Terry: Non-Groove Specific Combos and Strats

man dude,

maybe i just did it wrong.

But i put it on training mode and i was guile, and i had terry do crack shoots (while on all guard) in a variety of ways and even in 2 different strenghts and i could NOT hit him with a reversal sonic hurricane.

Maybe it’s just that you guys try to follow up with something and hte crackshoots don’t give frame advantage but then again i don’t know.

All i know is from what i did terry was able to block every time and the sonic hurricane is pretty instant and i did get the “REVERSAL” message, this was on the dc version of the game.

I really don’t know what to say

I have always stated that crackshoot is unpunishable in some cases, unless you are in N,K, or P.

You can do this combo safetly. Is a guard crush string.

jump with HK, crouching + lp, cr. + lp (again), cr. Medium punch, and pull a short crackshoot…

I have never been punished :smiley:



Try punishing Crack Shoot with a quick c.forward or something like that instead of supers, which all have pre-flash startup frames (usually around 4 or so) on top of post-flash startup frames.

can anyone tell me how to zone Blanka DAMM that’s hard?? OH! and what is the best anti-air to use against him?? someone please HELP ME!! :confused: :tup:

Crouching + Punch (have to be exact)
croushing forward+ High Punch when he jumps.
If he is using no parrying or JD groove, RC crack shoot works like a charm.
Power Geiser too as an anti air is good, again, doesn’t work if they use parring thingies.


Thanks Im going to try this out!! :karate: by the way Ryu.M I’ve gone to you’re site good shit!! :karate: were are you located to play??

Cr. strong, cr. strong, short crack shot is a good gaurad string too

Make sure your close enough

WHAT!? I got the Cr.strong, Cr.strong, short-crack shot but, after that close enough for what? and who Blanka?. blanka is who I want to learn how to beat with no hassles is Cr.strong, Cr.strong, short-crack shot safe to do even if they block? I know that against Blanka the best combo to throw at him is his three hit fierce short-crack shot! this was told to me by the Great Combofiend himself!

Pardon my interruption, but you do mean close fierce xx jab power wave, right? The one that leads to knockdown? Unless you’re using the short Crack Shoot to set up counter hits/JDs…

Blanka is really tough to beat with Terry. Without run, CC, or a Lvl 3 super ready, I can’t even retaliate against a blocked Blanka ball. For that reason (and JD) I usually prefer fighting Blanka in K-groove. (I have yet to experiment with N-groove counter roll, which does have potential… Counter Roll into close fierce xx qcb+jab or lvl 1 super?) Getting into sweep range is tricky with Terry. I try to bait out JDs by jiggling right outside Blanka’s crouch fierce/sweep range. Low jump helps too, adds another offensive tool and additional mixup potential.

Something I’ve been doing recently vs Blanka (and Rolento) in Dash grooves is to land a kick throw midscreen and then immediately dash once and normal jump forwards. From there, I go into your basic high/low/throw thing. Or tick into throw after a c.lk. Works OK vs Rolento, Blanka, but not anyone with a multi-hitting DP, unless you’re a tiny parrying god/ess or master of JD.

Alright! thanks for the information I’ll try some of this out! :tup: Although I was trying to say on top was that you can meaty s.hp, powerdunk against blanka sometimes! although the only real way you can find out if it would work against an opponent that plays blanka is to first try the meaty with s.hp it should hit them once if they try to attack just block then you’ll know by the second time, then you powerdunk.

did anyone know that if you’re close enough c.mk+jab-burningknuckle works as a good 2-hit combo.

Can Terry do sweep and then 2 into 1 for a power wave like other FF and KOF games as for some reason I can’t pull it out.


Terry’s best

I just stated playing Terry today and from what I see his best stringed attack is (when close) lk xx power dunk w/ any kick. its very fast, quite efficient, not againt rc but Terry is a very suspend character so he’s often in close proximity

Nope sweep cancel does no exist in this game ala KOF, would be awesome if it did…though it exists in SVC

N Terry action

I am wondering which short jump attack is better, Fierce or Roundhouse. Is there a difference if you’re pressuring with low jumps? It looks like in Terry’s case use of either is the same if your in close.

My guess…

Use Fierce in close

Roundhouse from a distance

I doubt though that short jump roundhouse combos into Power Dunk from a distance though:confused:

anyone have any new terry k-groove strats?

do the rob sigley and JD -> sweep anything that moves to death =P

Terry’s jumping Fierce has an ass of priority if ya stick it out a lil earlier than usual. It beats out/trades hits with lots of attacks/anti airs. (CHUN LI’S cr. RH as an anti air) Not as dependable as Kyo’s jumping down fierce but its still pretty good. i was getting low jump RH close st. fierce to land consistantly the last time i played. Crack shots at the right range are dope. especially when they are RCed. preferrably short crack shots.

Crack shot outside short are a bad idea period. At least if the opponent is grounded. Even on a hit foward or rh crack shot, the opponent can still retaliate. It just isnt dependable enough to use as a strat.