Tekken 2: Hollywood Still Doesn't Get It - The Movie

That person has shit taste in general in regards to anything that isn’t covered in bbq sauce so really it’s best to just ignore these pathetic cries for attention.

Tekken anime is better than this shit, but still weaker than the cg flick with it’s random laser beams. Best part of Cg tekken was when that wack ass movie only character thought he was gonna beast on the old man and got his shit ROCKED!!!


This would be even better if they showed how he no selled that obvious male feminist punch.

I can’t even tell if this is a actual movie or not. Seriously. It looks more like an action movie spoof and nothing at all like Tekken outside of the title. Say what you will about the other Tekken movies, at least they LOOKED like Tekken. The CG movies practically ripped the models from the games, and the live action movie had the outfits and lots of decent fighting in a tournament setting. They even had Heihachi’s stupid hair!

If this is someone’s serious attempt at a Tekken movie, Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li will finally have an FGC movie to feel superior to.

Tekken the movie 2 ?

Well, That’s an L. Isn’t dragunov already dead?

That’s dumb.

This movie looks like it was done on less budget than USF4.

Nothing wrong with fight scenes done with a single camera man. Dat poverty film maker swag. :cool:

So was the guy who played Shang Tsung, playing Heihachi?

He needs to get ‘dat Bison’ role in the next SF movie…

  • :bluu:


^ Don’t know whether to hit LOL or WTF

i have… no words.

Great more fighting game canon confusion. We fighting game canon enthusiast have to do more damage control. Damn you Hollywood.

Get the Welsh cunt that did The Raid to do a family-based gangster epic centered around a fighting tournament. Job done.

There’s only two things that can save this movie.

  1. Roger
  2. Alex

News just in …director of the Tekken 2 movie has requested his name be removed from the movie credits :rofl:

Of the three Tekken movies we got the Hollywood movie is the best one. The anime and CG movie were shit.

Man, I hope he feels shame at not including upskirt shots of underage schoolgirls.

Why would he remove his name from such an epic flick?

Clearly this is the universal century savior that Tekken needs to punch it back into the spotlight. I mean how could it not be, they made all the characters into superior Caucasians. The only way it could get better is if Dr B did the soundtrack, and a thai lady boy sucked your dick whenever you went to see this in theaters.

Wow, saw that trailer last night and I died a little inside. That’s some Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li level garbage right there. That said I’ll still watch it.

PS: Don’t talk trash about the Tekken anime it was fantastic!

Heihachi eating a tomahawk doesn’t make up for droning endlessly later in the movie about mankind’s folly.

After the success of Assassin’s Fist, I wonder why Namco and other publishers aren’t more open to letting passionate fans create a movie that would do their franchise justice, instead of just handing the property to Hollywood randoms. If the other failed Hollywood video game adaptations didn’t succeed, what makes them think the next one will be better?
