I’m using Team NAACP Raven|Balrog and they actually do have good chemistry
Main Team: Juri/Asuka
Sub Team: Juri/Poison, Juri/Lili
Been working on my Asuka and Juri since they have good team synergy (Thank god for that Asuka/Juri combo and synergy video lol), and I feel I’ve gotten better, but I seem to keep dropping my Asuka links online ;(. Decided that since Juri is so good, I wanted to put her on a team with Poison, because she is awesome, to help poison out a bit. Also with Lili because I actually love her gameplay and they could be a killer team
Right now: Xiaoyu/Lili
Second team: Rolento/Ibuki or Ibuki/Lili
I was originally play Akuma/Asuka… if you can connect something you can get some great damage, and Asuka is quite good up close when the opponent is trying to wake up… problem is though they are both quite low stamina, I got blown up one too many times
So i’m playing Ryu/Julia now… it feels so damn solid, connect anything with Ryu and drop them right on the ground infront of Julia… no matter if they roll forward or back it’s a horrible mix up to escape good fun
Playing Ogre/Akuma ang I must say the combination of the two bosses is WICKED! I’m loving it so much!
My Team is Hwoarang x Yoshimitsu: I picked Hwoarang cause I like his look and normals and Yoshi cause his Alternate costume looks SICK and I like his Windmill for switch cancel mixups.
I just play footsies with Hwoa and until I land a hit or overhead combo then switch cancel into Yoshi … if I have a lot of meter I delay Windmill on their wake up cause people love pressing buttons and then switch cancel into another combo.
I Use 1x Meter Gem, 1x Atk Gem, and 1x Defense gem… on both characters, I was thinking about taking out the Defense Gem for another Atk Gem on Hwoa and taking out a Defense gem for another meter Gem on Yoshi… I will look at them more later.
Hwo and Akuma right now. But that’s mostly cause’ Akuma isn’t that much of a stretch to learn, so I can use him whilst I focus on learning Hwo. I’ll perhaps switch Akuma out later.
Main team: Poison/Lili
Secondary: Kuma/King
No team synergy yet. Just playing characters I like
Nina. Not sure who I want to experiment with yet: SO far I like using a Shoto, Jin, King, Steve, but I might settle with Hugo.
Main: Rolento/Ryu, because they’re both really good and Rolento builds bar for Ryu.
Secondary: Rufus/Dhalsim, because Dhalsim should be able to cover some of Rufus’ less fun match-ups if he’s good in this game.
Trying out Jin and Hwoarang. Love their styles, just a bit hard to compliment each other.
My only character that I will definitely be rocking is Nina. Got no 2nd yet. I’ve been playing a lot of Chun, Ibuki and King though. We’ll see.
The Team of Kings: Sagat/King
Sagat does standard zoning, footsies, and meter building. Then King comes in and eats everything alive with massive combos
Chun/Paul - my mains from both games. Chun has got speed and pokes, Paul adds some damage into the equation.
Ryu + Law all day.
I’m already having a character crisis. It’ll probably last until I learn what the real fundamentals of the game are.
But for now, I’m using Asuka/Rolento.
I still can’t come up with a team, but it’s going to involve Asuka, second slot. For the moment, Ryu/Asuka until I find another Capcom character I like that works well with her.
Bison – SF4 Main.
Poison – Nice DP, also good for Reversals; Her projecitle can be charged, and so can be used either for baiting or pressure, and all in all, she’s just all around good for mid-range pressure.
Still, I’ve only tried 9 of the cast so far, and most of them have been SF characters. As I go further into the cast, my set of mains may well change.
I see a lot of you are going with strictly SF characters. You won’t go far in this game playing as those guys only. I would advise everyone to have a SF and Tekken based team to make some of these matchups more even.
Main Team: Vega/King
Still waiting to see people using the team of Bob Sagat.