Mixup/pattern help
So I just picked up terry this weekend. Sorry if this seems really basic, but I wanted your help and analysis on this one ghetto pattern I’ve been playing around with.
So basically my flowchart is:
close s.fp (2 hits connect)
1a. xx LP Burn Nukku
1aa. Dash mixup
1b. xx LK Crack Shoot [edit - don’t do this, not safe]
c.lk (x3) xx s.lk
2a. Buster Wolf xx Jab Burn Nukku (if have super)
2b. ??? (if no super)
Ghetto block string
3. close s.fp (2 hits blocked)
3a. xx df.fp (blocked)
3aa. delayed LK Crack Shoot (RC optional) <---- safe on counter hit?
3aaa. … Now what? Am I safe to continue mixup?
2.1a creates a bit of space, adds to the guard crush, and creates a bit of blockstun. I figure, if the first two hits are blocked, eh, might as well.
My question is:
(1) What do you think of my options between 3a and 3aa? It seems to work against the average scrub, catching them in a counter hit at times, but if it’s blocked, it doesn’t seem really that safe. Usually if they’re blocking my BnB, they’re already anticipating it and looking for an opening for counterattack.
(2) How safe am I after 2.1a. Is it safe to backdash to reset? Or am I screwed anyway against good players and should just go for the LK Crack Shoot for a lucky shot?
Way I figure is, I’m going to be hit anyway either out of 2.1a or 2.1aa right? At least if they hit me out of Crack Shoot, I’ll be considered airborne and get thrown a distance away, unlike df.fp.
Or maybe I should just crouch and block? If I could parry, I probably would option parry into sweep.
I find the occasional LK crack shoot (RC usually) a good thing to throw in every once in a while to throw off the opponent’s timing, trying to get off a counter hit. Am I safe when I land though?
(3) Is 1b even worth going for? What sorts of followups would work? Or should I just stick to Burn Nukku knockdown? [edit] just reread the thread, found my answer. Stick to knockdown.
(4) What are my options for 2b (when I don’t have super)? I suppose I can backdash to reset, dash/run throw, or dash/run sweep…
Mr. Sparkle