i like this team because both characters are very versatile and they cover eachother well far as match ups are concern. and ken tatsu combos push opponents to the corner where juri can get her retarded pressure going.
Balrog/Zangief because they have godlike charge tricks.
Kuma/Sagat because they’re both big and powerful and a lot of fun to play, Kuma destroys and close range while Sagat dominates from far away and can zone
Yoshi/Bison Bison is a lot funner in this game, Yoshimitsu is always fun to use.
This is like online from what I’m seeing
A lot of you are using the same characters
I’ve been experimenting with four teams, Paul/Sagat, Bob/Rufus (been wanting to play that one since the game was announced), Heihachi/Cammy and Heihachi/Jin. Haven’t quite settled on which one I like most, though I seem to do best with Bob/Rufus.
I’m still learning the ins and outs of how best to make use of the game’s combo system, so really, the teams are indistinguishable at this point; I pretty much really on footsies entirely, resorting to special moves only when I’m tagging, and only using Super/Cross Arts to punish whiffs. This strategy works well enough for now, but it’s not particularly efficient; I know I could be optimizing my damage output, if I could just get around to putting in the lab time.
I don’t know much about King, so maybe I have this wrong, but couldn’t you use Tomahawk as an overhead? It hits crouching opponents and acts as a grab, so it seems to me that it’s basically as good as an overhead normal could be.
I’m using Team Red Beret which is Rolento/Cammy. It just seemed like a natural fit seeing as how they both wear red berets (from their military background), both have a scar on their face, and both say “Mission Complete”.
After 2 days of testing and looking for teams, I was forced to give up my SF4 main Bison. My conclusion is that charge characters are inferior in this game. They’re just as good in a 1v1, but with the tag mechanic, speed and intensity doesn’t allow for optimal play with charge characters… So I ended up with…