What is your current team with Blanka and why ? How do you feel he is better and fit correctly ?
For me it’s Blanka on point and Jack-X as an anchor. Blanka can get in on opponents, and Jack has great options after a launcher.
I’m just trying to overwhelm people with Blanka, so I can choose my moments after that with Jack.
The only problem is that Blanka needs his meter for wake-up. His lk upball is so much worse than in SSF4.
lk upball has never been an option on wakeup… No invincebility and punishable even on hit
What makes u say that lk upball is worse in sfxt?
It gets beat out more by jump-ins.
In SF4 it was a pretty good anti-air, now it feels like it got more start-up or a smaller hitbox.
I’ve been using Blanka on point with Hwoarang as an anchor.
I was gonna use them together regardless if they worked well or not but i think they do. Switch cancel combos are easy and pretty straight forward,which is good, cos on his own Blanka sucks in the combo department.
Due to his amazing jump, its easy for Blanks to get in and tag, which opens up Hwoarang’s amazing mix-up game.
I’m really curious to see who everyone else is using with Blanka. I want more people to reply to this thread!
Sorry to tell you, but unless some miracle happens, sfxt has been slaughtered by mistakes by capcom and a community that is filled with jackasses and snarky bitches. I want to play this game, but nobody else in my area will give it a chance. It may even be in a playable state now, but I have no way of knowing.
In time, sfxt may get a revival like sf3 did, but that took almost ten years (in the united states), so don’t hold your breathe.
You’re absolutely right,but online its still very much alive. I’m purely an online player, i’ve never been to a tournament and i doubt i ever will. They don’t exist in Wales. There’s probably some in England somewhere, but I’m nowhere near good enough and i don’t have a single friend who even likes fighting games.
SFxT is, I’ll admit, an utterly boring game to watch but a fun as hell game to play. Therefor, it doesnt really make much of a difference to me if it dies on the tournament scene or not. I’m gonna keep playing it online cos i enjoy the game.
I’m definitely not the only online-only player who likes SFxT on this site and, as i said, online the game i still thriving (especially since the DLC characters were released).
Although I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m not sure why you decided to post that here.
I’m using Blanka as my point character with a lot of lifegems/fortitude gems on him.
His great mobility, hop-shenanigans and his cross-up make him a very good set-up character to tag-in Jack-X for the damage-pain-train.
how fast is blanka’s hop? I wanna use him with the bear for mad damage. if I can use the hop to really fuck with people, I would be a happy camper…whenever i get to play the game, lol
Not as fast as it was in SF4. But it’s still great against defensive players. Just don;t throw it out a lot, it gets jabbed out pretty easy.
But overhead XXX Hop into throw/ABC combo/Sweep/Electricity is still pretty awesome.
Like i said in an other thread, the hop is worse as it is in SFIV.
More slow and it seems more recovery, pretty easy to punish Blanka with the classic LMPP.
Btw, throwing is terrible in this game, so hop to throw is terrible, really.
I always play Law, and I’m trying Blanka out. The combos these two have are pretty neat. I was hoping Blanka’s anti-airs would still be intact though. Ah well, I’m still gonna try Blanka out for awhile.
Law is a great character for Blanka.
Blanka is a good defensive character with a lot of options to get in.
Law is one big damage spamming machine.
I am very confused as to why blanka is considered to be low tier. I use Guile on point and Blanka as my anchor. I realize that I can’t do huge damaging combos but they have been very effective for me. Guile almost feels perfect in this game. His zoning is top notch as always, and in sfxt he can build up the meter Damn fast! Then when the moment is right I bring in the original beast and he usually always gets the job done for me. He doesn’t get te big damage in his combos but he is so fast, especially his combos and he can def hang with the top tier. Being able to cancel standing fierce makes playing with him even more fun. Hope to see more blanka online. I just started a few months ago on this game. I have in my collection my team blanka has beaten the elite. He takes time but he is so worth that time.
Lately I’ve been using Blanka/Guile
It’s a great team against the Tekken cast because you can stay away from their pressure and mix-ups.
Every flashkick or upball I switch one of them out to finish a combo. So every anti-air is 300-400 damage.
My team has only one flaw, Guile is dead in this game once he’s down. Only 900 hp and no options on wake-up
I use quite a few teams but they all have blanka in there somewhere, well that is when I really want to win. I have 5 teams I use with blanka. My most successful team is guile on lead and blanka anchor. I put meter and power gems on both of them with partner launch activation. I try to zone as much as possible with guile, and 1st opportunity I cross rush blanka in n now I have meter gems popping and it builds fast. Tag canceling is what makes this team effective. Getting a cross rush with blanka is a breeze, I come in with a rolling sobat, 2 cr mp, xx fk, cancel bak to blanka probably in the corner at this point so 3 cr mk xx upball, and we have guile coming back in for 2 cr mp xx fk or u can go with the sobat in the corner before ur mps.
My other teams are blanka lead, hehachi/kuma/paul/law/asuka/kazuya/ryu/and most recently ogre n akuma. I’ll post synergy if anyone is interested
Throw that health gem on guile, I use it if I know my opponent will give me trouble.
Because of Blanka’s great cross rush ability I prefer him on point.
i think blanka on point with an anchor who can do good incoming damage+get a solid mixup off of that is optimal.
I play Blanka/Nina and Blanka/Raven, and a lot of matches just go cross rush, incoming, mixup, mixup dead. Basically Blanka allows you to cheat in footsies because st.jab is stupid and if the opponent becomes scared of cross rush you just do a lot of chip with jab xx elec. Then you have your strong anchor able to wrap things up with mixup+high damage. Basically you play as little street fighter as possible because it’s not min/maxing your risk:reward, and you keep your opponent’s meter low by killing them so quickly.