Tennessee Thread - Where mixups are cheating

What will us crazy white kids think of next? This just looks silly.


Although some of the girls that do it are pretty hot.

1st to 5 or 1st to 10 for $100 ST or 3s? Seriously?

Ya, sorry about the AC guys, Rivergate is hurting even more because of this, something out of our control, but now everyone can come to Hickory Hollow for fun and air conditioning, yay!

I don’t get it…

GG’s to everyo-… well, more like to Josh and Bishop because they are the only two I got to play (0-2 what?)… Below is the Marvel Ranbat #4 Results along with SSFAE Ranbat #2 Results… I’ll have the ratings updated tonight…

Marvel Ranbat #4 Results


1: LilMajin
2: DGA BossBishop
3: Dax
4: Cartman
5: Porkchop
5: H3TheGame
7: Vbo
9: GDBell
9: Eraser
9: Locke
9: JustinBlaze
13: Sunstone
13: Hiryu
13: Melvin
13: ThrillaMan
17: ProfessorGene
17: Squabbler
17: Arthur
17: Kyo
17: Kinetik
17: Glenn

SSFAE Ranbat #2 Results


1: Eraser (Rose)
2: Cylus (Rog)
3: Kinetik (Bison)
4: ProfessorGene (Dudley)
5: Hiryu (Oni)
5: Joshua Patten (Makoto)
7: Squabbler (Cody)
7: LilMajin (Gief)
9: JustinBlaze (Cammy)
9: xploit neo
9: pJan (Blanka)
9: ArrahDre (Juri?)
13: Dax (Adon)
13: Lycan (Ryu, Guile)
13: sovereign
13: SRKFADC (E.Ryu, Fei)
17: ThrillaMan (Ryu)
17: Severin (Gen)
17: best gief alive (Gief)
17: bigmajin (Dan)
17: anotsu
17: Locke (Akuma)
17: shnazz
17: burkekash (Oni)
25: Sunstone (Fei)
25: H3TheGame

Tonight no but I can prolly do something tomorrow during the day if your off.


Awesome man thanks. Looks like it’s in Antioch now, so shorter drive. 83 (boobs with balls)

I want to learn how to do this.

OH WTF?! I’m bout to cry :frowning:

Yeah, me too. I deserved top 8.

I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to the tourney saturday. But I’d highly appreciate it if someone gives me a call if there’s any plans after the tourney later on that night, I might be free by then.

This damn full time 3rd shift job is wrecking my shit man, I can’t even remember last time I touched my arcade stick, I don’t know WTF day it is anymore, and I’m perpetually sore… But damn that first check will be nice.

Nope I work a mid-shift tomorrow so my entire day is blocked off… I’ll be off sunday and then tuesday

God damn man they need to give you a better schedule. Tuesday during the day might work though.

but that’s 5 days of gamelessness! somebody’s gotta be doing something tonight. i’m deteriorating from lack of human competition!

Memphis needs to go to this GVN Summer Jam 5 in Philly(SJ5) 8-27/28 in Philly

GGs everyone at Hastings, even in Marvel where I went 0-2 lol. Salt everywhere (I wasn’t mad at the people that beat me though, I was mad at myself for doing such dumb stuff). And for those that don’t have it my xbox GT is KinetiK001.

So many great FGs coming out…3s online, Skullgirls, KOF13, I’M IN THERE. Especially Skullgirls, that game looks amazing.

well stay tuned to GamerGaia.com for my Interview with Mike Z about Skullgirls coming soon

Slackline Side Tournament for Saturday - let’s do it.

I have one more spot open for a ride to Cylus’s on Saturday. Also, PM me directions Cylus. I remember that place being like a maze, and I’m pretty sure my GPS got lost last time I went there.

Five Guys tomorrow night! 7:00PM, address below. Games or other stuff to follow.

[LEFT]1315 Ridgeway Road, Suite 100 #100
Memphis, TN 38119
(901) 680-5386[/LEFT]