Tatsunoko Vs Capcom emulated

guys check this out from an emulation news site.




screenshots are coming from a gamecube/wii emulator known as dolphin. enjoy.

the game is not fully playable yet, but they are working on a fix to get it fully playable very shortly.


That’s great but none of the actual gameplay was shown as being emulated.

I dont see anything that cant be photoshopped or otherwise non-emulted. Why not release a vid and give almost unquestionable proof right away?
I can be wrong of course but it looks fishy.

It might be legit seeing as the emulator itself does claim to have partial Wii support, but who knows…? As mentioned before though, the images could’ve easily be photoshopped, so i’m still a little sceptical.

God I hope this is real.

I didn’t even know computers were capable of running Wii software at full speed.

It’s real.

Hopefully they get more than the menu working soon. :bgrin:

ppl get banned for mentioning stuff like this, ya know

close thread

See above.

Holy crap! wii emulated? Already??

a dream for those thinking of getting the wii just for this game (like myself).

I call bullshit, but I guess we’ll see.

Doesn’t matter what you call.

It’s real.

the wii is just a slightly upgraded gamecube, so its not that surprising if you’ve got a decent computer.

wow, sick!

hope it’s real

the wii emulator is real, this however… probably not.

don’t use stock screencaps with copyright watermarks if you plan on selling the audience.

you must not have the game. I do.

if you don’t press start at the main menu after awhile, it’ll load a demo match. that demo match looks just like that in game screen cap. it is logical to assume the screen shots were taken concurrently. one when he was sitting at the “press start” screen…then a few seconds later when the game automatically booted a demo match. I can take pics of my game right now so that you can see it if need be.

so yea, this is not shopped. at least, it runs the start screen and demo match. and at almost 50fps.

he must have a very nice computer.

Actually… yes… it still is illegal. Having the original copy of the software in no way gives you the right to run a rom version of it on an emulator. When you a video game, you buy into a license that gives you the right to play the game in its ORIGINAL FORMAT and medium, on the intended console. Running a ROM version of it, even though you have the original is still illegal.

The whole idea of ROMs being “okay” as long as you have the original has been a complete lie and utter bullshit from the start. Copyright law has specific laws about the illegal duplication and alteration of intellectual property, and ROMs are considered both duplication and alteration.

ah thanks.

i guess theres not much else for me to say except, its nice for a “hey this looks cool” but i dont see this useful to play on in any way.