Terry: Non-Groove Specific Combos and Strats

He has some good cross ups.

Knock down with high Kick then F,F, (behind opponent now) and do standing HP and burning knuckle. It is predictable, but it works some times.

Not a Cross up, but useful. A-groovee

knock with HK, then when the opponent is almost ready to get up, whiff a medium punch, (they are almost stading) then Activate.

It’s pretty useful. Since I found it out by mistake, I always do it.



I discovered some weird shit today!

I was playing A-groove Terry agains C-groove Sagat.

I knocked down Sagat with D + HK, then I dashed 2 times (foward, foward, fast) and when I was on the other side, Sagat was just getting up, so I activated and did D+HK again and connected a CC.

I did it 3 times and it worked. It appears to be unblockable. I never saw Sagat getting up. It felt like Blanka’s cross up. Just when Sagat was standing, I did the CC. If you guys wanna test it and say/write what you saw. I am probably wrong, so check that out!

Just my humble opinion.


Maybe you caught the other guy off, corpse hopping does that sometimes. You gotta block the other way, I think. It seems I could block it. (Dash over and activate into meaty sweep xx burn knuckle cc right?)

Yeah. That thing. I don’t know, but that shit seemed unblockable. I don’t think it was blocking the other way since, he wasn’t even up completely (I might be wrong of course) when I knocked him down again. It felt just like Blanka’s.

I’ll check that out after I get out from work tonight.



He was just blocking wrong. What you’re thinking of is Valle CC’s from Alpha 2 where if you activate and sweep they can’t do shit. And people still don’t understand why that shit works.

I haven’t checked, but i’ll do it tonight. I am probably wrong, but I’ll check it out.

One cool thing with terry is that

when you connect a medium punch (d+mp), you can connect it again and buster wolf. Most people don’t expect that. That’s why d+mp works for me against Sagat, because if they block, it still does gdm and its safe.


Yeah, it’s pretty hard though. I’m starting to think it’s meaty only combo, but I don’t know how to measure frames. :confused: Kyo can do the same shit too, except he’d do qcf+k, k combos after the two c.mp links.

I was going through this thread and realized I posted a bit of misinformation during my newbie days… for correction; s.lp into oc.hp isn’t a chain, it’s a link.

Mixup/pattern help

So I just picked up terry this weekend. Sorry if this seems really basic, but I wanted your help and analysis on this one ghetto pattern I’ve been playing around with.

So basically my flowchart is:


  1. close s.fp (2 hits connect)
    1a. xx LP Burn Nukku
    1aa. Dash mixup
    1b. xx LK Crack Shoot [edit - don’t do this, not safe]

  2. c.lk (x3) xx s.lk
    2a. Buster Wolf xx Jab Burn Nukku (if have super)
    2b. ??? (if no super)

Ghetto block string
3. close s.fp (2 hits blocked)
3a. xx df.fp (blocked)
3aa. delayed LK Crack Shoot (RC optional) <---- safe on counter hit?
3aaa. … Now what? Am I safe to continue mixup?

2.1a creates a bit of space, adds to the guard crush, and creates a bit of blockstun. I figure, if the first two hits are blocked, eh, might as well.

My question is:

(1) What do you think of my options between 3a and 3aa? It seems to work against the average scrub, catching them in a counter hit at times, but if it’s blocked, it doesn’t seem really that safe. Usually if they’re blocking my BnB, they’re already anticipating it and looking for an opening for counterattack.

(2) How safe am I after 2.1a. Is it safe to backdash to reset? Or am I screwed anyway against good players and should just go for the LK Crack Shoot for a lucky shot?

Way I figure is, I’m going to be hit anyway either out of 2.1a or 2.1aa right? At least if they hit me out of Crack Shoot, I’ll be considered airborne and get thrown a distance away, unlike df.fp.

Or maybe I should just crouch and block? If I could parry, I probably would option parry into sweep.

I find the occasional LK crack shoot (RC usually) a good thing to throw in every once in a while to throw off the opponent’s timing, trying to get off a counter hit. Am I safe when I land though?

(3) Is 1b even worth going for? What sorts of followups would work? Or should I just stick to Burn Nukku knockdown? [edit] just reread the thread, found my answer. Stick to knockdown.

(4) What are my options for 2b (when I don’t have super)? I suppose I can backdash to reset, dash/run throw, or dash/run sweep…

Mr. Sparkle

Two more questions

What’s the best way for Terry to punish a safe fall in a non-run groove? Another Jab Burn Nucko? Power Wave?

Darn peeps safe falling my Burn Nucko combo and throwing me off…

And also, how should I use Terry’s power wave, if at all? Is it like N-Iori’s Jab FB, i.e., something to use when closing the gap?

random thing,

if you knock sagat down, always try dashing cause

  1. he too big to know where he at and you will either guard damage or hit can sagat can do shit.

his uppercut wont work, i got this 3 times in a row like in three matches. very hard to tell where hes at if timed right.

Mixup/pattern help

Why would you RC a Crack Shoot unless you’re using it for an anti air? You’ll be punished if they block it whether it’s RCed or not since it doesn’t knock down.

Mixups aren’t solid. You just do it from experience. The problem with alot of your patterns is that after two or three reps they’re gonna be telegraphed. Stick in more pokes. Stand mk and sweep, and probably lots of shorts too. And tick throws.

First of all, you should hardly ever be doing a Crack Shoot, ever. I happen to have completely memorized where the hitboxes are safe depending on where people are jumping, so I’ll do it sometimes. Otherwise, you’re asking to eat something painful.

Second, you’re not going for simple things like I listed. c.short x3 -> stand short is like one of his best combos. His sweep is fucking annoying. His stand mk is almost as annoying as Maki’s. You have no mention of throws. Simple, safe things are what keep Terry alive because he is not top tier.

It just sounds like you need to play with him some more. Get some more play experience and things will eventually become apparent.

Crackshoots sometimes are unexpected, and are not punished. I also don’t recommend doing crackshoots except as AAs. Crouching mp works well for a poking game. Standing + short kick stops a lot of shit (Sagat’s fireball) and many things. That kick stops even Blanka’s annoying ball. IT stops a lot of shit just like Iori (with crouching lp). Crackshoots are good anti airs. I have to accept that I use a lot of crackshoots. If you abuse them, make sure you try to not use it too much, and that you use lk crackshoot.


just my humble opinion.

General rule of thumb is, if they have a DP or a Level 3, don’t Crack Shoot. A blockstun reversal or even someone getting into that hole is bad enough, but you are mad open if it’s blocked and anyone that doesn’t punish it is either not used to ever seeing Terry or doesn’t have very good reaction time.

Personally, I say never do it, but I do myself so I break my own rule, although I can probably count how many times I do in a match on a single hand.

Same here, but I generally abuse the crackshoot only as an AA (rced). Against P or K is useless as an AA.

ANy recommendations as to fighting Blanka?

I am in C-groove (TErry). I find it damn difficul to Blanka when I am in C-groove. Any tips?


Two more questions

Bump. Thanks for your suggestions. Actually, I’ve already been incorporating dash throws, sweep mixups, etc into my Terry game. I still need to work on my zoning and poking though.

In any case, I was wondering if anyone had any insight to my other two questions:

  • What’s the best way for Terry to punish a safe fall in a non-run groove? If they’re grounded after a sweep, I usually sweep again to discourage them from safe falling. However, if it’s after a throw or a burn knuckle combo, I don’t know what to do except throw out a timed power wave (if they’re not a torpedo character, or worse, an RC torpedo character), and start zoning again.

  • How should I use Terry’s power wave, if at all? Is it like N-Iori’s Jab FB, i.e., something to use when closing the gap (and never against Blanka, Honda, Bison…)?

… Yes, I do need more practice with Terry.

Power wave.

Well, I don’t remember using power wave, except against P-groovers.

If they are far from you, you might wanna throw some power wave follow by a burning knuckle. The first times most P-groovers eat it, but you shouldn’t do it more than once, unless the P-gr00ver is not skilled in P-groove.

Power wave as a trap to connect a power Geiser

Most people eat it the first time.

Assuming your opponent is far from you, or you have nocked them or thrown them, throw a power wave followed by a burning knuckle (jab) and then when they try to hit you (because they will), bammmmm Huge power Geiser in their face. It works…believe me. Just be very careful with the distance, they might block it and you might eat a huge super (especially from K-groovers).

You can also use the power wave against characters that don’t have fireballs…I should say, that don’t throw fireballs lol…

If your opponent is in a groove that allows you to roll, you can throw power waves followed by burning knuckles. That shit pissed everyone. IF they roll the power wave, they will get hit by the burning nuckle.

You can also use the powe wave when they are waking up from a throw. If you are in C-groove, after connecting a combo + a buster wolf (level 1 especially), you can end the combo with standing Hk, or standing Hp, then a power wave (opponent on the ground) then just grab the heck out of them.

That’s how I use those thing.

Hope it helps.


These are all really high risk situations. I really highly recommend agaist doing any of those. The possibility of punishment is way in favor of the opponent.

However, I do like the last one you had. Tricky.

Yes, they are high risk moves, especially against K-groovers. I do those moves when I am 99% sure I am connecting something. I am glad you liked the technique…


Crack Shot sucking pretty hardcore, you can hit a foward or roundhouse crackshot and they can still retaliate against it. If they block it you just gave them a free combo. The only time I ever use Crack shot is something like crouching short X3 short crack shot every once in awhile just to mix things up alittle bit.

Mummy - B:

I believe S Groove Terry is much better then what you have listed now. It seems S Groove has gotten much better over the years and Terry is one of the better S Groove characters in the game. IMO it may have become one of his best grooves.

I personally play N Groove Terry and I feel he is really effective if used properly.

Obviously the zoning factor is almost all but gone as he no longer utilizes dash in N Groove. However I feel the run helps keep pressure on the opponent and leads to more crouching shorts contecting. It also seems to be easier to setup the crossup rising tackles which believe it or not are still effective if used properly and not abused.

These are of course just opinions of mine and maynot be right at all.

huh? Does Crack Shoot really leaves you open? I don’t use Terry that often, so I might be wrong. But I’m pretty sure it’s +/-0 for both the LK and MK versions, +1 when you do the HK one.

edit: Power Wave is really useful as well. The LP version is borderline cheap, it stays on the screen so long. It takes up a lot of space too. You’d be foolish not to use this move when fighting against a strong ground character like Cammy.