Oh yeah, and of course if during footsies, blocked b&b’s or whatever and they’re out of range of d.HP xx lvl 3 Buster Wolf (or they recover too fast for d.HP to hit) s.LK works there too.
A little faster, a little farther, counter hit cinches it for sure every time.
Low Jump Crossup HK, Opinion?
I’ve managed to do this on odd occasions, where I would (out of character) do say 1 or 2 crouching shorts then low jump HK for a cheap crossup attempt.
Sometimes it works, other times I just get an “early” low jump roundhouse 'cause
1-I miss position it and it just ends up an overhead (not too shabby, extra stun and damage is good)
2-They stand up but don’t block (presumably 'cause they were going for some special and were too slow in execution)
3-The opponent stands up and blocks.
Run Groove Terry’s lacking in good setups to crossups like Sakura/Kyo/Ken.
There’s more risk involved, just wondering if anyone’s got any setups outside the 2nd Player Cross Up Glitch ones in the corner?
Oh yeah, in the corner you can go for a kick throw, run up d.lk once or twice then low jump HK for the cross up as they’re recovering. Looks crazy and works sometimes so long as you don’t make it obvious that’s what you’re doing. Timing’s messy with that though gotta see if I’m seeing it right or not I’ll test it later on.
I’m thinking the only setup he’s got for a low jump roundhouse crossup mid screen is off a near suicidal point blank sweep (well, vs P/K-Groovers). He’s got some good crossup tricks but I’d like something truly ambiguous that works (love those crossups) but I don’t really think he’s got it in him.
Like in his trademark Fatal Fury games, he’s all about frontal assault with seemingly minimal gimicks.
im sorry but most of these tactics dont work im a Rock/Terry pro user! like Rising tackle as an anti cros up? #1 u dont have enought time to charge it if its mutiple cross ups #2 the Riasin tackle moves foward so u complety miss ur opponent! terries only real anti air is a crack Shoot but u have predict the attack way ahead and his D/F FP
Riasin tackle should only be use when u have ur opponen in a corner, if they jump over BAM if they roll BAM althought if their smart they air guard or low jump ATTACK as for PR and JDing they have to do it 7 times thats like wining da lottery
Given the stuff you’ve been putting up on YouTube, calling yourself a pro Rock/Terry user is a pretty thick statement.
Yes, you WILL have time to charge, because someone who knows what he’s doing will try for a crossup AFTER a knockdown. Which, assuming you don’t safe fall 99% of the time like some spaz, should give you enough time to charge. Plus, you’re charging vertically so you’ll be able to stuff ambiguous crossups as well.
I’d think the whole “moving forward” thing would be a problem if you’re trying to AA with HP tackle or spamming the thing like an idiot. LP tackle is much better, and doesn’t really move you forward enough that it’s problematic.
Bottom line, the stuff Hellion posted actually works. You just haven’t tried them because you’re too busy praising yourself over beating some scrubs who in the process of being scrubby, lure you into thinking that random HP tackle spam is good shit.
I don’t play people like Combofiend or Wong or BAS, but I’m pretty sure that the comp I play is decent, at the very very least. In short, scrubby shit doesn’t work against the people I play, so I know for a fact that Hellion’s strats work since they actually bring in wins with Terry. Move out of your XBL uhh… box before strutting your stuff, because majority of the people out there aren’t scrubs like most of the people over at XBL.
As there’s no evidence to the contrary, I’ve concluded that those videos of yours on youtube are the cause of my degenerating state with pneumonia.
Enough on my warped theories however.
You roll too much.
You jump too much.
You don’t know how to control your space with Terry (aka zone)
You allow people to dictate the pace of the match with their stronger characters, and you do a great job dancin to their tune. If you don’t get them to react to whatever it is you’re doing to prompt a response, as Terry isn’t top tier, you will end up amounting to little more than combo practice.
Now, I will try not to die within the next week or so while I await your retort.
N-Terry doesn’t have too much on Bison.
With Bison at full meter you definitely don’t want to leave yourself open with moves he can easily punish on reaction. Don’t whiff any moves that he can easily punish with scissor kicks, a slide or rc psycho crusher.
His normal d.hp and s.hp are effective at knocking you out of the air with low jump HK’s as well.
That said, you’re stuck fighting at range annoying him with s.lk / s.mk until you can somehow get to that magic position where should Terry low jump and mash HK it’ll stuff Bison’s d.HP on startup, and then only after getting him in “blockstun” with the s.lk. Staying at this distance or slightly closer will help nullify those 1-hit scissors which you’ll not be able to punish (basically making any scissors 2-hit)
Anything else is left to Bison handing you the opportunity by moving forward (hence loosing his charge), dashing forward, or jumping.
Pressing the advantage once your in still works but Bison’s jabs own virtually all of your rapid fire normals–if you’re going to go for a throw you’re best left with punch throw, easier to tech but faster.
Otherwise your main goal here should be for guard crush, while being safe, and hoping that stalling as such gets Bison reckless and he makes a mistake. The longer this match goes the more he’ll read and the more likely he’ll kill you.
Some things you can punish
2-hit scissors
—d.lk x 2 xx lvl 1 Buster Wolf
—d.mk xx lvl 1 Buster Wolf
—d.mk xx LP Burn Knuckle
—close s.HP xx lvl 1 Buster Wolf
—close s.HP xx LP Burn Knuckle
—The shorts are the fastest option, but the execution is real strict.
—the d.mk is easier, the only hard part is hitting as soon as you possibly can
while inputting the qcf x 2. It’s almost like a 1 or 2 frame link.
—The close s.HP is even easier than the d.mk, it feels more like a 2 or 3 frame link in a sense.
The qcf x 2 though is hard to do on reaction to this if you’re not used to it, so you have to program yourself to just know that if Bison 2 hit scissors you, and you hit s.HP you WILL be doing qcf x 2 + K for that cancel.
—I’m surprised the damn sweep even hits.
—Tacking on a LP Burn Knuckle or Power Geyser following the Buster Wolf leaves much to be considered here. Bison can’t tech roll after the Geyser so you may want to use that time to crossup to reduce the chance of RC’s like scissors or Psycho Crusher, though he may still opt to RC up instead of down.
Burn Knuckle’s harder to connect off the close s.HP to Buster Wolf, and Bison can tech roll that and probably will punish you.
Your call.
Jump Ins/ Jumping Straight Up
I opt for RC Crack Shot to knock people out of the air, but only when I’m in close enough that it’ll hit and df+HP won’t work.
The idea here is to dissuade him from Jumping, and ideally RC LK Crack Shot is the best tool Terry has for that.
You of course also have df + HP, but use that with caution when he has meter.
If he doesn’t have meter you of course also have a lvl 1 Power Geyser, or even if he does and is jumping straight up you can get away with it at the startup of his jump.
All that though is situational, you will need to pressure him or get the position as such that you’ll see the jump coming to react to it otherwise your reaction will be too slow or you risk getting CC’d through.
Psycho Crusher
I already posted some well received shit on that a page ago, but the premise is if you can edge Bison towards the corner and get him to RC Psycho Crusher out, you can sweep and hit the tip of his foot.
He thinks he’s safe, so he safe falls, but your level 3 Buster Wolf was ready, looking for that animation where his arms are outstretched during his flip.
If you sweep earlier, he may not safe fall, but you’ll have time to pressure with a powerwave before he wakes up.
This is a good tactic in that he may be ready to RC scissors to punish your apparent rushdown.
That’s all I can come up with.
Lol at sweep punishing flip kick. I gotta try that now.
I’m telling ya, that sweep is contender for most annoyingly good poke in the game. It punishes shit that it really shouldn’t be, one would think.
It easily punishes 2 hit scissors, just mash the roundhouse, where with the forward I have to carefully time it.
Lulz indeed. Sweep into lp wave shenanigans.:tup:
Shenanigans sure, but vs Bison type characters that’s the only “safe” way to fire one off. He can still reversal RC Psycho Crusher / scissors, but you’d have recovered in time provided he didn’t tech roll.
I like to think of that old Domination article, "He can’t possibly throw another sonic boom, can he?"
Worst case scenario, he just blocks and you’re in his face.
Best case, he RC’s and you’re blocking.
What are some good followups to both of Terry’s throws? FOr both I have been using different strengths of power dunk. It works the best after his p throw since you can create guessing games if you time it a little early or late, it makes the difference in if it hits or falls short, leaving you safe and close up. For instance, after a p throw mk power dunk can just barely hit if you do it a little late, or you can do it a little early and you will land close to then and possibly counter a wakeup reversal attempt. Either way, I think the dunk works as a funky meaty if done correctly.
Any tips to get Cr. HPxxP. Geyser to combo after his B. Wolf? I have trouble doing this in the game
That combos???
Well I’m the sort of player whose gameplans rely on projectiles to force the other player’s mindset into “deal with projectile” mode, so my typical response following a midscreen throw (either or) is an immediate jab powerwave, a generic thing I do vs the entirety of the cast.
- Doesn’t matter if they’re playing P or K, the fact that it’s there and I’m running after it in N groove means they’ve got to deal with it quick and respond somehow, and if my gameplan is prepped vs that character hopefully I’ve got their options nailed and am ready for any of those 2 or 3 options (most likely 2), hence allowing quicker reaction time and so on, so forth.
With the all the randomness that comes with K-groove I tend to be wary of throwing shit out that has lag in it for JD bait.That aside, it seems like that MP dunk could lead to some nicely baited DP’s/supers, etc, and perhaps even a sort of “Kyo-esque” low jump style overhead knockdown attack, but you should also consider the two systems you’d be facing on top of all that when it concerns wakeup games:safe fall and tactical recovery.
I know that the only move Terry has really that’s fast enough (and safe enough if blocked) to nail safe falls is the Buster Wolf, everything else falls short unless you threw them into the corner and you were close enough, in which case I’d use the animation of the dunk to cover my quick recovery and get them to block a “meaty” attack which isn’t there anymore for an additional throw setup or additional guard crush.
Outside of this you’d be at footsies range if they safe fall, and I guess point blank generic wakeup mindgames range if they tactical recover.*
If the character you’re fighting is like Sagat or Ken/Akuma (with their 2 frame startup shoto DP’s) I’d probably go for a dunk like you said to bait a DP in this situation.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it I guess.If it works for you by all means use it to bait reversals, hell I may steal that one and use it to bait something in desperation following a throw if I’m ever in this situation.–Then you have the 2nd player crossup glitch stuff Terry can use with great effect of course following his kick throw.
He can’t.
As soon as you do anything that combos following the buster wolf they go into a sort of non juggleable state and fall to the ground. With your cr. HP scenario you’ll just “stand them up” and they’ll land on their feet being able to block the Power Geyser or do some other move as a reversal to counter.
Just do what everyone else does; following a busterwolf do a lvl 1 power geyser or tack on a burn knuckle midscreen, or a roundhouse power dunk in the corner if you have no meter.
If you really want to lay on the pressure though, you can use a df + HP immediately following the Busterwolf for corner mixups leading to another Busterwolf off d.lk’s or a throw, but it only works if you have meter so as to put a little kick behind those crouching shorts (as well as greater incentive to block).
Can someone explain wtf is going on a 4:44 of this video? I thought you couldn’t do hp xx power geyser after a busterwolf in the corner.
hmm. never needed to before. probably has something to do with the lvl 2.
i agree with most people, P-Terry is really nice only because i have an sf3 parry background (: