Terry: Non-Groove Specific Combos and Strats

I think crack shoots are useful, only in a couple of situations…I use them when I feel an opponent is going to jump that has a P-Groove or K Groove…and depending on the distance, use whatever Crack shoot. Like if the are kind of far away and you anticipate a jump, do the long crack shoot…just dont do it often. The reason I use the crack shoot is that it hits early, so Pgroovers usually parry it only 15% of the time…since most P groovers parry at the peak of their jump or on their way down, its good, since they have to parry as soon as they jump , and in gameplay, I dont see that happening much. If it does, they can only hit you out of the air…(So dont do it against character that have air supers…lol) but if they actually do parry it, then mix it up so you can have them parry early, and then they cant parry anymore in the air (Can anyone confirm if Pgroovers can only input the parry once while in the air, whether they get a parry or not? ) But that should give you another *little * option to do when using Terry…also, power waves are a good “momentum stopper”. If someone is kicking your ass or guard breaking you, do a couple o power waves to just stop that momentum…and do some crouching fierces do guard break them…

Hmm…am I making sense? If I am not or would like to argue, please let me know…I just call it like Im seeing when im playing, so I can explain further if necessary…

Anyways, I hope that helps…


I have been BEASTING with Terry lately. Anyone else still playing him seriously? Low shorts are the goodness. Standing strong is great! Dash is one of the best! I play C Terry these days, but used to play N Terry. Both are beasts in their own right, and both have advantages. I am feeling C Terry right now though. If anyone has questions about Terry ask, and I will try to answer the best I can. I have been playing him since CVS2 started, and have played him in tourneys faithfully for years now.

Is K-Groove Terry worth the effort? Right now my strategy is lp power wave from far away followed by superjump then j.roundhouse, land, c.roundhouse. I also use wake up lp rising tackle and rely on close hp(1 hit), d/f hp, lp burning knuckle A LOT. Didn’t mean to ramble on 'bout my bad tactics, my bad.

That might work great against CPU but no good player will fall for that.
IMO, Terry is only worth playing in A, C & N.
As far as I know, MP Rising Tackle is the best version.
Close s.HP(2 hits) is safe on block. If you’re lucky enough to land j.HK, combo into close s.HP(2 hits) x LP Burning Knucle or lvl 1 Buster Wolf, LP Burning Knucle or simply combo close s.HP into lvl 3 Power Geiser.
There are other ways to combo into lvl 3 super as well, such as c.LK(3x) xx lvl 3 super; c.LK(3x) -> far s.LK xx lvl 3 super; etc.

c.fierce (2hits), d/f.fierce xx lp burn knuckle is a safe guard string, also works as a combo although i don’t know if a lp burn knuckle is the correct link. I use to play terry as one of my mains but my memory on him is pretty vague.

You mean 2 hit close s.fierce right? That is not safe, burn knuckle in most situations is a bad idea unless its in a combo, or you are rcing through a projectile or something.

I think lp rising tackle is the best, preferably rc. Works in wakeup situations mostly. hp rising tackle is godly vs low jump bison though.

yeah i meant standing close, sorry. well i was watching a vid and it seemed pretty safe since he didn’t get punished but that could be my memory.

i dint read this tread but i got an opinion about terry. do you agree with me that the reason why terry is not a perfect choice is because he has shit ass anti air?

c.fierce will solve your aa problems, his BnB is the problem.

his crounching fierce??? wow um ok i will try that…i just dont like an anti air that directs horizontally. thanks

Terry 1st Up

Figure I’d breath a little life into this Vintage thread.
Been a while since I’ve been in the thick of things, but I imagine that the usual suspects haven’t changed too much. Feel free to correct me on any of it. Just going to rattle what little of a brain I have left while I sharpen up both here and on the console and at the arcades.

Likely Terry will run into the the following up 1st:

A Groove


Memory Lapse.

It is entirely possible that someone will just throw Blanka up first in A-Groove just to destroy the first half of your team, but whatever I just wanted to get the usual suspects out of the way first.


Since A-Vega seems to be the hotness these days I figure we should start there.
Some apparent advantages of the Claw dude:

  1. He’s got that RC rolling Claw, which serves several dishes at once.
    It’s a get out of jail free card.
    It’s nigh free guard crush.
    It’s free meter.

  2. His pokes nicely out-range all of yours.
    Well, either that or they enable him to control more space than Terry can
    hope to compete with in a match between the two.
    They also cover all possible ways to get in rather well.

  3. His walk speed is almost as fast as Terry’s run.
    Meaning he can further maximize that range of control he has over Terry by

  4. Has a fast jump.

  5. He can corpse hop.

  6. Once he has meter he’s got a number of ways to land it, via guard crush or
    whiff punishers, not too sure here, as I haven’t played many A-Vegas.

Some of the bad on A-Vega

  1. He’s a charge character
    (Well, that’s not really too much of a disadvantage in itself, but it is something)

  2. The FASTEST normals he’s got are his standing jab and short.
    (And well, perhaps his jumping jab too, but whatever).
    That means Terry owns him in the close quarters department with his rapid
    fire 3 frame startup d.lp’s and d.lk’s, and can even setup some situations
    with his close s.HP which comes out in 4.

  3. None of those normals are rapid fire.
    Not too big a deal, but it counts sometimes.

  4. Lower vitality than Terry (not too big a deal)
    60 stun (a BIG deal)
    He also is unfortunate enough that once stunned he adds a whole second
    to the base stun times.
    Poor Vega.

  5. His roll sucks. He tries to RC and somehow messes up just because, well,
    You’re either lucky or your pressure is throwing off his timing.
    Go for it.

Anyone have anything else to add feel free. I’m going to go right into it in a min.

Good shit!:tup: Jus thought you should know. I hope to regulate with T.Bogard this weekend at a tourney.

K-Maki,Terry,Geese(r2) FTW!


Thing to remember about this character is that he’s a pixie ala Cammy and Chun, but he’s also a charge character.

I’m not going to pretend I know what Vega players do between jiggling the stick back and forth playing footsies or abusing some of Vega’s RC Fierce Rollin Claws repeatedly.

All I can say on that note is that if you can’t work your way around a single attack that’s repeated over and over then maybe your brain’s turned to mush and you should grab a beer to relax and kinda “see” a little clearer, lol.

cough Seriously though cough

The only way Terry is going to win in this instance is to completely overwhelm Vega. Pound him continuously until his defense and offensive bonus’s fall off, and pound him some more. Bait the RC reprisals and throw him back into the corner when he gets desperate.
Since he’s a charge character, I’d further recommend going for moves such as d.HP followin a connected Buster Wolf in the corner, or run up close s.HP or anything to plant Vega back on his feet to take away those wakeup reversals he’ll soon crave to reversal RC Roll Claw you off his ass. If anything it’ll mess up Vega’s timing because knockdowns in this instance give him a breather he’ll want and need to time his RC precisely.

With respects to Mummy B, I’d recommend tacking on a d.LP (+5 frame advantage) following a close in d.lk (+3) or two to get that bonus supplement to Terry’s rush down.

There will always be a gap in Terry’s rushdown. Vega will know this too after one or two reps. Usin that +5 bonus and running in to tag Vega with the close s.HP will further wear away at his guard and possibly land a combo’d burn knuckle if Vega attempted to throw. If the s.HP is blocked you can go for a sweep or low jump your way back in.

If the crouching jabs and shorts are blocked you can short jump your way back in with short j.HKs 'till you’re comfortably close enough to restart the beat down.

Referin to those gaps I mentioned if Vega tries to hop out of there with his quick jump speed or RC’s his way out, you could try to either RC Crack shoot him back into the corner (or leave out the RC and just do the regular lk version, quicker), or aim to throw him when he lands, or since you’re crouched and hence are building up your own charge nail him with a rising tackle. You can have him land on a d.MK, or you could also try to knock him back into the corner pre-emptively with oc.HP.

After perhaps 2 or 3 reps of this rush, you can do a quick run, skid then kickthrow him into the corner. This is dangerous though, and best done only after you’ve gotten Vega to fear your close s.HP. It is also not exactly easy to get, but the point of it is not to telegraph your tick throw.
d.lk x 2, walk, kickthrow gives Vega too much warning.

d.lk x 2, run skid, kickthrow, you’re BARELY running, like, 1/4 of a second, the probability of ANOTHER close s.HP is too strong. I think Vega may hold off and you could get that throw in. How I go about it is
d.lk, d.lp-> double tap towards then immediately neutral, then towards + HK for the throw.
Like with RC’s, gotta be quick with them fingers and remember that 6 frame window where you can’t throw them, that’s bein taken up by the time spent in the run, with the opponent there starin at the sprite.

As always, mixups aren’t solid. Especially with characters of Terry’s caliber, you have to avoid telegraphing your assaults because the opponent will soon catch on.

After a few beats you’ll have meter, and can make use of counter-hit setups.
d.lk x 2, d.lp, d.HP is an effective one. Do the light attacks quickly so you’re still in range, and d.HP. roll the stick qcf x 2 and hit K if the d.HP is a hit.

After a rep or two, you can forego the d.lk, d.lp and just do two d.lk’s for simplicity’s sake for comboing into the Buster Wolf if they connect. It’ll possibly make you seem more open to the Vega player too if they know frame data that well.

Maybe, after you’ve gotten Vega’s guard bar flashing and his health down and you know he’s still got stun build up from the relenting assault you can hit him with a simple d.lk, walk up throw.

High low mixups Terry has consist of his low jump HK and empty low jump d.lk’s. I’d recommend going for empty low jump d.lk’s first, and after a few reps go for a low jump HK. The odds are good that you could tack on that hyped Power Dunk following a connected deep low jump HK, but that’s only if you can see it connect. I myself think I could, but after a few tries I realize I just do it all the time. That’s bad.
So I stopped completely, but that’s just me. You may have better reflexes, hand eye coordination, whatever.

In N-Groove, or even C-groove for that matter you’ll be buildin meter up fairly quick enough that any RC claw attempts could be AC’d rather handily to maintain that momentum in your favor. A problem with Alpha Counters vs RC Claw is that Vega will always have the RC claw, you only enough AC’s dependin on duration of the round.
N-Groove would probably prefer counter-roll front step through Vega,
then run then close s.HP xx Burn Knuckle / Buster Wolf.
If Vega gets you off him with RC claw or what not and gets brave and is on top of you whiffing a standing jab that’s a likely throw comin your way. Wake up options for Terry are limited to just his jab rising tackles to push Vega off him, you kinda recover early enough that were you storing charge for another you can do it again to catch Vega’s normal reprisals. (A trick that works a lot on a number of folks BTW)

Corpse hopping Terry will have a slight edge there on a downed Vega though.

In short, my theory depends almost entirely on frames and blockstun, controlling the possible openings Vega will need to get out of the corner as best as you can while minimizing the time Terry’s pressure is let up. Terry is actually a pretty strong character once he gets in on folks, and limiting Vega by closing in reduces his options a lot I’d say.

Getting there is the problem.
As always, anyone have anything to say or criticisms it’s all welcome. This is a discussion open to all so we Terry players can collectively build a strong enough game against Vega. Going to tackle ways to get in on Vega in a min.

I myself am a hopeless N-Groove fanatic.
Always have been, though I drift to wacky A-Groove teams from time to time, unfortunately I always end up not playin for a few months gettin rusty again.

Terry strikes me best at being an N-Groove character, though I do like the mixups you get with the dash, IMO if you want to play a good dashing Terry the best one has gotta be P Groove. I like P-Groove soley because it has delayed get up, dash and low jump. Parry is just a bonus shield against fireballs.

Thanks for the thumbs up. Good luck at the tourney.

same here.:rolleyes:

D.lk is +5:wow:. I use meaty c.hp, df+hp, lp power wave when I can to try and get rid of that claw, but my friends Vega is really rusty and he doesn’t fall revocer a whole lot so I don;t know if this is actually good to do. Thanks for wishing me good luck.(no homo)


Getting in on Vega.

Ok, this it the outset of the match, the beginning where no one’s got meter or anything. It’s A-Vega vs your Terry.

I honestly believe that N-Terry is the way to go for numerous reasons.
His roll at 112 [27/4R], while not the greatest [27/2R], makes for descent counter-movement front or backsteps that K-Terry simply cannot manage vs stupidity like shosho.

Terry with run can actually sweep at any point he likes durin the run, unlike the dash, however good the dash is he can’t do things like run up sweep with the tip of his foot in a dash groove to punish whiffs.

While on the offensive, you got meter for quick level 1’s or to power up. All while administerin the beats. You can’t do that in K unless you’re playing defense… and that’s not my playstyle at all.
So sad.

Anyway, only tools I can think up that Terry can use to get in on Vega, at the very outset of the match, are:

  1. Run up sweep
  2. back dash, jab powerwave.
  3. towards low jump HK.
  4. Walk forward s.MK

Keep in mind that Vega is a charge character, and is likely building up his charge waiting to counter whatever stupidness you do with RC roll claw, at the same time having fingers primed on KKK or PPP to avoid things like tool #1.

#1 works fairly well against people that aren’t preped for it or quick, but I think people at this point in CvS2 are well aquainted with Terry’s d.HK enough to expect a quick run up sweep.
Counters such as RC roll claw or PPP, KKK then RC Roll Claw or slide are expected.
Simply having it blocked precisely because Vega’s a charge character is expected.

#2 back dash, jab powerwave is probably the best bet because it nullifies Vega’s
pixie-ish walking speed. He can’t walk back if it’s comin for him.
Run after it and get in a low jump HK, do it again hopefully you’re close enough
to land 1 d.lp (that +5 man, that +5).
Not to mention that the back dash itself could signal the comin of another
a powerwave, if Vega sees you in a run groove he may try to jump it and nail
you as the special is kinda long. Hardly Guile-lite, but you can bait with the
back dash in this instance.

#3 towards low jump HK is possibly something Vega’s expecting too.
Terry’s a solid mid tier for a reason, he’s “good,” the top tiers are better.
He has a few good tools, but there’s not too many so people can see them
and counter a mile off. It is still a good tool though.

#4 Terry’s annoying s.MK has perhaps the most range of all his normals except
s.HK, which plain sucks outside pressure strings. You can use it to play
footsies with Vega, in conjunction with his far s.LK, but Footsies is something
Vega is destined to win over long, and the longer it goes the greater a chance
of Vega gettin that Meter and killing you.
Doing this move after one of the others above it is a good way to keep Vega
"grounded" though to try another option. Think of it (and s.LK) as the glue that binds
these tools together. Don’t over-use it though 'cause it can get slided if
he sees a pattern.

Those are basically the only tools Terry’s got to get in on Vega, though if Vega’s jumping around a lot you can nail him with short Crack Shoot to slowly push him into the corner as well as d.HP or oc.HP as anti-air.
Cyclin through all of those tools is probably the best way to go, but keep Terry moving and keep Vega grounded.
Just my .02 cents. Anyone else care to contribute feel free.
EDIT: These are just thoughts on getting in. Once in just standard old beat down style counterhit-throw setups or that neat close s.HP to Burn Knuckle stuff I listed above.

Some pokes Vega’ll likely use to keep you out:
d.LP (out in 4. 14 frames total)
d.MP (out in 4. 33 frames total)
d.HP (out in 5. 44 frames total)
d.LK (out in 4. 14 total.) (it’s a short, d.LP may have greater range though. A user’s choice I guess)
d.MK (out in 5. 24 total)
d.HK (Out in 8. 46 total)
s.HK (Out in 4. 37 total)

Then there are his air-to-air and air-to-ground normals.
I’m not too worried about them because you don’t want to tango with Vega in the air. Keep him on the ground whenever he goes up with a quick crack shoot or something.

A lot of his pokes are punishable when you look at it on paper accordin to some, but if you look in the context of how the moves will be used the odds of punishing Vega’s slide are nill. The odds of punishing d.HP is nill.
The odds of punishing s.HK is nill. Crouching forward? Hmmm… nill. Well, maybe.
Those moves are ones Vega will use to punish you for blatantly trying to break into his zone of control.

d.HP has great range and all, but Terry’s 31 frame roll will catch him if he does it repeatedly.
It has great use IMO as a sort of pre-emptive short jump stopping move.
If you do repeated short jump roundhouses and later on get pushed out he will remember and may resort
to this, maybe.

s.HK- if he missed the window of opportunity for d.HP he still has his mighty gay s.HK.

d.HK- It’s a slide. He’ll use this when you’re open to knock you on your ass. He won’t use it in close it’s too risky

That leaves his d.LP’s, d.LK’s, d.MP and maybe d.MK as his primary Ground Footsies tools.
I will omit standing strong because while good, Terry’s reliance on his sweep renders its use ineffective as Terry would go under it during the sweep, though he could by all means use it to knock Terry out of his short jump attempts at range.

The d.MP is all he really needs to keep Terry out.
It’s fairly quick, it has long range.
Between this as a main and d.HP / s.HK as anti-airs he’s got Terry on lock.
Even if you see Vega on auto-pilot with this move it’s not safe for Terry to roll, but it IS rollable for Terry.
Meaning if all else fails, which it shouldn’t, you still have the roll at least for one last hurrah. Personally I recommend Terry’s rolls as last resorts only, and only if you’re fightin Vega’s using their pokes stupidly like using d.HP as his main instead of d.MP.
However just be persistent and use those main 4 tools I dropped above and you should be able to get inside in short order.

My bad, gonna have to edit that post. Have a way of usin too much words to confuse myself.

The d.LP is +5.
The d.LK’s are +3.


I used to use power wave strings but they don’t combo, (well, close s.HP (1 hit) xx qcf+HP does), and Vega’s jump is fast enough that he can actually hop the powerwave and punish Terry’s recovery.
The string I used was d.lk x 2, d.lp xx qcf+HP. Vega could hop that powerwave, so long as it’s not canceled off of a fierce. The fierces in my strings are used just as 2 hit Burn Knuckle hit confirmation as a result. Being random though is a good thing and throwing in a random block strin endin with a wave can’t be all bad, and no one will react to it the first time, but they easily could the second time.

Another problem with Terry’s powerwave strings is that the recovery on them is horrible, and he’s too close to be pulling Guile-style tricks.

I simply resort to basic counter-hit, throw style rushdown with run and close s.HP (at +2 btw) following Terry’s +5 d.LP since that’s really the best he’s got, and he can’t combo shit else off his jabs and shorts outside Buster Wolf.