really deep low jump fierce xx power dunk. It’ll hit.
One thing to consider is what do you do after a blocked fierce string?
I’d typically resort to low jump roundhouse once or twice, then promptly go for empty low jump’s or throw or run up throw.
Rushdown all the way.
Throw I use btw is kickthrow, comes out slightly longer but “harder” to tech, or so the faqs say. May as well use that for what its worth.
Think there’s anything else to possibly add on fighting this guy?
Thinking on moving onto Honda or Sak next.
Edit: May have to try to tackle that on Sunday. Gonna be really busy 'till then sadly.
** Edit: Still hackin at it. Revampin my overall gameplan with Terry right now, messing with some tricks and stuff. Honda is a tough shell to crack, but it can be.**
On crossups
Any combo to jab burn knuckle midscreen gives you a setup for a throw attempt.
Immediately run forward about a step and superjump, and you’ll crossup the opponent (don’t bother going for the roundhouse, you may miss with this setup) and land immediately next to them, throw out 2 quick d.lks, and a quick double-tap run skid (holding back as if to block) throw the opposite direction.
2nd player crossup glitch, opponent’s cornered, kickthrow then lk powerdunk or crackshoot to land on the other side as the person’s getting up.
Very tricky and quicker than Terry’s low jumps.
Go low with shorts to buster wolf,
Or close s.HP xx Burn Knuckle and use that crossup throw setup I mentioned above (since this pretty amounts to a “midscreen” Burn Knuckle now),
Or kickthrow to the corner again.
It’s nice to know during Terry’s corner games whether he’s 1st or 2nd player that his throws don’t automatically “reset” stun like it may for other characters, so long as you maintain pressure the stun meter either stays put or goes up with the hits.
So once you get in anything that leads to quick attacks punctuated by a throw here and there adds up, possibly leading to a big combo.
EDIT: If anyone else knows any setups for his crossup Roundhouse, feel free. I know that after say one or two d.lks you can crossup HK a crouching Honda, but he’s not going to let you do that.
Once again, you deliver the goods.:tup:
Some corner games
I like making my opponent wake up into a meay powerwave, so some setups for that I use:
After any connect close s.HP xx jab burn knuckle trapping opponent in the corner
(or RC jab burn knuckle for those of you who can), quickly run forward while opponent’s down for about 1/3 a second, back dash and sweep. edit: the run forward is a spacing thing. Back dashing immediately here will make the sweep whiff.
If the sweep hits you’re golden. Immediately jab powerwave so that it hits meaty and go for your mixups.
At that back dash range immediately following your jab powerwave another sweep will easily connect, or you can run in and go for more’s to other basic close in patterns to another knockdown or throw.
I like backdash alot in these corner games, like running too.
Depends on what pattern you use to buy you time and position while the other person is in the air from the knockdown, and recovering from the knockdown itself.
Running at them and backdashing quickly to a sweep, back dash, low jump towards them, etc. etc., all work at keeping the guessing game on.
If you can set up another low jump keeping all of the above in mind, try this:
After a low jump roundhouse xx lk powerdunk, immediately back dash and go for a sweep.
For those of you who understand where the following is going:
If you’re ahead on life a good amount, (let’s face if Terry does enough damage that if you’re successful at getting in and landin a few you will be) and you need a break yourself from the mindgames to get a breather, go ahead and land x 3,, walk forward a step, and wait.
if they try to jump out:
df+HP their ass back to the corner,
RC Crackshoot their ass back to the corner
And let the beatdown commence.
Everything else is rather situational and I can’t give you advice on that. Depends on the character. Could play a bit of footsies to get back in with s.MK, far s.LK,
low jump HK or MK your way back in if they just sit there,
or back off and reset the match and see what they do.
You’re winning regardless, use that to see if they make mistakes.
**EDIT:**Everyone has that inner urge to strike back, this is a test to see if you get free damage.
It’d be nice if you could connect a lvl 1 buster wolf off a low jump roundhouse.:arazz:
Some N-Groove pop tricks
Vs Guile (and hence any character that uses fireball strings)
after a close in d.lp x 2, xx sonic boom you can break stock and xx the animation to a quick lvl 3 Busterwolf.
Since this trick works on even Guile’s mighty quick recovery sonic boom, this works on everyone.
Of course it’ll only work once.
If they try to jump in over your powerwave (if you’re like me, you will use the powerwave to try to either get in or to counter their reaction), break stock when you know that the trajectory of their jump in will place them within striking distance of your df + HP, and cancel the pop to a lvl 3 power geyser.
Midscreen of course. You don’t want to risk the other hits going off screen.
Hmm. I sorta needed Guile tips too.
RC Setups
If you get into a fireball war vs anyone,
after say 1 powerwave, fireball counters
through another powewave, bit another fireball counters
run up and RC Fierce Burn Knuckle through any other fireballs they through while you’re running in.
RC Crackshoot counters jump ins rather well, so far as they’re actually attacking and not baiting for a JD/Parry.
It beats all lvl 3 supers like Mai’s/Yuns/Kims so it has its uses if you ever run into any of that.
RC Powerdunk takes care of C-Grooves jump-ins if you don’t want to risk using df+HP or d.HP, say if the other characters jump in beats Terry’s normals.
Vs Shotos or other characters that use blocked fireball strings up close you can RC Burn Knuckle through and nail them in their recovery.
I don’t roll with the rc (no pun intended) I’m a K-Groover son.
Hey it’s all good, K-Terry’s got a slight edge on gettin in as he doesn’t need the RC or N Groove Pop tricks, as K gives him a sorta “free” jump in.
If your JD’s are up to it vs single hit anti-airs you’re golden.
Just don’t try it against Sagat.
Lvl 3 Buster Wolf still goes through Guiles or other fireball characters blocked fireball strings if they’re foolish enough to do that, as Guiles tend to think they’re safe with jab booms in a block string this is good to know.
I always thought booms were safe in strings, very interesting. I hate jd’ing tiger uppers, they just leave you in the air all damn day.