Team Combinations Thread (what's your team?)

I can’t decide on a second, it’s pretty much ibuki and random until I find someone I really like playing with; emphasis on ‘REALLY like playing with’ because there so many characters that are fun as hell. Now I’m not even sold completely on Ibuki, damn…

Right now I’m using Poison/Asuka. Poison builds meter fast, and Asuka’s footsies are meh so that explains my team order. Build meter with Poison, tag combo Asuka in for good damage. I’ll probably use meter gain gems on Poison and damage+speed gems on Asuka~

Julia and Juri – the team I wanted to play as from day 1. Julia’s the workhorse, winning a good part of her matches in the first 10-20 seconds against opponents who can’t deal with her footsies into Tiger Strike okizeme. Juri’s just sort of there to pick up the pieces: zoning the characters who deal poorly with zoning, and opening up the characters who have bad anti-airs. Plus, she was one of the only characters in this game that I used in SSFIV, and still feels “natural” to me.

Cole and Julia however I’m not sure how set I am on Cole so if anyone knows someone who works well with Julia let me know!

I’m currently running Heihachi x Hugo. I like both characters, especially Hugo. He’s probably my favorite character that made the game. I never played Tekken but I did play Pac Man Fever (GameCube party game) when I was younger and Heihachi was in there so we go way back. I know, it’s ridiculous, but I don’t have a deep history of fighting games anyway.

The team itself has decent synergy. Heihachi has his H Rising Uppercut (or whatever it’s called, dp + hp) that goes through projectiles, and a counter to help when he’s getting rushed down. Hugo struggles with projectiles and (believe it or not, to a certain extent) getting rushed down, two things Heihachi somewhat covers, and excels with the damage. 450+ meterless off a 3 or 4 frame link combo is incredible.

The only weaknesses I’ve noticed so far are slow overall mobility, heavy reliance on (excellent) jumping attacks, predictability, and the lack of good GTFO moves. This slew of shared weaknesses gives them terrible coverage defensively, but I think I can overcome that. Some matchups I’m noticing are really tough though, like Bison and Jin. They seem to counter both of my characters but I’m ok with that.

My team has been relatively successful so far, and easymode combos help. Heihachi’s combos never end and make me look so swag for pulling off a 2 or 3 framer, but surprisingly enough they lack good damage. Again, Hugo and his 450 meterless just dominates and I can’t live without it.

Eventually I’d like to move on to a team with more mobility, but I’m happy for now. I didn’t think this team would work at first but you know what? I think it does!

cant decide a second… but mainly hwoarang/random -.-
anyone knows a good partner for hwoarang?

Combination of Asuka, Julia, Nina, Paul, Law, haorang and King. Love the differentiation of the characters. Fiddling around with Xiauyu as well. Stance style characters all day. Not the best player but dang they are so fun. Once Lei get’s here I’m focusing on him and maybe Law or Asuka or Nina or Paul heck I don’t know. Oh yeah there’s Christie and Bryan and… Sigh

Wont ever play the SF characters aside from maybe Rolento and Elena (eventually) since they are ‘new’ to this generation of games. Poisson? Not sure yet. Can’t find myself liking her style. Yet another Fireball type character. Meh

Team Bob Sagat /thread

I’m considering the team of Nina and Rufus. Love their pressure.

Ryu/Juila team honest fighters! Although I have been trying out Lili and afew others but for now I will keep juila

Bison seems to really lack… well everything in this game, his pressure/damage and mix-ups are all really poor compared to SFIV.

I’ve been rocking Abel/King, Abel is really really good, and King does some retarded shit when you switch into him like near infinite juggles and 50% life grab combinations.

Kuma / Akuma - Team works very well for me, I got my zoning and my up close game. Kuma’s good health makes up for the fact Akuma has none. I can take more chances this way and not have to be so severely punished. The name’s? well that’s just coincidental…
Highest damage team combos i’ve been able to pull off so far would be around 400-500 range, with limited meter use.

Been running Rolento as a Battery/Combo Starter and Steve as a User/Combo Finisher
Really liking the synergy I’m finding the more I play.

Finding really nice opportunities to combo after Rolento Rekkas and if anyone tags in Steve’s face its a Command Grab xx Tag Cancel for a Charged Super

Mainly Hugo + Hwoarang. I throw Vega in there every so often just because he’s always been my favorite SF character…and sometimes Poison…cos she’s a tranny…

I always had ALOT of trouble with combos in SF games (I’m an MK player mainly) and H+H have some really easy 400+ combos that i found in literally like half an hour. So I’m good, for now.

Ryu & Abel. I’d like to use a Tekken character, so we’ll see what happens.

yeah ive been messing around ith them also since abel good damage off of juggles but does anyone have any ides for other charecters who do good dammge off of juggles?

Since i couldn’t come up with a team i went into arcade mode and made the cpu select two random characters. It turns out to be Paul/ Hugo. The rest is history :slight_smile:

Julia and Abel. Not sure about Abel because his Super is a throw and he can’t hit confirm into a Cross Art. :\

M. Bison + Guile Simple and lame play

Waiting to combine my two mains Bison and Bryan Fury though.