Unfortunately money matches are illegal at evo because casinos don’t want gambling to happen when they don’t make a profit on it
Otherwise, I’d challenge everyone to money matches
Unfortunately money matches are illegal at evo because casinos don’t want gambling to happen when they don’t make a profit on it
Otherwise, I’d challenge everyone to money matches
Seems like this would be remarkably easy to work around as long as the participants can be trusted to walk outside and still honor their debt. Not like you have to tell the pit boss, “my friend and I have a wager on the following 5 games. Is it OK if he pays me in the parking lot?”
its basically jwalking in the fgc
So what combos should I be practicing with taskmaster? The combos on the front page look like vanilla combos and Im not sure if they are optimized for ultimate.
There’s a post by windu somewhere in the last 3-5 pages. That’s the one you want. Id find it and link you but am on god-awful phone internet. Just posting this is a first world hardship. Hope our grandchildren appreciate it by passing down the tale.
Something like this maybe? [media=youtube]t3boMhkmGtc[/media] Does about 700k pre-hyper, although I don’t know what the restrictions are on it(or how practical it really is).
Heres another one(for any other aspiring skeletor players) [media=youtube]L-m4Fv-dszs[/media]
Finally heres a post with some of the notations
Someone should really put some of these combos on the front page(or make a new combo thread)
I know it is and I still do money matches
It’s just that I’m not always doing money matches at all times
You get heated really quickly.
(I’m talking about stupid shit.)
When hav
When have you ever let us down
Your youtube is looking a bit deserted so it’d be nice to see some new content.
I feel the same as you though, I have a few Zero combo’s that breach normal damage and get that 750k with no meter before I start LL’s
So proud of myself lol
Anyone have some vids of a few Task combos that show the hands on the stick as well? I have been playing task for a while but the timing of some combos really get botched for me when i ‘spidey swing’ during it. Whenever i try the BNB with :d:,:h:,:f::h:, j., j., :s: x2, I cant get the :s: to even come out. Or if i do ever get to hit with :s:, i dont land in time for :d:. I am kinda to the point where i am mashing every part to see if it hits at all, but i think i need to just time them and link. Thoughts?
I was talking to some people about that and how it doesn’t really happen anymore. Can’t lie I do get a bit perplexed when things like Double’s Teacup Crossups are posted and not STSFN, because personally if I was a bit more creative to find big shit I would never post it till after I’ve used it in a tournament format.
This is kind of an extension of something I posted in the general Task thread, but when I do a shield skills xx arrow(s), seems like sometimes it will combo, sometimes not. Any idea what factors determine if it does or doesn’t? I’ll play with it in training after work tonight, but in case it’s something simple and logical figured I’d ask on here.
If it’s just a timing thing, then I can tell if I need to be early or late, or if it’s different depending on 1, 2, or 3 arrows, etc. Thanks!
when im in the corner, i like to do cL cM cH SS xx L arrows (full charge) …since u did cH before the SS, it pops them up higher in the air, allowing all the arrows to combo ALSO allowing u to keep the combo going after the arrows hit with either stA or cA
What about midscreen off a raw shield skills? Reason I’m asking, which ties into a post I put in the Taskmaster Discussion thread, is an attempt to do shield skills + plasma beam xx arrow(s) and have the shield combo to the arrow(s) combo to the beam. I’ve definitely had all of that combo, but only once in a blue moon has it all worked. So trying to figure out if it’s something I can rely on or not.
Having a really heard time on the arrow relaunch BnB. New to Marvel in general. The sequence I’m having trouble with is cr.M, st.H, Shield Skills ,S, sj,M , Might Swing, sj.H, QCFM, st.H, Relaunch.
I’ve tried it for a while now and its starting to get frustrating = (. Is the timing you have to delay the H and QCF M arrows really strict? How fast do I have to do M–> Mighty Swing after launcher? Thanks
Your main focus here is after Shield Skills… You want to wait slightly for your opponent to start dropping, then u hit that S button followed with a well timed L (as soon as you can input it basically) and f.H (spidey swing) then j.H cancelled into M.Arrows. Once you touch the ground, Shield Skill once again and wait for them to slightly drop like the 1st part (they will be slightly higher so time it around the time u see their feet dropping). After this part its pretty straight forward.
To answer ur main question, after Spidey swing (not mighty lol even though it sounds like thats what he is saying) U want to hit H as soon as Swing finishes and then cancel it into M.Arrows.
Hope that helped.
LOL at him not actually saying Mighty Swing. I thought that was the name of the move for like 3-4 months now. You just saved me from looking real stupid somewhere. I never paid to much attention to the Shield Skills part. Will practice this now! TY Omega!
EDIT: Did it about 5 minutes after reading this x.x The video I saw was using M where you suggested L and I think that was the difference.
They both work, but L is way easier.
I only use L. Damage and meter difference isn’t significant enough (imo of course) to warrant the huge gap in droppability. I can barely ever hit it with M, barely ever miss it with L.
Stark, mind fielding my question above? (posts 672 and 674) And if you really want to put on a Santa suit, my question in the general task thread.
So I haven’t been near my console for a week and a half and I won’t be back to it for another three weeks
If I had to guess I’d say you need to do a partial charge and shoot two arrows for it to connect, but could be a timing thing also.