Terry: Non-Groove Specific Combos and Strats

Terry can be a pain in the ass in S-groove, definitely.

You can stand jab him out of it on reaction to seeing it start up without a problem.
As far as being punished, Iā€™ve gotten hit afterward many a time.

And yeah, Power Wave is good against strong ground chars. Kinda like Rugalā€™s lp fireball as well.

As far as S Groove, itā€™s perfectly fine to use him in it, but itā€™s S Groove. Which meand youā€™re getting Level 3ā€™s when youā€™re dying, if you have the chance to charge your bar. If you do, it means youā€™re juggling trying to pressure and taking time to charge. His dodge attacks are both also not great. Itā€™s roundhouse with knockdown and df fp with buffer ability that already has buffer ability and no range in a ground to ground situation. But you can whore the fuck out of critical life. Land a short and itā€™s a free super into super. etc. Short jump is nice.

Itā€™s just tedious.

may i ask few questions?

the thread has been very helpful! iā€™m not very good at CVS2, yet i force myself to use characters that are not necessarily top tier. Like Terry, and this thread has helped me improve terry.

i do have few questions though.

Mummy-B: your first post is priceless. however, i cannot seem to put those good info into proper use.

how do u link c.fp -> c.fk? when u say that they link, does that mean they execute themselves as 2 hit combo?

what is the timing for c.fp -> c.mp or c.mk

iā€™m not sure if they were already posted in this thread, because i didnā€™t have time to look through all of them. but i would like to request few usual poke strings.

these poke strings are from Evil Ryu Hoshiā€™s basic terry guide:
c.lp, c.lp, c.lk, s.lk
c.lp, c.lp, c.mp xx qcb.lk
c.lp, c.mp, c.fp
c.lp, c.mk, s.mk

the video supplement to this guide had these poke strings slowly on purpose i think, so im not sure if they are really safe or useful

Here is something I posted in the ā€œcheap and easy combosā€ thread. I think it would be better to have this info here since its seems to be a general thread of terry stuff.

  • I just found out that the 3 fp combo works on even more characters but they have to be crouching. Here are the ones who need to be crouching in order to connect all 3 hits.

(Crouching only)

All the shotos

And the characters that it doesnt work on period (standing/crouching)


Ill go ahead and post the others I had in my previous post.

These characters can be either standing or crouching with the exception of 1.

Iori (both)
Balrog (standing only)

I just noticed that if you combo the crackshoot with a c.mp, it is
almost imposible to punish it.

I do this sequence to connect it.

High jump, lading with HK, c.lk,c.lp, c.lk, c.mp, lk crackshoot

You donā€™t get punished, unless it is a P or K groove.




P groove Terry in action.:cool:

Yeah, P-groove looks badass. I used to play P-groove, but I personally feel that Terry is not the best for me in that groove. FOr me, Terry is the shit either in C-groove or A-groove. I donā€™t know, but I usually win more if I use him in A-groove. I some how manage to get to their 3rd character (when they have killed two of my own with one of theirā€™s). Too bad the cloning glitch is not allowed. But yeah, I agree that Terry looks badass in P-groove (when you see those awesome P-groovers). I have personally played P-groove Terries, but they are not that good, so I kick their ass with my C Terry.


R.I.P. Mummy-B, and much thanks for giving us THE best Terry thread.

yes, you helped me a lot. Rest in Peace, B.

Random Terry note I just found recently. df.fp beats Blanka lv3 electricity super clean :wow: . You do it a little early so the super hits terry while he is in his standing animation with his fist in the air. Happy beating blankas level 3 with a normal move :clap: .

Terryā€™s dashing around all day tactic keeps the blood rushing in. By the time he knock you down, heā€™ll ā€œhopā€ on you back and forth creating a mind game ā€œwhich side am I gonna block this bitch?ā€ kinda stuff. Also, it REALLY HURTS when he connects the simple near s.FP (2 hits) then burning knuckleā€¦ takes a chunk of hp! His short ā€œrock-shootā€ and ā€œBurning knucklesā€ keeps him in the proper distance to the enemy. Boy, do i have a hard time fighting against C-groove terry.

all right, iā€™m a starter at cvs, and i need to know the good combos and strats to use with Terry.

Download my combovideos at www.comboadictos.com section: Downloads:

Download ā€œPoder 1ā€ and ā€œPoder2ā€

I have some combos with Terry that you might want to use in their respective grooves. Terry is the shit definately. Against Blanka is his worst. I have no doubt about it. I also have no doubt that he can beat Sagat.


Mummy-B. We will always remember you

thanks for the tips man

There is also lots of good Terry info on the first post in this thread.

What makes K groove better than N groove for Terry

I dont think K groove terry better than N groove terry, since Terry needs level 1 super than level 3 because of the cancelable moves of Terry it is sweet. I like terry having ROLL than none.

I think best groove for Terry is C, cancel super combos and quick buster wolf, that doesnā€™t leave you open if blocked.

Good damage, roll and air block against Blanka, people use to wait until you jump or fail a special.

I find that crack shoot is pretty unpunishable, iā€™ve been trying to catch terry with reversal sonic hurricanes.

even if he is right next to you and does the round house crack shoot heā€™s safe from a reversal sonic hurricane.

I think itā€™s a really good move except against c groove, if they chicken block it you are dead.

the reason itā€™s so good is cuz it also hits people out of the air and itā€™s decent priority when the attacking part is out and the part thatā€™s not attacking is not exposed.

Burn knuckle is always vulnerable to reversal supers of course but from what iā€™ve tried (lk max distance and iā€™ma lmost sure close distance crack shoots, and Round house crack shoots of any kind) he cannot be punished at least not by a reversal sonic hurricane (donā€™t know how fast it comes out).

and about that level 2 cancel it seems to me that itā€™s much easier instead of trying to do lp burn knuckle into tackle itā€™s much easier to just do a fp burn knuckle ( i can connect it and get 8000+) and i know that a fp burn knuckle does more damage than a fierce tackle.

trust me itā€™s punishable, sometime a crackshoot can HIT you and still be punished.