Terry: Non-Groove Specific Combos and Strats

Depends on the string and distancing, the move you’re doing w/invincibility as well.
I wouldn’t try it after 2 jabs cancelled to a boom, but after 2 jabs and d.mk boom? You bet.
Depends a lot on watching your Guile’s pattern, just need to think do the jabs combo with the boom?
Then that’s an opening for the lvl 3 Buster Wolf to exploit

Coo. I’m out for tonight, thanks for the reads.:tup:

Neat Anti-Psycho Crusher Safe Fall Buster Wolf (or whatever else) Setup

Well, the title pretty much sums it all up.
Terry’s sweep thankfully can catch Bison during his RC Psycho Crushers,
So if you can somehow seem menacing enough to him and slowly push him to the corner and he opts to RC Psycho Crusher out, and you have a level 3 ready
(perhaps the best way Terry will ever seem menacing to a competent Bison)
You can see him do his ballet syle flip AND still have time to do your qcf x 2 + K for your lvl 3 Busterwolf to connect. Tack on a Burn Knuckle and depending on where you two are on the screen you can follow up with a crossup throw attempt or simply run in for close in mixups since following the super he’s stuck.

This is perhaps a better alternative to simply mashing standing/crouching Fierce or Roundhouse and just leaving it at that.
As K-Terry will generally always have access to at least 1 lvl 3 Buster Wolf, this is a good bet for him at least once in a round vs Bisons that like to Safe Fall.
N-Terry can also, but he’d have to wait till near the middle or end of the 1st round or sometime during the 2nd to have that lvl 3.

'Course if they don’t safe fall you can just run up and go for mixups or use the added time to throw a powerwave. If you’re running in followin the latter be careful of another RC Psycho Crusher.

Another thing to keep in mind, all of the above depends on when you hit the d.HK.
Too early, and he’ll probably opt not to safe fall because of the proximity; you’re close enough to run up and close s.lk, throw or whatever.

You can wait so that your sweep tags his foot, and he may safe fall at the far edge of the screen thinking he’s safe, and this Buster Wolf trick will still work.
What makes it good is the fact that you can litterally wait and see if he’s doing his gay flip move and still have time to input the commands and the Buster Wolf will ALWAYS hit him.

Smart Bisons will probably just not safe fall period, or after this one trick not at all, but it’s an option you may want to try against Bison as Terry’s kinda obscure and doesn’t have too much else outside of point blank range games.

^ That is one of the BEST shit i ever heard. Totally worth it vs an A Bison even once. I would rep you if i could <3


Just had a question… why the hell do all the vids I see of Terry have him jump in randomly and all?
I imagine there are no “good” N-Terry player vids out there, for shame.
(Not neglecting you K-Terry’s or nothing, just feel N helps more)

Low jump-in is god, use that instead.
After a few low jump roundhouses, go for a few empty low jump shorts and whatever, and those empty low jump throws will happen,
“trust (whoever invented this years ago)”

Jumpin combos should only be done when they’re dizzy, if you’re going for crossups with Terry his setups aren’t exactly the best, he has a few but they are rather generic. Not knocking the man but his regular jump ins are kinda slow. Strong anti-air capable characters will have a field day if you randomly jump in.

Jumping UP is a different matter altogether.
Just griping about jump ins.


That’s the truth.

Terry small jump is hella good. Jump straight up has uses also.

Just wanna say thenks Hellion.:tup: My Terry did much better against Bison’s at SB last weekend.

Don’t thank me. Thank Bogard.

Terry’s Powerwave

Of Terry’s tools to get in:
Jab Powerwave
Footsies (far s.lk, far s.mk - >a set up run up d.HK—as well as other moves to control your space)
Low Jump Roundhouse (could be considered “footsies” I guess)
Or a ghetto run up d.HK

The powerwave’s my favorite.
However if you can’t safely fire one off to run after your best bet is to obviously throw one off after any and every knockdown you can.

Cammy-like Characters are forced to do something to get past it (even if it’s just JD or Parry), Torpedo like (Bison, Blanka, Honda…Raiden? j/k), or fast poke-you types like Vega are forced to do something.

While they could simply block, the positional advantage, and arguably momentum, remains yours. If they do ANYTHING else, the momentum at least remains yours. The positional advantage entirely depends on the matchup, but at least you’re forcing the opponent to do something akin to even being “predictable” which Terry may have a chance at punishing with the moveset he has.
RC’s are very likely required here.
the “Rob Sigley” JD->Sweep could work too but IMO its milage varies here.

At Mid-range, where the opponent’s up, just rely on your pokes far s.lk, far s.MK and go for RC short Crackshoot to plant jumpers back on the ground, IMO that’s safer than being up in the air with a P or K groover after they parry or JD your jump attack.
At least you land and recover while JD’s are in the air, and P-groovers fly right over you.
Throw in low jump HK’s and the occasional random run up d.HK to wear away at their guard (preferably the low jump) and you stand a better chance at punishing mistakes.

Moral of the story is force those top tiers to react to you, get them into positions where their responses can almost seem obvious via precognition, or you’ll merely try to react to them.

Far s.lk xx Buster Wolf is your friend, and a brief footsies discussion

Especially whiff punisher far s.lk for the counter-hit.
Unlike most other characters in the game the risk vs reward is heavily in your favor as Buster Wolf is for all intents and purposes safe.
So if you ever find yourself in a lock so far as footsies goes this is a decent tool to keep in your bag-ol-tricks.

vs plenty of other top tier characters with “abusable,” “footsies ranged” RC’s, you can:
-dash back, and punish whiff
-roll on reaction
-counter-roll forward/back depending and try to punish depending on the RC.
-jump up roundhouse
-Try to “lock” them with far s.lk, zone with far s.mk

Vs characters that have a good mid-range poke ala Iori’s far s.HK (and who won’t let you have your powerwave run in game), your best bet is to try to zone with far standing shorts 'n forward to setup your run in sweep or low jump-in roundhouse. (use those roundhouses sparingly vs K-Groovers)

that’s all I’ve got for now. anything I missed?

Can you connect any level B.Wolf off s.lk? If so, I’m having trouble doing it.

Well being the American scrub I am I can only do it off lvl 3.
Get those counter-hit setups in there and you can likely do it off lvl 1’s.
You’re in K-Groove so you’re good.


Try doing the qcf x 2 during the s.lk, hold the s.lk and hit mk
Or if you’re sharp negative edge the s.lk (or if you’re really quick doubletap lk, but even if you were a God with such ability you’d have to give in to the relative ease of just hitting mk.)

setup I use is d.lk x 3, walk forward a step, far s.lk (when I don’t give a shit)

otherwise far s.lk in response to predicted and whiffed pokes

I double tap lk, works every time. Gotta try that d.lk x3 trick, sounds funny if it works.

It’ll only work if they mash in anticipation of walk up throw or some shit.
If you’re in K and they’re backin off you may get a few walk up throws doing d.lk x 2 and stuff like that, and eventually they’ll mash so something like that setup will work then.

It really depends on what kind of player you’re up against and you’ll have to figure that out actually fighing them, but hopefully you’d have figured that out by the time you get that lvl 3.

That’s where Capcom Terry’s have the advantage, such as in P-groove, but the best of those is A-Terry and he wouldn’t really use that kind of trick (though I have seen “good” A-Terry’s pull that off, so I know that A-Terry can do it but it’s probably only off counter-hit. I missed looking for this when I first saw it happen.)

It’s best usage is for counter-hit whiffed pokes but since you’re in K and you have that “OMG he glows red FTW” factor going on you could try the setup a few times to see if you like it or not.


You can combo c.lk c.lk s.lk lv.1 buster wolf.

There is some trick to it though, because I can’t get it to always work.

d.lk x 3 works too.

Just throwing that one option out there as a sorta “me too” way of landing it.

The usual suspects for landing buster wolf whilst on the offense (outside dizzies)include:
close s.HP
d.lk’s xx

supported by stuff like
N-Groove Pop tricks

Then you have counter-hits (close and far), and then whiff punisher.
Not Terry’s strongpoint, but if the opponent isn’t biting and you wanna last ditch effort to land some damage it kinda helps that Terry has this quick “long range” poke that combos to his Buster Wolf.
Vs people that like to mash to stuff walk up throw attempts the far s.lk (for the most part) outranges many crouching jabs /shorts as well as goes over them.
Like most supers it’s good to combo into them because just flat out aiming for random super on a jab/short masher is generally not a good idea-- it’s not Chun-li’s far s.strong / crouching strong xx kick super of death, but the buster wolf is safer overall (**edit-**even if u are a little touchy and miss, they can’t crouch on account of the blockstun)

I’m not advocating heavy use of it (aka spam the hell out of this technique), but it is good to know this exists because it sure came in handy facing my bro’s N-Iori, whose in-your-face gameplan is much like Terry’s and perhaps even boasting an edge with s.HK and RC Fierce Rekka.
However once he’s got meter Terry’s a comparable powerhouse.

I like the s.lk trick.