Taskmaster Video Posting Thread

Decent combo n should work with most OTG assists

Great idea Spooty. Gonna be some useful knowledge I can use later.

Variations of the Arrow Lift (thanks to Spooty for messaging me on yt!)!


I guess this is the right place for the rest of these!

[media=youtube]Qr8HVML8Iw4[/media] (old day 1 video)

Thanks for the videos Trag! We appeciate your hard work.

Is there any tips after the Jump S then QCF+H relaunch?
sometimes I get it but alot of times it’s either too early I think? So the arrows only hits 2 hits. Or it’s too late the arrows don’t come out at all.

You can tell if it is too early, or too late, and adjust from there while you are practicing.

If it is too early, then the opponent will pop-up but you will not have enough time to juggle after you land. If only two arrows are hitting, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are doing it too late; this is true when the first arrow misses, but the last two still hit.

If you are doing it too late, then the opponent’s body will not launch even if all three arrows connect. This is the same thing that happens with Akuma’s demon flip dive kick. Any later than this point will result in some arrows not coming out.

In case you didn’t already know, you need to do that sj.S as soon as you can.

Seriously, Trag is business.


My Taskmaster Guaranteed Unblockable

I got other videos I put on Facebook that I’ll have to move to Youtube.




Just for fun to see how many I can do, 5 MIGHT be possible but the combo is impractical anyway.


No need to complain about that character. Video shows off some stuff you can do with TSG. That’s what I named my team LOL

You can definitely get 5. The real question is if you can get 6! The combo starts to become pretty impractical when you go for 5+. I can consistently get 5 but because of hit-stun, I was having trouble comboing after (no super, no normals, etc). With a few added tweaks, it should be possible, which would end up making 6 swings possible with potentially no follow-up. Hmm!

LoL oh I probably can do 5 then without the followup, I always try to end with a followup though lol

I can probably do 5 if I did less hits then find a way to call Dormammu Dark Hole in the middle of the string to get the 6th. Just for fun anyway!

Oh shit nice find on the relaunch :smiley: time to practice!

i love countering sentinals frying pan with taskmaster since that is like the only way to beat it i really think tasky is a bad matchup for sent. (thank god)

but im having trouble thinking of the right assist for my team im using Doom/Mag/Task with missles/hyper grab/horizontal arrows

My god… so many new developments… Ive been slackin trying to pick up new characters, I’ve been neglecting my main

Hey all, really appreciate your vids Zade, id be happy to be half the task player :wink:

I created a vid of some team combos with task/skrull/chris.

They are pretty basic, but I hope some techniques I use could inspire creativity from people good at the game

YouTube - PoorMansComboVideo - Task, Skrull, Chris


Justin.tv - offcast - WNF 1.3: Hustler Brian Vs Combofiend

Hustler Brian vs Combofiend.

Combofiend’s Tasky is pretty badass.


Kurasa’s Tasky doing some sick shit in matches. Fancy stuff,but the guy he was playing against didnt know how to block.

Yeah, Dan was pretty mindfucked. Then I started doing web swing into a whiff j.M, landing, and then doing a delayed low attack. He would think there was an opening and then…c.M.

Not much impressiveness yet, but I’m pretty consistently recorded on Natearistata’s channel (As Dacidbro)

Link here, we got a fresh batch from just yesterday.

YouTube - natearistata’s Channel