Blanka and Nina is a good team for sure. Nina does big damage and keeps you guessing. To say blankas lp is stupid is not a good choice of words. I can think of several characters that have faster normals that will beat his Lp everytime if u try to trade off with them. Take Jin, law, cammy, Sakura, and Chung li to just name a few. U have to be patient n wait to punish. In most of my matches blanka has to do most of the heavy lifting. I couldn’t begin to tell u how many times my anchor was chip damage away from a ko n I managed to get blanka back in and make a comeback. Just be he doesn’t have any meterless combos any higher than 400 does not make him weak. He will drain that health and he will do it as quick as the best of them. He is a great partner for any character in this game. I can not personally win consistently without him.
st.jab is 3f and has insane reach. It’s tied for fastest normal in the game and i’m struggling to think of another 3f normal that goes as far.
Go ahead n try to use that st lp against any of those characters I listed in tr n c what happens
I shouldn’t of said faster, but they beat him out, Hugo has longer reach with his st lp, not as quick tho, I main blanka man, I love him, always have, u can’t stand with several characters n throw that lp out like crazy, so many cr lks, and lps will hit u instead, it’s an awesome punish but not as ez to catch ppl with as chun, cammy, law, and quite a few more. Test it man, it’s a great normal no doubt, but stupid, come on,
Blanka and kuma are a fun team imo. I’ve gotten plenty of good wins with these 2. Blanka on point of course. My strategy is simple, keep them guessing with blanka. Surprise forward is a great tool to use for quick throw or cross rush, and when the launch hits and it usually always does at some point, I have a power and meter gem going when kuma comes in. I usually go with hk/hp xx frolicking bear or megaton claw. If I have 2 meters, I use mp, mp, Hp and cancel blanka back in for 2 cr mks xxupball and cancel kuma back in for hk/hp xx fro bear or mega claw. I will be honest though when kuma is launched in I usually get the job done with him. His combos are devastating especially with a power gem going. Also to all the rollers out there hbs and a normal throw is gonna ruin your day. Kuma and blanka also have awesome Pandora options.You don’t see this team often but for those of us that run these 2 and do it right, it’s a tough match.